Why Are People So Angry? Worse Than Beasts

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Why Are People So Angry? Worse Than Beasts
Why Are People So Angry? Worse Than Beasts

Video: Why Are People So Angry? Worse Than Beasts

Video: Why Are People So Angry? Worse Than Beasts
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Why are people so angry? Worse than beasts …

The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is unique to humans. No animal can compare with humans in the strength of manifestations of hatred towards their own kind. Why are people so angry?

Every day in the media, we come across examples of terrible atrocities. Beatings, murders, massacres, torture …

The guy killed the girl because she laughed at him in the company. 122 blows were found on the victim's body. The examination found that the very first blow was fatal. Psychiatric examination showed the guilt of the culprit.

Where does this inhuman cruelty come from ?!

The harsh truth is that inhuman cruelty is unique to humans. No animal can compare with humans in the strength of manifestations of hatred towards their own kind. Why are people so angry? Let's try to figure it out from a scientific standpoint.

Man is an animal

The German zoopsychologist Konrad Lorenz, the Nobel Prize winner, was impressed by the horrors of the Second World War and decided to find out the nature of human aggression. As a zoologist and an adherent of evolutionary theory, he decided to start by investigating the nature of aggression in animals. Lorenz found out that all animals have mechanisms of hostile behavior towards representatives of their own species, that is, innate intraspecific aggression, which, as he argues, ultimately serves to preserve the species.

Intraspecific aggression performs a number of important biological functions:

  • distribution of living space so that the animal finds food for itself; the animal protects its territory, the aggression stops as soon as the borders are restored;
  • sexual selection: only the strongest male gets the right to leave his offspring; in mating battles, the weak is usually not finished off, but driven away;
  • protection of offspring from the encroachment of strangers and friends; parents drive away, but do not kill, the invaders;
  • hierarchical function - determines the system of power and subordination in the community, the weak obeys the strong;
  • the function of partnership is coordinated manifestations of aggression, for example, to expel a relative or a stranger;
  • feeding function is built into species that live in places with poor food resources (for example, the Balkhash perch eats its own juveniles).

It is believed that the main forms of intraspecific aggression are competitive and territorial aggression, as well as aggression caused by fear and irritation.

Are animals kinder than people?

However, after analyzing the behavior of more than 50 species, Konrad Lorenz noticed that animals with natural weapons in their arsenal in the form of huge horns, deadly canines, strong hooves, strong beaks, etc., have developed behavioral analogues of morality in the process of evolution. It is an instinctive prohibition to use their natural weapons against an animal of their own kind, especially when the defeated person demonstrates submission.

That is, an automatic stop system is built into the aggressive behavior of animals, which instantly responds to certain types of postures indicating dependence and defeat. As soon as the wolf in a fierce fight for the female substitutes the jugular vein on the neck, the second wolf only slightly compresses its mouth, but never bites through to the end. In a battle of deer, as soon as one deer feels weaker, he becomes sideways, exposing the enemy to an unprotected abdominal cavity. The second deer, even in a fighting impulse, only touches the opponent's belly with its horns, stopping at the last second, but not completing the final deadly movement. The stronger the animal's natural weapons, the more clearly the “stop system” works.

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Conversely, poorly armed species of animals do not have instinctive prohibitions on lethal aggression towards their relative, since the harm caused cannot be significant and the victim always has the opportunity to escape. In captivity, when the defeated enemy has nowhere to run, he is guaranteed death from a stronger opponent. In any case, as Konrad Lorenz emphasizes, intraspecific aggression in the animal kingdom serves solely to preserve the species.

Lorenz considers man to be a naturally weakly armed species, therefore, having no instinctive prohibitions on causing harm to his own kind. With the invention of weapons (stone, ax, gun), man became the most armed species, but evolutionarily devoid of "natural morality", therefore, easily killing representatives of his species.

There is one nuance here. We humans, unlike animals, are conscious. This difference is the root of the cruelty of man to man in comparison with the intraspecific aggression of the animal.

Man is an animal that is never enough

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that consciousness was formed gradually as a result of the growth of our shortages. Animals do not have such a volume of desires as humans, they are completely balanced and in this they are perfect in their own way.

A person always wants more. More than he has, more than he can get, and if he got it, then more than he can eat. Lack is when “I want, but I cannot get”, “I want, but cannot”. This lack gave an opportunity for the development of thought, which became the beginning of the separation from the animal state, the beginning of the development of consciousness.

