Practical psychology

The Victory Was Theirs

The Victory Was Theirs

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

There is no more vivid example of the consolidation of the people in Soviet history than the one that emerged during the Great Patriotic War. Hearing the words addressed to "brothers" and "sisters", every Soviet person felt his responsibility for the country, his influence on the course of world events. Much has been said and written about the heroism of soldiers and officers, but there are still white spots in the history of the Second World War when it comes to the rear

Young Guard. Remember Forever

Young Guard. Remember Forever

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

History does not know a case when so many children who were barely 16 years old were executed

"Rumors" Of The Great Victory

"Rumors" Of The Great Victory

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Time passes, archives open, and we learn about previously unknown participants in the Great Patriotic War, without whose help and support the May 9 Holiday, holy for every Russian person, could have come much later

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 3. What Is The Strength, Brother?

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 3. What Is The Strength, Brother?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. "Philosophical steamer" Part 2. Burnt bridges

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 1. "Philosophical Steamer"

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 1. "Philosophical Steamer"

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In search of the national idea of the revival of Russia. Part 1. "Philosophical steamer" Through the prism of system-vector psychology, the erroneousness of the actions and assessments of many Russian ideologists becomes obvious, who, due to a number of private or social conditions, have lost their correct guidelines … For more than 20 years, a wave of heated debates about controversial events in our history, the discussion of which was previously under strict

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 2. Burnt Bridges

In Search Of The National Idea Of the Revival Of Russia. Part 2. Burnt Bridges

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1. "Philosophical steamer"

Business In Russian: Too Much Personal

Business In Russian: Too Much Personal

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Business is organized by people and therefore bears the characteristics of this or that mentality, the representatives of which it was created. The peculiarities of national business in Russia are due to our urethral-muscular mentality, so it simply cannot develop as in Western countries, despite attempts to copy their technologies and management methods

Sanctions. Stalin's Model Of Survival. Part 2

Sanctions. Stalin's Model Of Survival. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Sanctions. Stalin's model of survival. Part 1

Sanctions. Stalin's Model Of Survival. Part 1

Sanctions. Stalin's Model Of Survival. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The concept of "imposing sanctions" has existed in our world for many hundreds of years. Countries have always tried to put pressure on their neighbors by non-military methods. Politicians believe that the economic impact is much more effective in influencing the decisions of certain states and is less dangerous

Russians Or Russians? A Word About Words

Russians Or Russians? A Word About Words

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

We are Russians! What a delight! A. V. Suvorov

Hara-kiri Virus In Japan. Causes And Possibilities Of Cure

Hara-kiri Virus In Japan. Causes And Possibilities Of Cure

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Japan is a country known for its identity

Unpleasant Interlocutor: The Main Rules Of Forced Communication

Unpleasant Interlocutor: The Main Rules Of Forced Communication

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

It would be an impermissible luxury to be able to communicate only with those who are pleasant and interesting to us. And fence yourself off with an insurmountable wall from all repulsive personalities. But alas … An evil boss at work, a hated colleague, annoying relatives, unpleasant friends of friends, neighbors on a bench, washing everyone's bones, even if you don't go outside

Dancing, Embroidery, Diving: What Are Your Hobbies? About Hobbies Systematically

Dancing, Embroidery, Diving: What Are Your Hobbies? About Hobbies Systematically

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

There will always be people in our environment who are passionate about activities other than work and family. There are collectors, amateur artists, photographers, fishermen, hunters, divers, needlewomen. You can learn a lot about their interests by talking to them. So, an experienced fisherman will surely tell you about the best places to bite, an experienced knitter boasts a new hand-made product, and a photographer will demonstrate the best shots from the last photo shoot

Information Wars. Between Good And Evil

Information Wars. Between Good And Evil

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

At the International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Russian-Ukrainian Relations (History, Cooperation, Conflicts)" organized by the scientific journal "Historical and Social-Educational Thought", a number of works were presented using the materials of the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan

"Alien Land", Or There Was A Village Here Part 2: Internal Political Optimization As A Way Of Fragmentation Of The State

"Alien Land", Or There Was A Village Here Part 2: Internal Political Optimization As A Way Of Fragmentation Of The State

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

"Someone else's land", or There was a village here … Part 2: Internal political optimization as a way of fragmentation of the state There are enough methods for pursuing a policy of collapse of states. The most accurate, proven and well-tested technique is manipulating people on their shortages. I

