Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
I am clearly not like them, like these, in good suits, moving quickly and efficiently, seemingly successful … sneaks! No, this is not about me - to spend all my life on the opportunity to earn money, make a career and succeed in something. They are such people that sometimes it seems to me - for the sake of profit they will sell their mother, they will not sacrifice anything! What do they do, what is their job? Dodging, agreeing on something, fussing
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It's hard to open your eyes in the morning and enter this world devoid of meaning
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Resentment towards parents is perhaps the most difficult type of resentment
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Business before pleasure! Easy to say! Business somehow is not done, and somehow it is not walking
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Let's hug, all those who "gave hope" in childhood, who disappointed, could not and failed
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Today: “We have to do this work! Right now
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
What I just did not do to find the answer how to cope with depression on my own
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Looking for a job? Wondering how to successfully pass an interview? I work as HR Director for a 3200-strong company. Every month my colleagues and I employ from 100 to 150 employees in different cities of Russia. 10,000 interviews take place in the company annually
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Burnout in the usual sense for us is a lack of motivation as a result of realizing the meaninglessness of the actions performed. This is most observable in relation to those actions that have to be performed regularly. Since we spend a fairly large part of our time at work - in the same conditions, in communication with the same people, it is not surprising that it is in relation to work that this manifests itself as much as possible
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A soft, vulnerable, sensitive woman … Those troubles, which are a mere trifle for others, bring you to tears. And people often just use the kindness of a sympathetic heart. Girlfriends know it's hard to say no to you, be it the best outfit or "borrowed until Friday" money
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It's easy to remember an example of conflict in an organization
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
How quickly the weekend flew by! Tomorrow back to the office! How I hate this job! Probably, each of us from time to time comes to mind such thoughts. For some, they do not linger for a long time, often do not scroll, well, but someone has lived with this painful sensation for years
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I'm so tired of this pain … This endless running of thoughts in my head: who am I, why do I live, what is the meaning of my insignificant life? I don't want anything, and that's what scares me. No, I'm not crazy. So far … Outwardly, everything is all right with me: work, home, car, family, friends, entertainment - but it’s like it’s not my life. Heading-locked autopilot. And I seem to look at all this from the outside and do not understand why all this
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The effectiveness of communication between people directly depends on how much they understand each other. This is influenced by many factors. Let's figure out what affects the process of understanding one person by another and how to achieve this understanding, relying on the knowledge from the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
You feel in yourself a vague, unclear desire to write. The feeling that you have something to say to the world. That you have countless novel stories inside you. You want to write and hesitate. Or have already tried, but not very successfully so far. And even if you are already a well-known author, you are still here! Vector Systems Psychology explains the nature of writing talent and provides practical advice on how to unleash and hone it
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We are offered to start thinking positively from the experience with a glass. By answering the question of whether a glass is half full or empty, we become "diagnosed" pessimists or optimists. What follows is the assurance that the angle of view matters. If we can see a half-empty glass half full, our life will magically change for the better. The catch is that the fullness of the glass will still remain half-hearted, no matter where we look. Below is water, and above is emptiness
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
When it is necessary to speak, the whole body brings together: thoughts get confused, the tongue gets tangled, it darkens in the eyes, hands shake, legs give way
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
She's been waiting for you since you left. I fed the old age dog with memory. She prayed that you would find the Way to the house where she stayed … Andrey Lysikov (Dolphin) The bustle of the big city. Lots of things to do. Not a minute free. And if there is a moment of respite, then you want to spend it on something positive. You slide along the news feed in social networks, eating with your eyes the jokes of the day, photos of kittens, the first snow, friends' dinners, and then suddenly:
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I just can't figure out what kind of person I am
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
My neighbors' dog died. Favorite Labrador who lived with them for almost thirteen years. This tragedy was perceived as immeasurable, irreparable grief, from which they have not been able to recover for a week. A neighbor, a good girl, cries day and night, stopped eating, her cystitis worsened and her eyes began to hurt. Attempts by relatives and friends to reduce this suffering do not bring any result, the arguments of reason do not penetrate into the heartbroken mind
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You smile like an idiot, but irritation with sharp needles rushes from the inside - you can't hide your character with a smile, no matter how hard you try
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At first glance, the concepts of sacrifice and sacrifice seem similar
