Practical psychology

How To Stop Being Afraid Of A Fight: Find Out The Psychological Reasons For Fear Of A Fight And How To Overcome Any Fear

How To Stop Being Afraid Of A Fight: Find Out The Psychological Reasons For Fear Of A Fight And How To Overcome Any Fear

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Darling, where have you been? - I ran. - Why is the T-shirt covered in blood and your face is broken? - Caught up

Fear Of Planes: What If It's A Premonition?

Fear Of Planes: What If It's A Premonition?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Today I can say with an open heart: yes, now we fly without fear! Although the last few months of calm were preceded by several decades, during which I was literally haunted by the fear of flying

Fear Of Communication

Fear Of Communication

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

For half an hour now I have been putting off an important work call. More urgent matters are found all the time. But deep down, I know that the reason is different: I am terribly afraid to communicate with people, especially with strangers, especially with bosses and officials. I just don’t know how to overcome fear of people, I don’t know how to learn to communicate with people calmly

How To Get Rid Of Fears And Breathe Freely

How To Get Rid Of Fears And Breathe Freely

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

How to get rid of fears and breathe freely You know very well what fear is - it is your longtime companion. He has been with you since childhood. Fear of the dark, chilling a child's soul. Fear of losing parents, fear of death. It's so scary to know from childhood that death exists and you have to die

How To Overcome Stage Fright And Become An Audience Favorite

How To Overcome Stage Fright And Become An Audience Favorite

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The heart pounds so that it can jump out of the chest

How To Overcome Fear And Dare To Live

How To Overcome Fear And Dare To Live

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

What if you feel like a hostage to fear? How to overcome fear if, no matter what you do, an alarming thought is always spinning in your head about what might happen. The slightest clue "what if …?" can turn into a tragedy. You would like to relax and just enjoy life, but you can't. Something interferes all the time, some kind of inner tension, for any reason easily develops into fear. Forever cold hands with sweat and a heart throbbing with fear … You are almost used to this

How To Get Rid Of Fear During Pregnancy: Mom, Don't Worry

How To Get Rid Of Fear During Pregnancy: Mom, Don't Worry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

How to get rid of the fear of pregnancy when you sincerely want to become a mother, but the slightest suspicion that you are pregnant plunges you into panic? How to overcome fears during pregnancy, how to overcome fear of childbirth, an incredibly painful and painful process? This article is for those who certainly want to find the answer to the question: how to get rid of fears during pregnancy? Because the answer to this question exists

Panic Disorder: Conquering A Non-existent Disease

Panic Disorder: Conquering A Non-existent Disease

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Once upon a time it was very important for me to recover from an incomprehensible "disease", to answer the question why I feel fear and panic, why do I feel tired and sick, although the disease was not diagnosed?

Panic Attacks. Run Or Fight

Panic Attacks. Run Or Fight

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The heart beats as if it will pierce the chest, palms are sweating, thoughts are confused, the body is seized with chills, you feel pain in the region of the heart, nausea or dizziness, and most importantly - uncontrollable animal horror, fear of death, from which "the blood runs cold." .. It seems a little more, and you will go crazy with this sudden attack of anxiety and fear, which in medical circles is called a panic attack

How To Overcome The Horror Of Driving? Practical Advice On How To Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Driving

How To Overcome The Horror Of Driving? Practical Advice On How To Get Rid Of Your Fear Of Driving

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Watch out for the car? Become a “perpetual passenger” or overcome your fear of driving? Now you have a choice

Working With Autistic Children: Practical Guidelines

Working With Autistic Children: Practical Guidelines

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The questions are answered by Evgenia Astreinova, a psychologist, who works with 11-year-old autistic children individually and in groups. - Working with autistic children certainly has its own specifics. What's the hardest part of your job?

Relationship Problems - No Heart Attack And Division Of Property

Relationship Problems - No Heart Attack And Division Of Property

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In any relationship, problems happen: one of the spouses committed an insensitive act, said a harsh word, allowed himself an offensive joke, or cruelly and coldly kept silent when it was necessary to say words of support. It's good if these episodes are short-lived, infrequent, or even an exception from a happy life together. It is bad if neglect, verbal (and maybe physical) sadism, bullying, lingering resentment and cold indifference become a habit and become a characteristic of your life

How To Communicate With People Easily: The Psychology Of Effective Communication

How To Communicate With People Easily: The Psychology Of Effective Communication

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

There is a pause. Only a confused, stupid smile can be squeezed out of myself. Awkward silence outside and chaos in my head: how to talk, what to talk about ?! How to communicate with people so as not to seem ridiculous, intrusive, stupid, funny? From these thoughts you get even more lost. The head becomes completely empty. And the thread of the conversation has already gone - to those who are able to support him

How To Potty Train A Child: Features Of An Important Stage In The Development Of A Baby