Reminiscences Of Nazism: Ukrainian Version - Page 2

Reminiscences Of Nazism: Ukrainian Version - Page 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

On June 22, at exactly four o'clock, Kiev was bombed, they announced to us that the war had begun. (Boris Kovynev, 1941)

Dislike And Cognition

Dislike And Cognition

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The world we live in is one. Its unity consists in materiality. All phenomena and processes of reality are interconnected and interdependent. The objective forms of the existence of the material substrate are space and time. The most important feature of our world is the uneven distribution in space and time of matter, energy, information (diversity). This unevenness is manifested in the fact that the components of the material substrate (elementary particles, atoms, molecule

Visual Perception - All Shades Of Black

Visual Perception - All Shades Of Black

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Malevich's black square is actually

America. Part 2. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

America. Part 2. A Systematic View Of The Formation Of American Society

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

America. Part 2. A systematic view of the formation of American society The system of checks and balances that does not allow any of the branches of government to usurp power in the United States and allows such a structure to exist without serious disruptions for more than 200 years: the President of the United States is not the sole ruler of the state, but only a civil servant, the head of the executive branch, performing his work in within the powers assigned to him by law

Behavior Culture And Personality Behavior - One Thousand And One Wishes

Behavior Culture And Personality Behavior - One Thousand And One Wishes

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“The ideal of a cultured person is nothing more than the ideal of a person who, in any conditions, retains genuine humanity.” Albert Schweitzer. "The highest possible stage of moral culture is when we realize that we are able to control our thoughts." Charles Robert Darwin

How To Get Married For Love And Divorce For Convenience

How To Get Married For Love And Divorce For Convenience

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The phrase "consumer marriage" hurts a Russian person's ear

Conflicts Between Parents And Children - The Simplest Way To Understanding Here

Conflicts Between Parents And Children - The Simplest Way To Understanding Here

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The conflict between parents and children can deprive any family of peace and even destroy relationships for many years

Conflict With The Teacher. Teacher - Parent: Who Will Win?

Conflict With The Teacher. Teacher - Parent: Who Will Win?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Conflicts between teacher and parents are becoming more common

From Endless Self-flagellation To Inflated Conceit. Part 1

From Endless Self-flagellation To Inflated Conceit. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Nowadays, we often hear about self-esteem. If you don't succeed, then you have low self-esteem. Or, on the contrary, you become too arrogant, which is why nothing comes of it. This means that both high and low self-esteem is equally bad, because it interferes with achieving results in life. This means that there must be a way to objectively assess your strength. There should be some middle line that runs in the fairway between high and low self-esteem. And here we are happy to give advice

Getting Rid Of Bad Habits? Just Getting Good

Getting Rid Of Bad Habits? Just Getting Good

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

We spend a lot of energy to get rid of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol too much, overeating, sleeping too much, being constantly late … And so on ad infinitum. Each of us has our own, not very productive patterns of behavior that poison our lives. Sometimes we look with envy at people who have managed to acquire good habits that have served them well and helped them achieve success and happiness in life

Such Different Female Happiness. What Does A Woman Want And What Does A Man Think About It?

Such Different Female Happiness. What Does A Woman Want And What Does A Man Think About It?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

This is me now a Komsomol member, and then I want to be a woman. - Shame on you! .. Not a pilot, not a parachutist, not a stakhanovka, finally, but a woman! A toy in the hands of a man! Dialogue from the movie "Tomorrow was the war"

Isn't It Time To Change Something? Great Combinator In Home Interiors

Isn't It Time To Change Something? Great Combinator In Home Interiors

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The theater begins with a coat rack, and my interesting life began with a room that I received at my complete disposal after my sister decided to "screw" abroad. Life immediately sparkled with new colors, which I hurried to paint the walls of this room

How To Survive The Death Of A Loved One?

