Dislike As A Threat Of Self-destruction

Dislike As A Threat Of Self-destruction
Dislike As A Threat Of Self-destruction

Dislike as a threat of self-destruction

The threat of self-destruction is today as high as ever. It is impossible to completely limit desire, that is, libido, which means that you cannot limit mortido either. Desire is always primary, and it grows …

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "The fate of the universe in the tension between sound and smell":

The growth of hostility leads to self-destruction. Animals do not exterminate themselves, they are in balance. This is not a wolf in balance - it is all living nature that is as a whole in balance with itself.

A person develops through the appearance of additional desires and their reduction. We are out of balance between libido and mortido. Libido creates consciousness, thought of more and more volume. At the same time, mortido is growing, that is, hostility, the risk of disintegration, self-destruction. If we serve as food for the external enemy, then the internal enemy, our hostility, is capable of tearing the flock apart from the inside. Mutual hostility, the constant threat of self-destruction, decay is a companion of mankind throughout the history of development.

The first way to reduce the level of hostility for the self-preservation of the species was ritual cannibalism: we concentrated all the hostility on one person and sacrificed him.

Subsequently, culture appeared as a rejection of cannibalism, its main value is the preservation of life. Culture has brought us a secondary limitation of hostility through the creation of cultural limitations. Religion gave a significant breakthrough in the development of culture, it worked out a huge layer of it, created traditions, humanism. We are talking about Christianity, which is expressed in the visual plane ("love your neighbor"). It was enough for 2 thousand years …


At a certain stage, the laws of the cutaneous measure appeared, which over time became more and more stringent and developed. Over time, culture reached the level of mass culture, morality - in countries with a skin mentality - and an elite culture with the creation of internal moral restrictions - on the territory of Russia. What is the difference between morality and morality? Morality limits us externally, we distance ourselves from each other. Morality is an inner feeling.

In the West, we have almost reached the peak of culture; it has practically exhausted itself. The value of human life is at an incredible level, there are whole movements that protect even the lives of laboratory mice. By increasing the value of an animal's life, we indirectly increase the value of human life. The last step in the development of culture will be made by the skin-visual boy.

On 1/4 of the mental part of the world - on the urethral Russian landscape - culture has grown into a moral feeling, a whole galaxy of intelligentsia has arisen. In the USSR, there was an elite culture that instilled moral values in all strata of the population and limited hostility. With the fall of the USSR, there was a dramatic drop in the level of morality.

The threat of self-destruction is today as high as ever. It is impossible to completely limit desire, that is, libido, which means that you cannot limit mortido either. Desire is always primary, and it grows. Therefore, today our enemy is only in the head, all our problems today are due to a misunderstanding of our own nature, which takes over and gives rise to hostility, which no external limitation can hold back …

Continuation of the abstract on the forum:


Written by Danil Turubara. July 29, 2013

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed in the full oral training "System-vector psychology".