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The value of this initiative is that it was born not in offices, not in administrative structures, but in the hearts of our people Vladimir Putin Your grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought on the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War? Perhaps one of them became a hero or gave their lives in the battles for their homeland? Do you honor the memory of your family and friends, are you proud of them? Do you want your children not to forget about those people who saved our country, saved it fr
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The memory of the war is not only pain and sorrow. This is the memory of battles and exploits. This is a memory of victory! B. Momysh-UlyHero of the Soviet Union, Panfilovets
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The current generation is not very familiar with its past. Intellectual infantilism and lack of interest in one's true history have already shown on the example of Ukrainian events what can happen to society if it does not have a solid understanding of the historical processes taking place with it
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The unexpected attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, changed the life of the entire country in a short time. For 14 years of relatively peaceful existence, Soviet people were guaranteed to receive from the state a sense of security and safety, which was lost in the very first hours of the war. The government was required to take decisive military action against the enemy, and concrete measures capable of supporting the citizens of the USSR
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Anal-visual ligament of vectors": A developed and realized anal-visual person is able to create examples of real art, and a highly developed one joins the ranks of the intelligentsia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Child Abuse So many years have passed, and I still wake up in a cold sweat with shaking hands and a jumping out of my heart. The details of what happened are erased from my memory, but the sensations … I remember them very clearly
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Every day in the media, we come across examples of terrible atrocities. Beatings, murders, massacres, torture … The guy killed the girl because she laughed at him in the company. 122 blows were found on the victim's body. The examination found that the very first blow was fatal. Psychiatric examination showed the guilt of the culprit. Where does this inhuman cruelty come from ?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
What do we know about physical abuse of children? The pain we inflict on our children cannot be measured or justified. Abused children are deprived of a happy future. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains this in full. But I found out about it much later … How he pisses me off! He did it all wrong again. As if on purpose to spite me. I would kill
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The concrete cubes of high-rise buildings shine coldly with glass, protecting privacy. Each apartment cube has its own secret. Domestic violence against women is almost a taboo topic. Women try not to advertise such relationships, children are afraid to talk about it … Violence is a reflection of the swamp of the soul Domestic violence for this woman is as familiar as borscht for dinner, but it is always shockingly scary, like the first time when her beloved husband raised his hand against her
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Fragment of the lecture summary of the second level on the topic "Development of mankind through 8 measures of the universe" All nature is in an ideal state, a state of internal balance
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
More than ten years have passed since the release of the serial film "Brigade" on Russian screens (it was released in 2002). Today this series is called cult. What is the reason for his extraordinary popularity with viewers, and what influence did he have on the development of our society? Today, years later, we already know the exact answer, what this series was for our country, what effect it had on the development of crime and legality in modern Russia
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
There are people who are dissatisfied with everything and always
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Who are the people who are in love with their business? For a genius scientist in his laboratory, forgetting to eat is a common thing. The most famous actresses are never faced with the choice of going on tour or staying at home with a child. Every outstanding writer always writes, even on a piece of paper or on a napkin, but he writes. Love for work, passion for what you do, complete dedication, enthusiasm - who are these feelings inherent in?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Born free. "Red" mentality of Russians against the Law of the Wild West Russians are feared and hated. There is often no doubt in the West that the Russians are aggressive and dangerous. In Sweden, for example, Russophobia is a common condition, starting from the time of the defeat of the Swedes at Poltava
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
According to a survey conducted by the center, a quarter of married men in Russia are ready to become housewives. However, provided that the family will be supported by a woman. To the question "Are you ready to leave your job and start housework if your wife's earnings will cover family expenses?" 26% answered in the affirmative, and 64% of respondents are against this approach
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
We often hear: “I’m not lucky! I got into a streak of bad luck! Black streak in life! " Why is this happening? Why does luck run away from people? What is it? Hard luck? Bad karma? Or the punishment of a Higher Power? Or maybe the person himself is to blame for everything? "It seems they are not idlers and could live!", But it does not work! Let's try to find answers to these questions using the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" How did the war in the east of Ukraine begin, which claimed tens of thousands of lives? With a desire to live better - an absolutely normal desire of a population worn out by chronic poverty and desperate hopelessness
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
More and more people of "Slavic nationality" are among the Islamists