A mind game or the presumption of atheism
An atheist and a devout believer: both are looking for the truth, both want to understand the essence of the physical world, both are preoccupied with the questions: “Who am I? Why am I? Where does everything come from? " Both desperately believe in what they preach … If, in Prutkov's way, "look at the root", then atheism is the same religion, faith, on the contrary, is the other side of the same coin …
For you I am an atheist, but for God I am a constructive opposition.
Woody Allen
As a child, I went to visit the girl Masha from the next doorway. Masha had a very smart and serious dad, who taught at the institute and seemed like a celestial creature against the background of our worker and peasant family. Mashin's dad liked to arrange "educational readings", carrying a spark of truth into the fragile children's minds. And the main book of these readings was “The Bible for Believers and Unbelievers”, written by Yemelyan Yaroslavsky (nee Minea Gubelman), a revolutionary, atheist, chairman of the “Union of Militant Atheists”.
Yaroslavsky was the main leader of the anti-religious policy of the state of workers and peasants. And he approached the writing of his "Bible" thoroughly, having previously studied the Christian Bible. According to the memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev, the comrades called Yaroslavsky "the Soviet priest."
No wonder, oh, no wonder they gave him this nickname. After all, he was not just an atheist - a militant atheist, not just an atheist - a preaching atheist! In other words, he tried to actively communicate the results of his search for truth to other people. What, then, is the difference between the “Soviet priest” and the devout believer, except for the very object of faith? Both are looking for the truth, both want to understand the essence of the physical world, both are preoccupied with the questions: “Who am I? Why am I? Where does everything come from? " Both desperately believe what they preach after all! If, in Prutkov's way, "look at the root", then atheism is the same religion, faith, on the contrary, is the other side of the same coin …

Do you believe in God or in Satan -
All the same, you have chosen one path.
In faith you will perish without knowing the source, Where did the world come from and where is your road.
From an atheistic song
Skin cynics and pragmatists have come up with a formula according to which it is beneficial to believe in God "in any case." Like, if there is no God, then both those who believe and do not believe in him absolutely do not lose anything and do not risk anything. But if God exists, then it is better to be among believers - as they say, just in case. Many anecdotes, parables and even mathematical formulas have been invented on this topic.
And nevertheless, there are people who categorically do not want to believe "just in case." Who want to comprehend the secrets of the universe for real, to see the truth, to know the plan and the cause of everything, to know their purpose, to understand the meaning of life. They are not satisfied with the ready-made answers that religion offers them. They want to find all the answers themselves, to reveal what is. The strength of this desire lies in one of the vectors that determine the life-determining interests and lack of personality.
The search for total meaning most often leads seekers to faith. Belief in God or gods, in the universal mind, in the wheel of Samsara, karma and reincarnation; that every person can become a Buddha and even that God does not exist, and the only way to know the Universe is the human mind and applied sciences. Perhaps that is why there is an opinion in theology that atheism is one of the forms of faith, since it is a worldview that explains the structure of the world, and in order to deny the existence of higher powers in this world, one needs confidence in the truth of one's views.
Atheists often argue with this statement, but by and large it does not matter. It is only important that the questions of the existence of God, the causes of the universe and the meaning of life are questions of life and death for the owners of only one vector. Regardless of the answers they find to him. And this vector is sound. In fact, atheists are sound scientists in the terminology of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology.

