4 phases of human development. Doubling desire
All nature is in perfect condition, a state of inner balance. And only the person was unbalanced - it was asked. The additional desire for food and for women, which once threw out of this balance, now led to the development of humanity. It goes to doubling …
Fragment of the lecture summary of the second level on the topic "Development of mankind through 8 measures of the universe"
All nature is in perfect condition, a state of inner balance. And only the person was unbalanced - it was asked. The additional desire for food and for women, which once threw out of this balance, now led to the development of humanity. It goes to doubling. If you got what you wanted, your desire doubled, you got a mammoth - another time you need two mammoths, you bought a “nine” - next time you wanted a Mercedes.
This is a swing, this is a pendulum, this is a vibration for increasing desire, filling and doubling. Doubling will and will continue indefinitely. And everything would be fine, but there is not one strength, there are two of them - libido and mortido. They live by us and die by us, interact, vibrate, even our sense organs are arranged on these vibrations, somewhere obvious, somewhere hidden: the eardrum vibrates, the pupil constantly changes the angle of view - this is a given duality.

From one phase of development to the next, our desires are constantly doubling.
Muscular phase of development. In her, we got a sense of our neighbor, and with this a primary sense of hostility. Thus, we immediately received a threat to our existence. Outside there was an enemy - a predator, but inside - hostility, the threat of decay.
Then we limited the dislike by creating ritual cannibalism, an act of sacrifice. By making a sacrifice, we accumulated a common dislike on it, thereby saving society from decay. But not for long - until another sacrifice was required again. Mentally, we still need a sacrifice to this day, this desire sits in us at an unconscious level.
The next step in limiting hostility was the creation of culture, and it began with the rejection of cannibalism.
The anal phase of development. The flock broke away from the animal world as a whole. Each person in the flock feels like a part of the whole, completely dependent on it. This is good at holding back dislike. But at one point the anal sound specialists said: "Stop sitting among these freaks … We leave in our group and in our flock to that clearing and we will live there according to our own rules."
The flock was divided into families and prides. They coped with the predators, but they themselves became enemies, inside the pack. Dispersed as families, laid the foundation for the founding of races and peoples. And hostility remained as a factor of the death drive and it also required restrictions, since it was an internal threat to the existence of the species.
Any internal threat requires limitation in its essence. This is how Christianity arose. For the last 2000 years, Christianity has been the locomotive of culture, which has limited our enmity.
The last resistance to the exit from the anal phase of development was anal Nazism: my people are clean, the rest are stupid and dirty! If you seriously understand, it is not clear how the Germans could have lost the war. At that time they already had a V-2 and a nuclear project. And in 1945, the bomb could be dropped and not on Hiroshima …
There can be only one explanation here. It only seems to us that we are the masters of our own destiny. In fact, we live according to the laws of nature, the collective unconscious lives with us. It lives and rules us unmistakably. A boy who is supposed to be in kindergarten at eight in the morning may have an idea to play with a typewriter at home and not go to kindergarten. Only this idea will not be embodied in any way - they will kick in the butt, they will pull the hand, and you will be in the kindergarten at eight in the morning, as expected!
The Nazis could think anything they wanted, they could nurture the idea of a great pure race as much as they wanted. But the time of the anal phase of development and division according to the principle of blood is irrevocably gone. And humanity had to enter the skin phase of development - in a good or bad way.
Skin phase of development. The cutaneous phase has divided us even more than the anal one. If earlier society was divided into gentes, now it has become divided into individuals. Anal values, such as marriage, traditions, obedience to elders, are leaving.
For us Russians, the process of marriage breakdown is perceived as catastrophic, and for the West - as natural. In skin-to-skin marriage, everyone is on his own - husband and wife, parents and children - all keep a distance, which is complementary to the values of Western society. Everyone lives for himself, not because he is bad - people are quite good: those who are successful, make a career, and earn a lot. But they live alone: he is alone and she is alone. The complete disintegration of not only families, but also peoples is a phenomenon of the skin phase.

For the modern world, there is nothing more stupid than a national idea. The world today is migration, globalization, colossal mixing of peoples and erasure of borders. People no longer have an idea in their heads to preserve their blood, people want to eat a lot and tasty, sleep sweetly and safely, drink good wine, choose partners in attraction, and not as dad and mom said, and so on.
Standardization is going on in everything, including between male and female. A woman today has received freedom of choice according to the male type: she receives an education, demands an orgasm for herself, makes a career, is not yet on a par with a man, but the process is underway. Enormously contributes to the standardization, integration and globalization of the Internet. And at the same time, interdependence is proportionally growing: at whatever end of the world something happens, we are already shaking from the news that we receive in the media.
The world of individuals, loners, absolutely interconnected. The paradox is that the more loners we are, the more we are connected with each other, the more we are responsible for our actions in front of other people.
Our civilization is incredibly fragile. Earlier, if one wire was connected to the wrong place, that's it - there is no light in the entire entrance for two hours. Now connect one wire to the wrong place, what will happen?.. A man-made disaster.
And further, the degree of our interdependence will only grow. A person may be mentally unhealthy, but we will depend on him and will not go anywhere. Someone was offended by the mother - and the parents of the children did not wait for school … Skin standardized civilization comes and makes it possible for one person to influence whole masses of people, and the further, the more …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Recorded by Julia Chernaya. March 28, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on the full oral online training by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology"