How to start expressing your thoughts clearly?
Our thoughts determine our actions, and therefore our life scenario. At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the reasons for the occurrence of any negative states are revealed in detail, and a new understanding of oneself and others helps to achieve inner comfort and pleasure in communication.
The effectiveness of communication between people directly depends on how much they understand each other. This is influenced by many factors. Let's figure out what influences the process of understanding by one person of another and how to achieve this understanding, relying on the knowledge from the training of Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology".
Common values that do not exist
The presence in a person of certain vectors - sets of desires and properties - adds up a special system of values, which may be different from that of your interlocutor. For example, the owner of the skin vector, whose time, social status, financial well-being are supervalues, enters into a dialogue with the owner of the anal vector, for whom quality, respect in society, loyalty, home, family and friends are supervalues. Communication between them without understanding each other's nature will be very unproductive. They are different, like heaven and earth, defend their point of view, without coming to a common opinion.
A person with a visual vector is the only one who can feel the entire volume of earthly love for his neighbor and not only, therefore, he may not be understood by the owner of the sound vector, which is characterized by abstract intelligence, special introversion and even egocentrism. In an unfilled psychological state, the sound engineer will not perceive the categories of love and compassion due to their "meaninglessness and naivety."
The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan reveals the values of each of the eight vectors, providing information about the inner structure of the soul of your interlocutor. To be understandable and understood means to have an understanding with whom you are talking and who you are yourself.
Incompatibility in the style of dialogue
Let us take, for example, a plot development scheme, where there is a plot, action development, culmination, denouement. Each element carries a semantic load. And the consistency of the presentation of thought greatly affects how you are perceived.
Sometimes the inability to start a conversation can ruin the first impression. So, a person with an anal vector can shake up, be afraid to blurt out something, so as not to disgrace himself. The owner of the visual vector may be afraid to speak first when he is tormented by fears that manifest themselves as self-doubt or social phobia. In principle, it is difficult for a sound engineer to make contact, because he is an introvert who reluctantly leaves the "shell" of solitude.

Failure to end a conversation can also be a nuisance to others. This is "abused" by a person with an anal vector in a state of stress or unfulfillment. Then he can get bogged down in the topic, go into numerous unimportant, in the opinion of his interlocutor, details, endlessly clarify, explain and repeat. It is important for him to put an end to the conversation himself, otherwise he feels discomfort. That is why he so often continues and continues to speak in response to the last remark of the interlocutor. To end the conversation, you just need to stop supporting it, let the person with the anal vector have the last word.
Starting a conversation "in the middle" is also bad form. This plunges into a stupor the interlocutor with the anal vector, since he was not prepared for your thought. This is the “sin” of the owners of the skin and sound vectors. Kozhniki, saving time and words, begin their speech with the main thing and speak telegraphically - briefly, in abbreviations. And the sound people are so immersed in themselves, in their internal conversation with themselves, that, "emerging", they speak only scraps of their thoughts. It is sometimes very difficult to translate abstract, cumbersome meanings into sentences that will satisfy the interlocutor. From the outside, both skin and sound speech can often seem abrupt and incomprehensible.
Why sometimes thoughts get confused and even sober thinking fails? There are many reasons. Let's consider systemically the main ones.
Fears and phobias interfere with communication
People with a visual vector have a vivid imagination, their imaginative intelligence allows you to imagine the picture in your head very clearly, in the smallest detail. These are the most emotional and vibrant people, capable of captivating with beautiful speeches into distant places. They are extremely sociable and friendly.
But when such a person does not have sufficient realization of his sensory potential or is under stress, then he can draw non-existent terrible pictures in his imagination. His thoughts can be completely occupied with worries about himself: “How do I look? What will they think of me? How to make everyone crazy about me? It is the voice of fears and phobias - the opposite of empathy and love.
For example, when communicating to the owner of the anal-visual ligament of vectors, who is in stress, it may seem that the interlocutor does not listen to him or is hostile to him. Any trifle that swells to a global tragedy can serve as a reason for this.
Stupor. Easy to get in, hard to get out
People with an anal vector love consistency, and any surprise can drive them into a stupor. In order to thoroughly deal with the unpredictable and make it thoroughly studied, it takes time, which sometimes may not be in communication.
For example, he flies into the office like a scalded skin manager, casually throws documents and gives an urgent instruction to an employee with an anal vector, who does not have time to switch and understand what's what. A sudden interruption of activity leads him to a state of stupor. The door is already closed, the manager and the spirit are gone, and the work is on the table. "Well … It must be so."
Understanding the structure of your psyche can help you diagnose negative states in a timely manner and take action. To develop a way to communicate with impetuous skinners or, in principle, to limit your contact with people who rush, knock, destroy the usual regime. Stress will be minimal if a person is systematically aware of the properties of the psyche - his own and the interlocutor. The flow of the conversation becomes more predictable, and hostility from not understanding the reasons for the “wrong behavior” of another person does not arise.

Speaking directly to the brain
The river of dialogues can turn into the mainstream of those areas in which a person is ignorant. It is impossible to know everything in the world, therefore it is very difficult to tell a story about what you do not know. Long pauses appear in speech, mooing, thoughts get confused, convincingness is out of the question.
An exception to this rule is people with an oral vector, who can bewitch their interlocutors, even saying nonsense. The thing is that they have verbal intelligence and an innate ability to grab a person's attention, without internal censorship to speak on the most sensitive topics.
Dislike and distrust of others carry a negative message. Negative opinions about someone will manifest themselves in one way or another, sooner or later. Our thoughts determine our actions, and therefore our life scenario. At the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan, the reasons for the occurrence of any negative states are revealed in detail, and a new understanding of oneself and others helps to achieve inner comfort and pleasure in communication. This is what the training participants write about it:
If you want to understand the intricacies of human psychology, it is easy to find an approach to any person, to learn how to clearly express your thoughts and communicate as effectively as possible, come to Yuri Burlan's free online training "System-Vector Psychology".