How To Survive The Death Of A Loved One?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

My friend got sick. A wonderful, kind, bright person. She was not critically ill and not hopelessly. Just a little tired, just my whole life on the run. But the strength and desire to live is only to envy such a spiritual resource. And our close women's "hobby club" just knew with confidence that in a month or two the hospital would be closed and the life of our beloved girlfriend would return to its former course

Do Not Meddle In My Life! Or How To Keep Personal Boundaries

Do Not Meddle In My Life! Or How To Keep Personal Boundaries

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

You are outraged to the depths of your soul by immodest questions: "Why are you still not married (not married)?" or “Have you already had something with him? Have you kissed? " Or authoritative advice spoils the mood: "You are already thirty - it's time to think about children!" Who cares? This is my personal life! Or you have to do something all the time that you never intended to do. Instead of quietly cleaning the house on weekends, you have to go skiing, or "have fun" at the party

An Offensive Ball, Or Gloating And Mate Will Grind Everything. Part 2

An Offensive Ball, Or Gloating And Mate Will Grind Everything. Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1 Where are you, love? Today there is a massive infection of society with obscenities - obscenities spread like a virus. And what does the public use of the mat lead to? If people knew how our unconscious reacts to mate, they would hardly agree to such a "mental disability"

How To Calm Your Nerves: How To Relieve Tension And Cope With Stress

How To Calm Your Nerves: How To Relieve Tension And Cope With Stress

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I am a quiet, calm lake

How To Establish Contact With An Opponent Of Live Communication?

How To Establish Contact With An Opponent Of Live Communication?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Calling him on the phone means getting an indistinct grumble in response and a persistent feeling that your call is out of place. Live adequate communication also does not come out. It was as if numbness was imposed on a person during picking - you can't get a word out of him. You can understand such silent people and even "talk" them in your own way with the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan

How To Get Back To Work After The New Year Holidays?

How To Get Back To Work After The New Year Holidays?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Only we are used to getting up without an alarm clock, every day to visit and watch a movie, have a delicious breakfast, lunch and dinner at the festive table, not strain and have fun, as we have to return to working days. The thought of this leads to apathy, I want to take sick leave, take a walk, oversleep, run away … just not to go to work

How To Celebrate The New Year? Five Components Of A Successful Holiday

How To Celebrate The New Year? Five Components Of A Successful Holiday

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The main secret is that the holiday in which we experienced the most pleasant feelings is remembered, and not the one where there was the most entertainment. And what can give us the brightest emotions? Company "If there are no guests in the house, the holiday does not come to visit …" The greatest pleasure, as well as the most intense suffering, we get from other people

What Is The Point In Holidays And Gifts, Or Why Is This Hype Necessary?

What Is The Point In Holidays And Gifts, Or Why Is This Hype Necessary?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“I never give gifts to anyone and I don’t accept gifts from anyone, what is the point? Many years ago he gave gifts, but he did it not from a pure heart, but out of duty. When he received gifts, he was forced to feign gratitude, although he did not need anything. I don’t need all this. I perceive it as an obsession and unwanted invasion of privacy, as if you are presented with a jack when you do not have a car. The best gift for me is when I'm not touched

How To Lose Weight - All The Ways To Quickly Lose Weight At Home

How To Lose Weight - All The Ways To Quickly Lose Weight At Home

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Both young girls and older women want to become slim. How to lose weight if we are torn between two strongest desires? On the one hand, food is a great pleasure, and in a situation of complete abundance it is so easy to gain extra pounds. On the other hand, you want to feel good and look beautiful in order to please yourself and the opposite sex. How to find a balance between these two opposite desires? And if, after all, these very harmful extra pounds

Rudeness And Rudeness Destroy Me. How To Live With It

Rudeness And Rudeness Destroy Me. How To Live With It

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In the morning, it happens, I get up in a good mood, but surely someone tries to spoil it

"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where Did It Come From And Where Did It Go Part 2

"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where Did It Come From And Where Did It Go Part 2

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Part 1 Soviet pop music of the 70s was solid and high-quality, moderately light and quite suitable for youth parties, but neither in instrumental design nor in text content could in any way satisfy the needs of a young sound engineer, and even more so - already broken

"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where It Came From And Where It Went. Part 1

"Generation Of Janitors And Watchmen" - Where It Came From And Where It Went. Part 1

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The phenomenon of Russian rock as a response to the sound shortage of Soviet youth in the 80s of the USSR

Energy Deficit For Psychological Reasons. Get Rid Of One-two-three

Energy Deficit For Psychological Reasons. Get Rid Of One-two-three

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Why do some people manage to be sociable and cheerful, and the strength of life springs from them, while others are driven by apathy and depression? Consider the issue of energy deficiency using the example of dominant vectors, using the knowledge of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan