I'll do it tomorrow, or How to beat procrastination
Negative internal states, insufficient stress resistance, and a general state of apathy and laziness inherent in people who do not realize their desires and properties can be behind the postponement or not doing things. Therefore, general advice on how to defeat procrastination does not work.
How do you fight procrastination?
Business before pleasure!
Easy to say! Business somehow is not done, and somehow it is not walking.
Not that you don't want to. I want to. And I want to do the job, and I also want to rest. But something gets in the way. You cannot completely relax, because there is a lot to do. But you can't do the right thing either, because … it seems like there are plenty of other things to do! As a result - fatigue, dissatisfaction with myself and a firm decision that tomorrow this will not happen again, tomorrow I will definitely start!
But tomorrow comes. And yesterday's tomorrow is already today. And again you do whatever you want, just not what you need to do. As a result, deadlines are on fire, anxiety is growing, and you have to choose: do the work in an emergency mode or refuse it altogether?
Is it paralysis of will, laziness, lack of motivation, or something else? And the main question: what to do with this disaster?
Procrastination is the scourge of our time
Scientifically, postponing things on the back burner is called procrastination (from the English. Procrastination - postponing). The name itself does nothing. But the good news is that scientists keep up with the pressing problems of humanity, identify a problem and try to find a solution. Although not very successful yet. Reasons for procrastination include:
- low self-esteem and lack of confidence that the case will work out and will be appreciated;
- perfectionism, striving for an ideal result;
- fear of failure;
- subconscious fear of success;
- internal protest against the imposed importance and necessity, when a person postpones the execution of the case "to spite the enemies", for example, the boss, his wife;
- inability to plan and prioritize;
- low motivation, lack of interest and a real desire to do the job;
- lack of habit of purposeful work, craving for "freebies";
- and many other reasons.
Unlike other methods, Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology considers any phenomenon in an eight-dimensional volume, identifying the causes of the phenomenon, taking into account the properties and manifestations of specific vectors, and not as a phenomenon with a common cause for all.
Procrastination: each vector has its own reasons
Many people tend to postpone things, but everyone has different reasons for postponing.
Classic procrastination is an irresistible desire to postpone the start of any business, especially an important and responsible one, that is, literally the inability to start, is often associated with pathological indecision in any choice. Since any need to start something is extremely uncomfortable, putting off is a kind of relief. It is impossible to overcome this problem on your own, since a person always acts according to the principle of pleasure. Therefore, it is imperative to identify the root cause of this behavior in order to be able to break the vicious circle.
System-vector psychology reveals the psychological underpinnings of procrastination, helping to understand all the nuances of pathological postponement and similar manifestations in other vectors that have completely different reasons.
The above-described postponement occurs only in the anal vector, and it leads to the formation of the postponed life syndrome.

Procrastination as "psychological constipation"
During the training, Yuri Burlan explains in detail that the reason for procrastination lies not in the inability to plan or prioritize, not in low self-esteem or lack of motivation, but in specific disorders of the anal vector development.
The fact is that only for a baby with an anal vector, the act of cleansing the large intestine is of particular importance. Such a child sits on the potty with pleasure and for a long time. And this is an important moment in its development - with a thorough cleansing of the intestines, a healthy principle of pleasure is formed in the anal vector - through cleansing, as complete and perfect as possible. It is the development of this skill that will allow an anal child to become a better student, and then a first-class specialist, striving to bring to absolute purity, that is, qualities, everything that he does.
If a child with an anal vector is rushed all the time or there are no suitable conditions for a calm and unhurried "big deal", then from over-stress he gets constipation (the first to react to stress is the erogenous zone of the anal vector - spasm of the anal sphincter). In such conditions, the child cannot “enjoy the process” and begins to retain the chair inside himself, accumulating, not giving him a way out, that is, unconsciously performing an action opposite to the natural one. This overstress has its own compensation - the child receives his, albeit small, but satisfaction through the direct initiation of the erogenous zone by the intestinal contents accumulated inside.
When stool can no longer be retained, painful release follows, followed by instant relief. So, the child is forced to go through the pain of cleansing the intestines, which always accompanies constipation. The pain from cleansing is from something that should bring real pleasure to the anal child, but we are talking about his erogenous zone and it hurts him twice! And a semblance of delight in delay.
The pleasure-in-reverse principle
So in the case of chronic childhood constipation, a pathological mechanism for obtaining satisfaction through postponement is formed. The child learns to take pleasure not from cleansing, as it should be by nature, but from stool retention. Not from action (realization of given properties), but from counteraction, inaction, in fact, a reaction to stress, which he simply does not realize, but which is fixed in the end as a principle of pleasure - from an action opposite to natural, from delay, postponement.
The beginning of any action is associated for him with pain, which irresistibly wants to be delayed to the last. This is where the roots of pathological indecision lie. Choose, start - like death.
