Suffering in the Workplace or How to Make Office Life Much More Comfortable
I am the head of the personnel department, in addition to paperwork, my responsibilities include the management and organization of personnel. As you know, cadres are everything. And I really wanted my employees to become more comfortable, convenient, joyful and calmer to spend time in the office and effectively perform their professional functions …
How quickly the weekend flew by! Tomorrow back to the office! How I hate this job! Probably, each of us from time to time comes to mind such thoughts. For some, they do not linger for a long time, often do not scroll, well, while others have lived with this painful sensation for years.
One way or another, work is an integral part of our life. Whether we like it or not, in order to get a piece of bread and butter, to buy a pretty dress, a fancy iPhone, a smart book, or an awesome set of screwdrivers, we have to get up and do something. With this, everything is clear. But is it possible to turn the sign from minus to plus, say, without changing the work itself? I asked myself this question and decided to conduct an experiment in the company where I work.
I am the head of the personnel department, in addition to paperwork, my responsibilities include the management and organization of personnel. As you know, cadres are everything. And I really wanted my employees to become more comfortable, more convenient, more joyful and calmer to spend time in the office and effectively perform their professional functions.
The human workplace has its own significance and considerable, because we spend at least 8 hours a day in the office. And the environment in which you live, work this time, what you sit on, where you look, with whom you interact, affects both your mood and performance indicators. The end of the year is the most favorable time for change and transformation. To begin with, I decided to take a fresh look at the workplaces of my colleagues in order to understand the degree of their physical and psychological comfort.
Secretary is the face of any organization
I go to the waiting room. A familiar picture. There are two tables in a large, bright room. One of them is occupied by the secretary Nina. “Our Ninka is like a picture,” says our chief engineer about the star of the team, whose office is just behind her. Nina is a tall, leggy young lady, slender and showy. Big blue eyes, like two bottomless wells, lured more than a dozen men into their depths. Nina's smile is open, kind, radiant. But do not be embarrassed that in a minute the corners of the lips will crawl down, tremble and twist, and the blue wells suddenly overflow with tears. Yes, the change of mood for our secretary comes from the breeze. But what do you think, if the boss yelled, the phone went dead at the moment when she made a date, a nail broke, the sun disappeared behind the clouds - it became gloomy, creepy, scary and ugly.“I cannot work in such an environment! Well, what a job this is - it's horror! How can you start a new day when there is gloom, dampness and dread outside the window.
But, if there are no spectators within a radius of five meters, Nina will not waste time on tears, but will quickly organize all her affairs, make all kinds of calls, enter data into the computer, prepare coffee for the chef and the chief engineer, too, and for everyone at the right time, will earn herself a hundred points ahead, and then you can run to the accounting department - chat about fashion trends, brands and sales.

She has a creative mess on the table, but if anything is needed, Nina will immediately fetch the document that is needed from the heap of papers with a thin graceful hand, smile sweetly and promise to clean up. And in the secretary's table there are deposits of chocolate bars, which are given to her by colleagues and customers. Nina knows how to receive faxes, paint her nails at the same time, give instructions to the courier and make eyes at field workers. What? How can you miss your chance? She will not sit in secretaries all her life ?!
Yes, Ninochka-kartinochka in the reception room to work - like in a fairy tale: light, spacious, crowded, there is someone to look at and someone to slap her eyes. At 18:00 Nina turns off the computer and will not pick up the phone, even if she has not yet had time to put her long legs outside the threshold. "Nobody pays me overtime, the working day is over - adieu!" Such a young and beautiful girl has a lot of things to do - shops, get-togethers with girlfriends in a cafe, strip plastic and yoga, dates and discos. “I have all my evenings scheduled. I am not this creepy "mumu" that you can't look at without tears!"
White crow in a dark corner
Turgenev has absolutely nothing to do with it, and such an ironic remark was thrown at our warehouse manager - Svetlana. She is also a tall girl, with thin, sharp facial features, rather beautiful, but ask anyone in our team if he considers Sveta beautiful, more than half will answer - no. Why? Even though her name is Svetlana, you will not wait for a single ray of a smile on her face. Our warehouse manager sits with his back to the window, overlaid on both sides with tall stacks of invoices and folders. So she fenced off from the sun, which drops the rays on her table. Because of this, Sveta often sits in a corner, diagonally from the workplace, where a shadow is formed from the shelving with documents. Her gaze is often fixed on one point, she looks detached from everything that is happening around. Sometimes Sveta's face can be downright squirmed, as if in pain,if in the resulting silence the phone suddenly rings, or Nina drops an organizer with small things from the table.
Sveta is dressed modestly, but decently. She loves sporty style and can often sit in a hoodie. At lunchtime, she can be found in the same place, in the same position. It seems that she is sleeping with open eyes - so quietly and motionlessly her whole body and even her eyes freeze. Sometimes you ask her:
- Light, why aren't you at dinner?
- Light!
- AND? - she shudders, as if she woke up from a dream.
- I say, why didn't you go to the dining room?
- Yes, I somehow forgot.
Ha! She forgot to eat. Everyone is waiting - they will not wait for dinner, but she forgot. Sveta's desk is not a mess, but such a creative mess of papers, pencils and paper clips, a volume of Mayakovsky and an astronomical atlas. There is no phone, she does not need it, she immediately taught everyone to communicate through the forms that lie right there - in the tray. Come, take, fill and put in another tray. Sveta will process and give out everything you need according to the list. She does the job well. Everything that has been planned has been done, all reports are ready on time, orders with virtually no interruptions. The devil won't break his leg in the warehouse.
Her most disliked day is the departure of the field workers on duty. When geophysicists go to a field, they need a lot of everything, from electrical tape to equipment. And they come at once for 8-10 people. It’s such a roar, a hubbub, everyone is noisy, noisy, joking, and sometimes they swear. This is very annoying for the light. Sometimes, when she is in a bad mood, she shamelessly can blurt out to them: "How you all enrage me, if only once (she snaps her fingers), and all of you are gone!" It is clear now why she is not something that they do not consider beautiful, pleasant, prepossessing, they simply dislike her. Yes, and she is strange - a freak. No children, no husband, no friends, and you can't really talk to her. One word - mumu.
A systematic view of the problem
Here I am standing at the door of the waiting room, looking at my "shots" and I understand that it is time to change something. Nina is disturbed only by the society of Sveta and the eerie darkness from her corner. And it is painful for Sveta to endure all this flow of people passing by an avalanche every day and hour. Yes, and Nina herself, with her chirping, eternal harassment about work, her personal life, and “let's have some tea” just cuts her ear. Surely you yourself could see that what suits one person is categorically contraindicated for another. What delights one group of people can completely ruin the mood of another. We are all different, therefore, the approach to each should be appropriate.
And how to understand a person without knowing his nature, not knowing about the true desires of his psyche, about the inner structure of his soul? How can I, a personnel officer, understand what this employee is capable of, what can be expected or demanded from him, and what is completely useless, because these properties are completely absent in him?

