A quarter of married men in Russia are ready to become housewives. The cave is in good hands
All this is happening against the background of an increase in the activity of women, who, despite the times of crisis, easily master things that were previously considered purely masculine …
According to a survey conducted by the Superjob.ru center, a quarter of married men in Russia are ready to become housewives. However, provided that the family will be supported by a woman. To the question "Are you ready to leave your job and start housework if your wife's earnings will cover family expenses?" 26% answered in the affirmative, and 64% of respondents were against such an approach. Moreover, men under 35 are not ready to take on the female responsibilities of men, and older men are not averse to staying at home and becoming domestic workers with all the duties that follow from this: washing, ironing, cleaning, cooking, checking the lessons of children …
And they do not consider, at the same time, shameful if their other half will provide the family financially.
Of course, they reasoned purely hypothetically, answering this question, but the tendency of the coming change in the traditional patriarchal attitude is obvious: thinking is changing from the category "a man should earn money" to the category "when a woman is the breadwinner of the family."
All this is happening against the background of an increase in the activity of women who, despite the times of crisis, easily master things that were previously considered purely masculine: they lead teams, earn good money and are not afraid to make decisions, demonstrating their independence in everything related to work and business.
What is the reason for this "unmanly" behavior?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is able to answer this question. According to this technique, the natural desire and ability to deal with family and household chores exists only in representatives of one specific type of men.
These are the owners of the anal vector, whose values by nature are home, family, children and respect for traditions. They are always respectful of their parents and grandparents. They sacredly respect family traditions and do not like changes. Such people are approximately 20% of the world's population.
Once at the dawn of the development of human society, primitive man had to hard work to get food and look for territories suitable for this. It was impossible to do this alone, without having claws and teeth. Therefore, primitive people lived in flocks. Over time, such packs began to differ from animal packs, thanks to additional desires and abilities, which turned us into people in the modern sense of the word.
Everyone in the pack had a role to play. When the flock went on long hikes in order to get food, the weakest part of it remained in the caves - females and children, who needed protection. Thus, there was a separate role for the cave guard, women and children in the pack. He was a strong and calm “home” sitter who, although he did not go hunting, had the right to distribute food and transfer the gene pool in the flock. This was the owner of the anal vector.
Such a man is still not well adapted to hunting, that is, to business, since the properties of his body and psyche are not designed for this. An anal man has a strong stocky body, short "clubfoot" legs, strong arms and corresponding mental properties: he is clumsy and slow, makes decisions with difficulty and does not like changes.

He never had the dexterity and accuracy necessary for a successful hunt, but the hunting flock could be completely calm for protecting its most vulnerable part from enemies and predators - anal men guarded the lives of women and children to the last. To this day, for them, this is the highest value.
For such men, the past is always better than the present or the future, since only the anal vector, in addition to protecting women and children, is endowed with the function of teaching boys the skills of war and hunting and transferring the knowledge accumulated in the past to future generations. To convey something, you need to accumulate and systematize something - therefore, such people, along with a look into the past, are naturally given a wonderful memory.
Since childhood, an anal person is very important to praise from mom, from the teacher at school, from the team at work. He has golden hands, special perseverance and the ability to painstakingly perform the most tedious work. In a bad state, his obedience and diligence turn into stubbornness, and if his mother scolds and punishes, he may stop obeying.
A properly educated analnik will strive all his life to clean the "barrel of honey from a fly in the ointment", while in a bad state he will "stain" everything. A distinctive feature of the anal vector is the division into clean and dirty. His (pure) clan, his (pure) blood, his (pure) people. The roots of nationalism lie in the bad states of the anal vector. The departure of the institution of marriage for such men is a real disaster.
Why is it possible to change family roles with us?
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that the stable socialist model of society during the Soviet era was the most favorable habitat for the owners of the anal vector. Now we have entered the skin phase of human development, in an era of change, in which past values are completely replaced, material and social superiority becomes the measure of happiness for many.
It is in this skin phase of the development of society that equality of rights between the sexes arises in almost all spheres of activity. Modern women have a desire and opportunity to realize their innate psychological properties in society at the same level as men. And this despite the fact that until recently a woman could realize herself only as a wife and mother, the keeper of the family hearth.
In the new skin conditions of life, real professionals with the anal vector and who know their job perfectly, are afraid to go to work in a new, unknown place and may look like people with outdated outlook on life. In general, it is difficult for them to change something; fear prevents them from coming into contact with the new bosses and the new team.
The fear of going to work is based on the fear of dishonor. Such people like to do everything perfectly, and they really do not like mistakes. Therefore, it is not surprising that when an opportunity arises to concede the role of a breadwinner in the family to their second half, such anal husbands, with a competent prioritization by their wife, will stay at home and prefer household chores to a new unknown habitat that drives them into a stupor.
For them, the tasks of preserving the food obtained by others, organizing the safety, convenience and comfort in the cave, feeding the family are priorities and shape certain behavioral traits right up to life in modern times, because the well-being of the family for an anal person still remains the main value. This is the owner in a house where traditions are respected, the memory of the past is preserved and the experience of generations is accumulated, so it is not surprising that he is especially good and comfortable in this house.

It is psychologically most difficult for a man with an anal vector to realize that it is the woman who is the breadwinner in the family, because in his view only a man can be the head of the family.
But if such a prospect in the family suits both spouses and the wife will not reproach her husband for his inability to earn money, but instead she will make him feel that he is the head of the family and a reliable family man, then such a new model of the family, unusual for our patriarchal society, has every right to exist.
You can learn more about this on the free online lectures on Systemic Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan: