Work: labor service or the happiness of mutual love?
Why can many people all their lives sadly pull the strap of their existence, sadly go to a hated job in order to only get a salary, do an unloved job, suffer from it, but still continue to do it and continue to complain about fate?
Who are the people who are in love with their business?
For a genius scientist in his laboratory, forgetting to eat is a common thing. The most famous actresses are never faced with the choice of going on tour or staying at home with a child. Every outstanding writer always writes, even on a piece of paper or on a napkin, but he writes.
Love for work, passion for what you do, complete dedication, enthusiasm - who are these feelings inherent in?
Why can many people all their lives sadly pull the strap of their existence, sadly go to a hated job in order to only get a salary, do an unloved job, suffer from it, but still continue to do it and complain about fate?
While others live and enjoy every day, filling it with their favorite pastime: painting with enthusiasm, teaching children, baking bread, healing people, making a movie, dancing in a ballet, trading on the stock exchange or growing grapes.
Oddly enough, but it is from the most successful, famous and wealthy people that you can hear the words: “I never worked, but did what I love”, “I just like to do this”, “I do my job not to make money, but because I can't do it any other way”and the like.
So what does the banal “I can't NOT do this” mean?
For whom is work - gray everyday life, and for whom - a way of life, passion, vocation?
How to find yourself in an era of endless possibilities?
Is it possible to catch fire with work, when it already seemed that everything was extinguished in endless and fruitless searches?
Where to find what you would like to do always: on weekends, at night, on holidays, at a resort, at any free moment - and think about it everywhere: in the shower, on the bus, at a party, on a walk, even on a date or in a dream ?!

Where does the passion for work come from?
You can often hear something like: "He was born very talented" or "He was given by nature," they say, there areted, and there are ordinary, ordinary, unremarkable personalities. And what about those who are "not given"? To accept a miserable existence and difficult everyday life?
Proponents of another theory argue that we are all terribly talented from birth, we just need to open all the chakras with special exercises, faith in ourselves, positive thinking and purification of karma, as soon as universal grace descends on us and happiness falls.
In fact, this passion for work, that spark of enthusiasm, passion for the process, that irrepressible desire for a specific type of activity is our enjoyment of life, fulfillment of desires, satisfaction of needs, realization of innate properties of the psyche. At the physiological level, this is due to the balanced biochemistry of the brain.
Each person is born with a certain set of psychological properties, which, on the one hand, form a complex of desires, aspirations, values, and on the other, they are embodied in a very special way of thinking, habits, principles, and are even supported by a specific type of metabolism and physical capabilities of the body.
In other words, if you have a certain desire, this means that it is you who can fulfill it, otherwise this desire simply would not have a chance to be born in your thoughts. We want and strive only for what we can realize ourselves. We can only want what we are imprisoned for - both mentally and physically.
However, the most interesting thing is not even this, the most important and surprising is that it is this embodiment of one's desire, the realization of a cherished dream, the fulfillment of a psychological need that gives us the feeling of pleasure for which we strive so much.
Everything, the circle is closed!
The property gives rise to desire, which turns into an intention and, reinforced by the mental and physical qualities of a person, can be realized in action - this state is felt as pleasure, joy, happiness, fulfillment, the biochemistry of the central nervous system in perfect balance. If our desire does not find its realization, our perception of the world goes into negative, shortages, frustrations grow, feeling resentment, anger, melancholy, apathy, the balance of brain biochemistry is disturbed.
It would seem, what could be easier? I wanted something - I did it - I got pleasure. This is where the hardest part begins.
How to want it right?
From early childhood, a modern person is simply overloaded with information: parents pin their hopes, educators instill cultural values, the school teaches a dozen sciences and disciplines, relatives, neighbors, friends, the media, the Internet - all these sources influence us. Gradually, a certain image of a happy person develops in my head, to whom we are trying to strive.