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan dotted the "i" and says that there are 8 vectors, where the vector is a certain set of properties of the human psyche. This is the volume that is given to us by nature, which we receive at birth. Parents, family and school help us develop it. And the baggage that we were able to develop, we carry out into socially useful activities, acquire skills and abilities, a profession. Each vector has its own temperament, character, occupation. It's great if a person is in his place, I mean now the business he is engaged in. But the workplace, the degree of its convenience or discomfort, can even out or break the situation.
Emotions as a source of life
Using my characters as an example, I wanted to show how people, being in the same room, live in it in different ways. The fact is that Nina has a visual vector, and Sveta has a sound one. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that external signs are secondary, but there are some things that are characteristic for the manifestation of a vector, for example, carriers of the visual vector have expressive eyes, often large, sparkling kindness, affection, participation. In a word, lively eyes. These people are often smiling, open to the world, sociable - this is due to the desire to create emotional connections with people.
Likewise, our Nina needs communication, work that will allow her to contact, create connections, build relationships. It is always a sensual, emotional coloring for all matters, be it work or leisure. For people like Nina, the environment in which they find themselves is important. That is, down to what the weather is outside the window, because sunlight pleases the eyes - and they are supersensitive in the eye and are able to perceive much more information about this world than people without a visual vector.
They see everything in pictures: bright, joyful or not very scary, creepy and ugly, they relate everything to their emotional state. Scary ugly or beauty and love will save the world - this is the range of the visual vector. Of course, such people are liked by others, they attract, cause positive emotions, well, until hysterics and unreasonable tears begin.
The need for silence and concentration
Light has a sound vector - it is a completely different volume of the psyche, it is a different depth in the soul. Sound is vibration that is perceived by the ear. Eyes work differently here, they, like everyone else, simply perceive external manifestations, but there is no emotional response inside if there is no visual vector.
The soundman's gaze is directed into himself, because this is how he concentrates, listens. The soundman's ear is supersensitive and is able to pick up the subtlest vibrations of sound: rustle of leaves, brilliant rows of classical music, ringing of silence. Such people literally experience pain from harsh sounds - the squeak of the office phone, the loud slam of the door, the squeal and laughter of the employee with whom you share the office space.
It seems to the viewer that the sound engineer is emotionless, cold and spiteful. What is going on inside is simply not visible to the optic eyes. And in the soul of the sound engineer there are thicknesses, depths and layers of meanings, constant work of thought. They do not speak, they listen in order to understand what is actually the point here, whether it is, and if there is - what is behind it.
The desire to find the meaning of life is their main interest. Often they feel like black sheep, having neither the desire nor the opportunity to share with other people everything that is of interest to their life. Everything earthly seems to sound people insignificant, perishable and empty, and therefore meaningless.

People with their emotions, movements, twitches distract them from concentration, and therefore cause hostility. They also make loud noises or spew empty, meaningless speeches. And this is not what our Light needs. She needs a small, dark office (certainly not a waiting room), in which she can sit in silence and preferably alone, so that she can concentrate on work and not close her sensitive ears from the hum that is around her.
How can the situation be changed
If I was allowed to make rearrangements, plus I have such powers, then as part of improving the climate in the team, I offered Sveta a room next to the warehouse - a free office with a small window on the shady side of the building. Since this is a former technical room, it is quiet and almost deserted. I don't know who was happier, me or Sveta. She - because she was given the opportunity to be in conditions comfortable for her body and soul, or I, because, finally, I saw Svetina smile. Yes, sound people are people too, they know how to smile!
Well, Nina spent three days rearranging, took possession of the entire reception area, turned her workplace to face the window so that she could always catch the sun, and ordered new blinds so that she could lower them in time and not see the gloom.
It would seem such a trifle, but how much does a person need? Just to be understood. Not through himself, but really, through those properties that are given to him from nature, which he may not have realized in himself. And then someone just took it and realized it.
Would you like someone to understand you this way? Would you like to please yourself with the understanding of those with whom you work or live? You can learn more about vectors and their manifestations by signing up for a free online training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan here …