Dislike as an engine of progress

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan claims that man, unlike animals, feels his own uniqueness, separateness from the other.

For a long time experiencing hunger and not being able to fill it (our species was the weakest in the savannah - without claws, teeth, hooves), a person for the first time felt his neighbor as an object that can be consumed in oneself, for food. However, having arisen, this desire was immediately limited. In the delta between the desire to use one's neighbor in oneself and the restriction on this desire, a feeling of hostility to the other is born.

But this is not all, once breaking out of the animal volume, our desires continue to grow. They double. Today they bought a Zaporozhets - tomorrow they wanted a foreign car, today they bought a foreign car - tomorrow they wanted a Mercedes. This simple example shows that a person is never content with what he receives.

Our ever-growing desire to receive constantly leads to an increase in dislike. Lorenz proved that animals have an intraspecific unconscious coordinated instinct that does not allow intraspecific aggression to destroy the species. For humans, intraspecific hostility still poses a threat to survival - as it is constantly growing. At the same time, it is for us and is an incentive for development. It is in order to limit hostility that we first created the law, then culture and morality.

Why are people so angry? Because they are people

Man is a lack of pleasure, desire. Our desires are not satisfied - we immediately feel dislike. Mom didn't buy ice cream: "Bad mom!" The woman does not meet my expectations: "Bad woman!" I feel bad, I don't know what I want: “Everyone is bad. The world is cruel and unjust! " It is not for nothing that moral and cultural norms are instilled in a child from early childhood. Mutual help, compassion, empathy for others help us cope with our selfish desires for pleasure.

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Surprisingly, a person would not have become a person if he had not once got out of the natural balance, had not broken out of the boundaries of his own desires. Animals have no opportunity for hatred to arise because they have no consciousness. But animals have no morality, ethics and culture. Only people are capable of crazy inhumanity and cruelty. And at the same time, only people can manifest themselves in selfless love and compassion for others, in the greatest feats of mercy to strangers. As in the besieged Leningrad, when, despite the most severe hunger, a person could share the last piece of bread with a dying person and thereby save his life.

Today our desires continue to grow, and the existing constraints stop working on them. Skin law and visual culture have almost worked themselves out. Today we are rapidly dashing into the future where a person is no longer moral (since his desires are too high to be limited by morality and ethics), but not yet spiritual. Today we are ready to eat anyone, use the whole world, if only we feel good, real troglodytes - but this does not mean degradation. This is another step in our growth, the answer to which should be the emergence of new level restraints.

The path from animal to human

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that in the conditions of increased desires and increased hostility, no restrictions on disliking will work anymore. Our coexistence in the future will be built not on prohibitions, but on the complete disappearance of hostility as such.

In contrast to the awareness of one's uniqueness and the other as an object for saturating one's shortcomings, systemic thinking gives an awareness of another person as oneself, as well as an awareness of the integrity of the human species. This is a new level of consciousness, much higher than the intraspecific animal unconscious instinct. This is the awareness of oneself as a part of all humanity and the realization of another person as a part of oneself. And, as a consequence, the inability to harm another. Just as a person cannot intentionally harm himself, so he cannot harm another, because his pain will feel like his own.

In fact, people are not evil and not at all worse than animals, people are just not mature enough. We have grown so mentally that we have invented the hadron collider, but have not yet matured to realizing ourselves. Daily outbursts of aggression, trampling on all norms of morality and ethics at the level of entire states are evidence that the time has come.

And it is easier to stop aggression than it seems at first glance. You just need to see the root causes of what is happening and eliminate them. To understand that the picture of the world around us with cruelty, murder, and crime is the result of the fact that each of us considers himself the only one and feels only our desires. And for the sake of my "want" I am even ready to kill, if need be. But the paradox is that even this will not fill a person with happiness. Neither the one who shows aggression nor the one against whom it is directed can actually feel joy, and will be equally unhappy.

This can be corrected by realizing the true desires and capabilities of each of us. Understanding the inner potential of a person and his intentions, we will be able to clearly understand what can be expected from our environment and how to most adequately manifest ourselves among others. When we deeply understand another person and the motives of his actions from the inside, we do not become victims of unexpected aggression, because people's actions become easily predictable and predictable. Moreover, we can consciously choose our environment in which we feel comfortable and safe. It would be ideal if every person in the world could do this and everyone would be happy, but even if this is still far away, then you should start with yourself.

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