How To Potty Train A Child: Features Of An Important Stage In The Development Of A Baby

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

All mothers have to go through a difficult stage in their child's development - potty training

Games With An Autistic Child: Useful Guidelines In System-vector Psychology

Games With An Autistic Child: Useful Guidelines In System-vector Psychology

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The independent play of an autistic child is significantly different from what and how his peers usually play. Therefore, games for autists are designed to solve not only the problem of pleasant leisure, but also to carry the elements of learning, to be developmental. To find the most interesting games for children with early childhood autism, let's figure out which skills your toddler is lacking in development

Heart Rate Variability As A Potential Indicator Of The Risk Of Heart Attack In Individuals With Anal Vector

Heart Rate Variability As A Potential Indicator Of The Risk Of Heart Attack In Individuals With Anal Vector

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The world in which a person lives is constantly changing. Each next moment becomes a little different, and over time, the speed of change only increases. They occur in minute detail, eluding our awareness. The human body does not exist by itself. He exchanges information with the environment every second and is entirely dependent on it, on the changes that have taken place. The ability to respond quickly and adequately is the key to successful survival and prosperity as a global society

Psychologist's Help For Depression: Tips To Help Get Out Of Depression

Psychologist's Help For Depression: Tips To Help Get Out Of Depression

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

If you are reading this article, then either you are a person who is depressed yourself, or you want to help your loved one who is suffering from it. You are ready to seek help from a psychologist for depression. However, you want to figure out who is the best to help: psychologists or a psychiatrist for depression. You need a reasoned explanation of who is better - a psychologist or psychotherapist for depression

Classes With An Autistic Person At Home And In A Group: An Effective Method, Confirmed By The Results

Classes With An Autistic Person At Home And In A Group: An Effective Method, Confirmed By The Results

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Correctional classes with autists require parents and psychologists to take an integrated approach to the problem. An autistic child may have a whole range of disorders: emotional detachment, motor and speech stereotypes, aggression and stubbornness, reduced hearing ability, and much more. How to take everything into account and provide maximum assistance to a child with autism?

Great Masturbator

Great Masturbator

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Have you ever masturbated? He laughed. - I think anyone has masturbated at least once in their life! Sometimes, after a mistress - to his wife, and then a few more times himself. As if I can't get enough. Are you … doing this? - I don't need men at all. I can do everything myself. They only get in the way. They interfere with my fantasies. - I understand, - he smiled, - I am the Great Masturbator

Stuttering As A Reaction To Improper Parenting

Stuttering As A Reaction To Improper Parenting

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

In the beginning there was a word

I'm Afraid To Approach. The Special Operation Has Begun, Or How To Start A Relationship

I'm Afraid To Approach. The Special Operation Has Begun, Or How To Start A Relationship

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The object of love appears in the reach. The special operation has begun! The minimum task is to exchange a couple of phrases, the maximum is to bewitch. The problem is that “agent 007” has shaking knees, wet palms, tangles, and, in principle, he is carrying some utter nonsense … Why is it so scary to communicate with a person who you really like? How to overcome embarrassment? And how to develop relationships properly?

The Exact Causes Of The Onset And Development Of Autism In Children Are Revealed

The Exact Causes Of The Onset And Development Of Autism In Children Are Revealed

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

“Hello, my dear, mom is at home! I miss you so much, son

How To Cure Insomnia - Exact Methods Than Cure Insomnia Here

How To Cure Insomnia - Exact Methods Than Cure Insomnia Here

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The herd of sheep is already entering the 125th circle for the next recount, and sleep is not in one eye. What we are going to do? Again a handful of sleeping pills in the evening and an unforgettable experience in the morning: feel like a stuffed animal full of sawdust. Tired of it? Let's figure out how to treat insomnia effectively, and not just seize the problem with drugs

Baboon In A Mercedes. Russians' Attitude To Money

Baboon In A Mercedes. Russians' Attitude To Money

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Money": We live in a world where the main instrument of social and social regulation is money

We Sit Well! Vector Psychology About Correct Food Intake

We Sit Well! Vector Psychology About Correct Food Intake

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Fragment of the lecture notes of the second level on the topic "Food" Food is a direct shortage for a person, the most significant condition for survival. Unconscious control of a person in the muscular phase of development proceeded exclusively through a lack of food

Blockade Of Leningrad: Mercy Code Of Mortal Time

Blockade Of Leningrad: Mercy Code Of Mortal Time

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I think that real life is hunger, everything else is a mirage

How To Cope With The Loss Of A Loved One: Psychological Help For Those Who Find It Difficult To Cope With The Loss Of A Loved One

How To Cope With The Loss Of A Loved One: Psychological Help For Those Who Find It Difficult To Cope With The Loss Of A Loved One

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Nobody wants to touch the topic of death - she herself touches us! It happens suddenly and overwhelmingly

Motivation. How To Get Your Employees Out Of Place?

