Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It is not for nothing that a popular proverb says that arrogance is the second happiness
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And yet he is lying! He tries to hide his excitement, but gestures and facial expressions will always betray a person. Look how the eyes are running, fingers rattling on the table. Although no, the next moment he looks straight into my eyes. And such a sincere look, open, penetrates directly into the soul … Believe him or not? Maybe I misunderstand the meaning of his facial expressions altogether
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“It would seem that I have no reason to drink - a good husband, two children, an apartment, a car
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What can be considered the main signs of depression? Personally, my friend showed me the following list:
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Do you know what I felt when I realized that I would never see her again in my life? If you have ever attended a funeral of close relatives, then you probably felt something similar
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They are not worried about questions of morality and ethics
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A flock of girls with schoolbags runs after the boy. This chase is not like a child's game, rather, the hunters drive the beast. Now the boy has fallen and writhes in horror. The girls surround him, laugh at him, then lose interest and leave. And the boy with tears scratches on the mossy stone the names of the offenders - "killbill" of the future Lipetsk maniac strangler is ready
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Speaking about the role of Russia in the modern world, the President defined the priority direction of foreign policy - the all-round development of integration in the post-Soviet space: “We are not going to fence ourselves off from anyone and oppose anyone. The Eurasian Union will be built on universal integration principles as an integral part of Greater Europe, united by the common values of freedom, democracy and market laws. " Vladimir Putin. Izvestia, 03.10.11
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In the section "10.00.00 Philological Sciences" of the journal Philological Sciences. Questions of theory and practice included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission, an article has been printed illustrating the importance of using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology in linguistics. We present the text of the article included in the VAK journal (ISSN 1997-2911):
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Have you already prepared for school? - We bought a diary and a belt
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Understand your essence, see your role
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Scientific cultural research based on the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan was presented at the International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference CURRENT PROBLEMS OF MODERN SOCIETY: ISSUES OF SOCIOLOGY, POLITICAL SCIENCE, PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY The conference was held in Novosibirsk in the text on December 17, 2012. collection (ISBN 978-5-4379-0188-5) of conference materials:
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Tough guys with smug faces in front of a man covered in cold sweat. They are the noble defenders of children from vile lustful thugs, one of whom has now so easily fallen into the cleverly placed networks of pedophile hunters
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Blessed Augustine and anal erotica “A man is born between urine and feces,” said Blessed Augustine in an outburst of struggle with human vices and pride, they say, remember how you appeared, and do not shine. Blessed Augustine, why so rude, what ugly words, because their children can hear, women! “A
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The new systematic work was published in the collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference, among the organizers of which are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the South Ural Branch of the Russian Philosophical Society, the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, etc. (ISBN 978- 5-4463-0039-6)
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Only the lazy does not speak about the problems in education today. Everyone can throw a stone into the garden of Russian education. Blame teachers for incompetence, students for "stupidity", society for immorality, the media for trying to show the worst and most shocking to the public
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Since the release of Nikita Mikhalkov's dilogy "Confrontation" and "The Citadel" ("Burnt by the Sun 2"), the stream of mud, which continues to pour on the director and his picture, has not diminished
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The geographer drank the globe. Modern Russian cinema has been replenished with a new film, which is already ranked on a par with the best cinematic works of the Soviet period - "Autumn Marathon" and "Flights in Dreams and in Reality". However, these comparisons correspond only to one line of the film "The Geographer Drank the Globe on Drink" - the relationship of adults with a hint of "an extra person" - and absolutely do not relate to another topic - today's adolescents
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New systematic work was published in the collection of materials of the XI International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference (ISBN 978-5-00021-029-1) SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION: INNOVATIONS IN THE MODERN WORLD
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System abstracts were published in the collection of materials of the IX International Scientific and Practical Conference (ISBN978-5-905897-36-8) TOPICAL ISSUES OF PSYCHOLOGY The conference was held on April 30, 2013 in Krasnodar
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The glossy magazine “Katyusha”, which is published in Germany, has a new heading “Page for Parents”. This section is opened by our systematic publication about the psychology of a child with a sound vector "Strange Silent"
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New publication - in English in the collection of materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference which was held in London, UK, May 9-10, 2013 (ISBN 978-1-908616-30-2)
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A scientific article based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology was published in the collection of works of the VII International Extramural Scientific and Practical Conference SCIENTIFIC DISCUSSION: ISSUES OF PEDAGOGY AND PSYCHOLOGY The conference was held in Moscow on November 21, 2012
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In the section "Forensic support for the investigation of crimes" of the collection of materials of the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference LEGALITY AND RULE IN MODERN SOCIETY, an article on the methodology of using Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology in forensic science was published. The conference was held in Novosibirsk on December 27, 2012
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How often can we observe the usual picture: two people, having quarreled over an insignificant reason, arrange a "showdown"! It all starts with offensive shouts in the language of profanity, and there it is already close to cuffs. Where does such a surge of aggressiveness come from? Why does aggression take an extremely obscene form among people who are sometimes not of the lowest social level and, it would seem, are sufficiently educated?
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The best remedy for love at first sight is to look closely a second time. In the film “Tomorrow Was the War,” a convinced Komsomol activist Iskra indignantly reprimands her friend, the skin-visual heroine Natalya Negoda: “It turns out that her dream is to be a woman! Not a pilot, not a parachutist, not a Stakhanovka, finally! .. But a woman! A toy in the hands of a man! "
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Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Children and Parents": In the West, there is no such thing that a husband and wife during a divorce themselves agree on how their child will continue to live
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I am going mad or ascending to a high degree of madness. B. Akhmadulina
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Olfactory measure": The skin mentality of the Western world leads to separation from animal states, standardization at all levels, mutual penetration. Along with this standardization, integration and globalization, an incredible interdependence grows
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second level of Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" on the topic "Mixing vectors":
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Today I would like to talk about corruption in Russia without critical accusations familiar to the Internet. This phenomenon exists, and it appeared without the help of any aliens from space. We spawned it ourselves
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Jungle Idea Marketing I often think about my desires. Perhaps I am no exception - many, if not most, do this. You always want something, sometimes simple, sometimes unattainable. But recently I began to wonder: are these my desires or are they desires of someone else … I often think about my desires. P
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Love … It not only drives you crazy, paints life in bright colors and pushes you to madness. Love unites two different people into a single whole. And it becomes the reason for their strong desire to live together: to share joy and sorrow for two, to live a string of boring everyday life and minutes of happiness, to go to the same goal together, to raise children together
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Fragment of the lecture notes of the First Level on the topic "Visual vector": The flock can be united on two levels. One of them is hatred. We humans can still unite in hatred against another person; even if we hate each other, but the third, we hate more, we will unite against him - "against whom are you friends?" Hatred unites us, smooths out internal contradictions
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Urethral and sound vectors": All vectors are equally important. It may seem that, for example, the muscle vector is less important than the cutaneous one, but this is not so. We are in a single eight-dimensional matrix, and representatives of all vectors fulfill their role. And only depending on the phase of development, the emphasis shifts to certain vectors
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Fragment of the lecture notes of the First Level on the topic "Visual vector": The brightest state of any person is the fear of death, because this is the primary task of nature - the preservation of life, the basis of the foundations. All our life we are in search of balance, we are looking for security and safety
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Word": In modern society, we should not speak foul language
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Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Parents and children": There are psychological laws of adoption
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Environment": When a person began to detach from his animal nature, he had the rudiments of consciousness and the first, then still a small freedom of choice
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Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Money": The bulk of people live according to the principle "mine is mine, and yours is also mine." In Russia, this translates into absolute money-grubbing