Marriage As A Sense Of Security

Marriage As A Sense Of Security
Marriage As A Sense Of Security

Marriage as a sense of security

In the West, women are more independent, society supports them, and they do not seek marriage. And in Russia - patriarchy according to the urethral type. In Muslim countries, there is anal patriarchy, and this is covered at the state level, for example, in Saudi Arabia, you can kill a woman / sister only on suspicion and serve only a few months for it …

Fragment of the lecture notes of the Second Level on the topic "Sexuality":

In the modern world, a woman goes beyond the cave into the savannah. It requires training, career, orgasm, new neural connections. The marriage leaves, and the woman, on the one hand, remains afraid of whether she will be able to be independent, to feed herself, and on the other hand, the marriage is already disgusted. And women in Russia are "pounded" by these contradictions.

In the West, women are more independent, society supports them, and they do not seek marriage. And in Russia - patriarchy according to the urethral type. In Muslim countries, there is anal patriarchy, and this is covered at the state level, for example, in Saudi Arabia, you can kill a woman / sister only on suspicion and serve only a few months for it. And we have patriarchy along the vertical urethral model.

A woman in Russia feels more free, not feeling the collective American complexes expressed in an attempt to compete with men. But with all her striving to go outside, “into the savannah,” she realizes herself now much worse than in the days of the USSR, where a woman was protected by social guarantees. Today, being in a tougher struggle, a woman does not feel confident and needs more security, guarantees of her survival and provision of offspring, in marriage. It is not women who suffer the most from the absence of this, but anal men, old people and children. This is a common condition.


In the modern world, marriage has lost its supervalue; it is gradually disappearing as a manifestation of the anal phase of human development. Divorce has ceased to scare us. If you understand this systematically, then it is better to part, without nerves and scenes, than to live in a bad relationship. Anal children often judge their parents for their decision to divorce, they say, now I grew up unhappy. But this is a decision of only adult parents, the child needs to explain the situation that the mother is unhappy in marriage, and this is her life. You need to negotiate.

When we jump into the next relationship immediately after the previous ones, without keeping a pause, we begin to perceive a new partner based on previous experience, we begin to define a person only from the opposite of the previous partner, we contrast them: the past partner was greedy, and this one was generous. You can't do that! It is possible that he has other problems. You always need to take a break, move away from previous experience.

The marriage leaves through the skin-visual woman. Other women are still striving for marriage, we are still afraid to let go of the old (marriage), but we are already striving for the new (career, self-realization). You shouldn't exaggerate the importance of marriage, but you shouldn't deny it either. Marriage is important, but you have to …

Continuation of the notes on the forum:

Anastasia Afanasyeva wrote it down. June 29, 2013

A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in systemic vector psychology.