Motivation. How To Get Your Employees Out Of Place?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The word “motivation”, which has been fashionable over the past few decades, has been used more and more often, even in everyday life. As Vicki says, “Motivation (from Lat. Movere) is an incentive to action; a dynamic process of a psychophysiological plan that controls human behavior, determines its direction, organization, activity and stability; a person's ability to actively satisfy their needs "

Nobody Understands Me! .. And Who Do You Understand?

Nobody Understands Me! .. And Who Do You Understand?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The feeling of endless loneliness, the constant feeling that no one is able to understand you, hear you. This is a state of deadlock, when one day completely copies the previous one, and your whole existence is reduced to a meaningless series of events, at the end of which death. The answer is somewhere inside. If you think about it, if you understand it, you can hear it

The Instinct Of Self-preservation

The Instinct Of Self-preservation

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The instinct of self-preservation. This is a beautiful phrase, the meaning of which, it would seem, does not need clarification. We often use it without realizing what it really means. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan (SVP JB) deliberately avoids this term. Why? We will try to explain below, but first, let's remember what it is - the instinct of self-preservation (IS) and what processes it describes

Postpartum Depression Symptoms: Breaking The Vicious Circle

Postpartum Depression Symptoms: Breaking The Vicious Circle

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The birth of a child in every sense changes the life of his mother

Depression In Pregnancy - Fear Of The Future

Depression In Pregnancy - Fear Of The Future

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

I will be a mother … What a horror! Fears about future changes often happen to pregnant women of a certain psychological profile. Expectations of global changes in life, a feeling of uncertainty, a sharp lack of self-confidence - all these experiences can result in such a negative state of the psyche as depression of pregnant women

Escapism - What It Is: Find Out What Escapism Means And Who It Is - An Escapist

Escapism - What It Is: Find Out What Escapism Means And Who It Is - An Escapist

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Life is a difficult thing and does not always bring us happiness on a silver platter. Sometimes it requires us to make a significant effort to overcome difficulties. Sometimes we get tired and start dreaming of a world in which everything would be good and understandable, comfortable and problem-free. Going into such dreams can be seen as a way of rest, relieving stress after a crisis, stress, failure. But then we gather strength and re-enter life in order to continue to create it further

Perfectionism: How To Say Stop To Yourself

Perfectionism: How To Say Stop To Yourself

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

When we create something of really high quality, we do not think how much time and effort it will take, the main thing is the result is a unique handmade item, a real work of art, a brilliantly written dissertation or a house built to last. Putting all our hearts into the work, we strive to create something exceptional, unsurpassed, almost perfect, otherwise why would we take it? Around, and so the sea of all sorts of fakes, cheap, somehow made things, somehow rendered services and therefore

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The Lazy Are Asked Not To Worry

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone: The Lazy Are Asked Not To Worry

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Life is by no means static. She is in a process of incessant change. Moreover, we humans are creating these changes. Why do we need this? If this were not so, we would remain a human flock, practically indistinguishable from an animal

Postpartum Depression Treatment: Silence Or Life

Postpartum Depression Treatment: Silence Or Life

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Postpartum depression, the treatment of which is sometimes more like auto-training, happens to women of a very specific psychological type, with whom just no methods of "positive thinking" work

Disgust. Normal Or Alarm?

Disgust. Normal Or Alarm?

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

Disgust, fear of objects that smell or look unpleasant. A sharp desire to distance yourself from something or someone who is regarded as a source of dirt, stench, pain or illness, as well as neglect, exactingness, pretentiousness, legibility, fastidiousness - there are a lot of options for the manifestation of disgust

Anatomy Of A Lie: Lie If You Can

Anatomy Of A Lie: Lie If You Can

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

We live in a time of devaluation of the word. Why? On the one hand, with such a volume of collective psychic accumulated by humanity, the word has a colossal force of influence. Today they can really be killed and cured. On the other hand, everyone, including the malicious, frustrated, undeveloped, sick person, has the right to speak (even to the holy of holies - the printed word and the word of the media), and we have to defend ourselves against such influence

Systemic Preventology

Systemic Preventology

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

The ultimate meaning of the universe or the ultimate meaning of history is part of human destiny. And the human destiny is as follows: to be fulfilled as a Human. Become Human M. Mamardashvili More and more often at psychological and pedagogical conferences the word "preventive medicine" is pronounced. I propose to understand what it is and what it is eaten with

NLP. The Bird Of Happiness Of Yesterday

NLP. The Bird Of Happiness Of Yesterday

Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01

If we do not want to lose everything, we must learn to imagine the moral meaning of the events and actions in which we participate. G. Anders