At the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, not only a deep understanding of the reasons for inaction occurs, but also the skill of getting pleasure from the realization of one's properties is gradually formed, a kind of retraining in the principle of pleasure takes place.
Other reasons to postpone
If we talk about perfectionism, then much more often it does not so much hinder the beginning, but, on the contrary, does not allow it to finish. It seems to such a person that the work is not done well enough, so it still needs to be corrected and completed. And such completion can take quite a long time. So, one man painted the balcony four (!) Times, because it seemed to him that the balcony was still not painted over enough.
The stubborn reluctance of a person with an anal vector to do some specific work, because “they asked for something wrong” or “as you are for me, so I am for you” may also be a reason not to do it. This is where resentment is at its root, the underlying reason for doing nothing will be different from procrastination.
Lack of self-organization
The inability to organize oneself in order to do everything on time, the lack of internal and external discipline, the desire to make a light version out of work, the search for freebies - all this is a reflection of problems in the skin vector. A person with a skin vector needs restrictions from childhood. Adequate and reasonable limits, coupled with discipline, develop the cutaneous vector. With proper upbringing, an adult leatherman has no problems with self-organization: he is collected, businesslike, he does not waste time in vain, he succeeds in everything. Such a person is self-organized and can easily organize others.
Skinners have the ability to do ten things at the same time, a large number of tasks make them feel more collected. Sometimes, unconsciously, they prefer to postpone the execution of tasks until the very last time, so that later they can do everything at the very last moment and enjoy the adrenaline rush. "I'm cool, I can do it quickly and meet deadlines."
In addition, the mental love for collective rushwork in the Russian people, as they say, is in the blood, regardless of whether there is a desire to receive an adrenaline rush into the blood or not, whether we suffer from true procrastination or not.
In people with a skin vector, problems with doing things on time can have different causes. One of them is a lack of discipline in education, inability to organize your time, plan, prioritize importance and urgency. If desired, time management can be learned in adulthood, although this will no longer be the skill that was laid down in childhood.
Also, a person with a skin vector will not get down to business if they are not sure that it is beneficial. For example, he may not rush to fulfill a request if he is sure that it will not bring him any bonuses.
Scenario for failure
Another reason for inappropriate action situations is a failure scenario. When a person subconsciously strives for the unsuccessful completion of his project, he sabotages his success. At the same time, he can rationalize that external circumstances interfered, or he simply did not want to be envied, or "and so it is normal." At the same time, despite the troubles accompanying the failure of the project, he also has some pleasure, because in the depths of his soul he knew that nothing would work out, and now his secret desires were justified.
The scenario of failure is formed in children with a cutaneous vector, who had to endure verbal humiliation from their parents in childhood. The flexible psyche of such a child adapts to pain, compensating for it by the release of joy hormones - endorphins - into the bloodstream. If the mechanism is fixed, then a full-fledged scenario for failure is formed: a person receives unconscious satisfaction from failures and failures. This mechanism is revealed in more detail by Yuri Burlan already at one of the free introductory online trainings.
Lack of inspiration
And it happens that there is simply no inspiration. Before, when I took up work, I had inspiration, but now I don't. It became uninteresting. Boring. Heavy.
People with any set of vectors can have such reasons for procrastination. Each of us, before starting something, assesses what pleasure he can get from the effort spent, whether it will be sufficient to motivate him to action. Let's take a look at the example of the owners of sound and visual vectors.

For people with a visual vector, it is important that the case gives or promises to give positive emotions. Sometimes it is enough to start doing with someone together, to share experiences, and the result appears. “Treat yourself to something, cheer yourself up,” - such motivators work for people with a visual vector. The mood rises - the chances of success increase.
It is important for sound engineers that the case is inspiring, interesting. It is the sound people who are able to give up at the most crucial moment, suddenly losing interest, because the meaning is lost. If the sound engineer does not see the point in a case or project, then it is very difficult for him to make himself work. This is not procrastination, but possibly the onset of depression.
A huge number of sound professionals in our time are in a permanent existential crisis. Material well-being does not appeal to them, there are no really exciting ideas - why then move? They do not see the point in their current activities, but they also do not know what they really want in this life. What is its meaning in general.
How to overcome procrastination?
The most important thing is to understand its cause, distinguishing between the external manifestations of procrastination and internal reasons. Behind postponing or not doing things can be negative visual emotions, and sound depression, and resentment and revenge in the anal vector, and insufficient stress resistance, and a general state of apathy and laziness inherent in people who do not realize their desires and properties. Therefore, general advice on how to defeat procrastination does not work.
There is another guess why the problem of procrastination is so acute now. In the modern skin individualistic world, I can postpone important matters or not postpone - this applies only to me and my life, with my life, respectively, I can do whatever I want. I don't care about the rest. But I wonder if the fate of humanity depended on the fulfillment of your cause, would you be able to postpone it?
Do you want to get rid of procrastination, find an approach to a partner, to a subordinate, to your own child? Come to Yuri Burlan's free online training on systemic vector psychology. Register here.