As a result, following fashion trends, a fixed image of prestigious work, values and criteria of life success imposed from outside, we lose the thin thread of our own desire, the very one whose filling could give us exclusively our purely personal pleasure and a sense of happiness.
Choosing the wrong path, we try to live someone else’s life, make someone else’s dreams come true, or justify other people's hopes, trying to mold ourselves into someone we cannot be in principle, so it turns out … not particularly successful.
In addition, the expected happiness is not observed, the work does not bring satisfaction, which means that you want to do it less and less, disappointment, resentment, irritation grow, an understanding comes that you were deceived, although it seemed that you yourself made your choice.
Now what? To start all over again, again to grope a new path in the dark, but where is the guarantee that it will not turn out to be a mistake again?
Such experiments can be carried out ad infinitum, but so far and not to feel the pleasure that the filling of one's truly deep psychological needs gives.
A modern person is able to get an education in any branch or science of his choice, to master skills in any field of activity, the general level of education in developed countries is quite high, but at the same time, the psychological literacy of the population, unfortunately, remains at the lowest level.
For some reason, knowledge of oneself for a person does not have such value as, for example, knowledge of accounting, foreign languages or archeology. At the same time, it is precisely the understanding of the psychological mechanisms of the formation of desires, intentions, the structure of the human psyche, the levels of development of vector properties and the ways of realizing innate needs that can give each person the opportunity to see himself present.
Thinking in categories that System Vector Psychology reveals makes it possible to compose a guide according to your own desires, to understand your dreams and goals and to determine for yourself the option for the realization of psychological properties that could most fully satisfy your needs, thanks to which you could feel that the fullest, strongest and most powerful feeling of pleasure in work, activity, creativity - every process of your life, every day you live, every moment!
After all, only clearly understanding what exactly we need, we can easily find a way to get it. Modern society provides almost unlimited opportunities for implementation.
How delicious is the gingerbread
Lack, frustrations, lack of realization of properties - everything that we feel as suffering in its various manifestations (resentment, anger, anger, rage, fear, apathy, depression, etc.), and is a natural whip that makes us look for any way to show our properties, find application for those qualities that hurt and require their embodiment in work. But, not understanding the true cause of our negative state, we are unlikely to be able to find a full-fledged way to satisfy psychological desires.
Often, we are thrown into a primitive, that is, archetypal attempts to fill the shortages, which give only a temporary release of tension, but in no way a full-fledged feeling of pleasure in our activities. This can be theft in the skin vector, cruelty and sadism in the anal, emotional buildup, fears and phobias in the visual, apathy, depression in the sound, and so on.

Temperament, or the power of desire in vectors, of a modern person is so high that such attempts cannot fill the full potential of psychological needs, and therefore require repetition more and more often.
At the same time, having tasted once what kind of joy, pleasure and fulfillment the full realization of the innate properties of the psyche gives, we strive to experience it again and again, because this is exactly what we were born for, only ours and no other species role, the process that makes us - us, us happy.
Each desire satisfied at a high level gives rise to a new one, even more complex and laborious, but even more pleasant in its fulfillment than the previous one.
So, for example, a person with a skin vector can only get the expected high result in work through a clear organization of his own working time, thereby filling his needs for saving resources (time, financial, production and others). At the same time, the same dermal person becomes able to organize a group of people in achieving a common goal, and this is already filling of a higher level, therefore, he feels an order of magnitude more powerful sense of pleasure from his own activity.
And so on … one satisfied desire gives birth to a new one, more difficult to achieve, but also more potentially pleasant in its embodiment.
This is exactly what the natural gingerbread looks like, prompting us to take actions to complicate things, to increase, to grow and develop.
This is the "carrot" to which we are ready to strive day and night, going headlong into our favorite work (loved because it is truly ours!), Making amazing discoveries, performing seemingly inconceivable amounts of work, conquering seemingly unattainable, horizons, heights and goals, overcoming any obstacles and circumstances, creating amazing works of art.
Thus, we make our personal contribution to the development of all mankind, and turn our life into a series of joyful events, exciting adventures, amazing discoveries and sweet achievements that are called happiness.
Thus, understanding oneself, one's goals, values and desires, awareness of the nature of one's own psyche becomes one of the most important knowledge that any person should master, primarily in order to determine the direction in which he should move in further development. …