And the Lord said: "If atheists ask, I am not."
Among the famous atheists from antiquity to the present day, it is worth mentioning the philosophers David Hume, Denis Diderot, Mikhail Bakunin, Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Marx, Jean-Paul Sartre; poets and writers Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, Bernard Shaw, Marcel Proust, Isaac Asimov, Harry Garrison, Stanislav Lem, Umberto Eco. All of them, of course, were sound specialists. The founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, by the way, was also an atheist. He even once spoke in the spirit that religious beliefs are to some extent a kind of neurosis and that, having become atheists, people will have a healthier psyche …
However, the important thing is not that all these outstanding people denied the existence of God, but that they contemplated this. The fact that the issue of the world order really worried them.
Among our atheist contemporaries, one can recall the famous director Paul Verhoeven, who believes that Christianity is just one of many interpretations of reality. The Christian religion most of all reminds him of schizophrenia, which has engulfed half of the world's population, since it all looks like a way of civilization's struggle to "rationalize its chaotic existence."
Of our compatriots, perhaps one of the most famous atheists is journalist Alexander Nevzorov. Remember his famous "600 seconds"? So, now the seconds are a little less, about 540, but they are all devoted to one issue - atheism. His program "Lessons of Atheism", in which he talks for about 9 minutes with the viewer, is not so much about atheism as about how to preserve free thought among the implanted Orthodox culture, which the journalist calls ideology. Look at at least one "conversation", for example, about "everyday atheism", look into the eyes of Nevzorov, listen attentively to what he says. Freethinker? Undoubtedly. Blasphemer? Maybe. Atheist? Rather, the "constructive opposition", which is against religion-cult and against religion-business,but unambiguously for spiritual self-knowledge … Sound, coupled with vision and analogy, does not allow tolerating social phenomena parasitizing on a sound impulse to search for and cognize truth. And therefore Nevzorov's "lessons of atheism" will continue, acquiring more and more new students.

Mind games
In June 2013, in the city of Stark (USA), a monument to atheism was erected near the city court, directly opposite the Monument to the Ten Biblical Commandments.
From news
The modern level of development of the sound vector can no longer be satisfied with one idea, one religion, one worldview. A developed sound engineer has not enough content that the experience accumulated by human civilization offers him. He goes over and discards ready-made answers, like worn wrappers, and goes his own way of comprehending the world. Through logic, scientific research, cognition, meditation, states of altered consciousness, etc., etc.
And even having come to the conclusion that there is no God, the sound specialists in most cases do not stop their spiritual searches. They try to drown it out, but nothing happens. One, two, three … Sound search and sound ideas drive the world. Remember Galileo Galilei, a deeply and sincerely religious man, who nevertheless was obsessed with the thirst for knowledge and defended the heliocentric doctrine of Copernicus, officially declared heresy by the Catholic Church, which was very risky during the Inquisition …
Giordano Bruno - his obsession with knowledge actually cost him his life. As a Catholic monk, he was a pantheist, that is, he believed that God as such does not exist, that divinity is contained in nature itself, that is, God is "everything in everything"; he believed in reincarnation and that there was no immaculate conception … This is where there was real free-thinking and the level of development of the sound vector, which was several centuries ahead of its time.
Fortunately, modern atheists and free-thinkers are not burned at the stake. But this is not required, they burn from within, burned with a sound thirst for truth. And they don't know where to satisfy it, and is it possible at all?
After all, if we imagine the consciousness of one person in the form of a small ball, then the unknown around him will look like a gigantic sphere hundreds, thousands of times larger than the part that a person understood and cognized. And the more a person learns about the secrets of the universe, pumping up his "ball" with truths and ideas, the larger the area of contact of the expanded consciousness with the unknown … And therefore Socratic "I only know that I know nothing" sounds today many times more relevant than several centuries before our era.

And, perhaps, this is precisely the reason for the "desertion" of sound specialists from one camp to another: believers murmur and become atheists in search of meaning and fulfillment, and inveterate atheists become adepts of the faith, rediscovering for themselves truths once rejected.
Much noise was made by the story of the scientist Anthony Flew, who from the age of 15 considered himself an atheist and for many years lectured on scientific atheism. He was especially famous for his "presumption of atheism", that is, the assertion that the existence of God must be proved before arguing about him. Flew reconsidered his views in 2004: he publicly stated that he was wrong and the universe was created by someone powerful, most likely God. To this conclusion he was prompted by the study of the genetic code of the DNA molecule, which, according to the scientist, is someone's "development". In 2007, he wrote the bestselling work, "God Is: How the World's Most Famous Atheist Changed His Mind."
The XIV Dalai Lama calls himself "the greatest atheist on earth." However, what does his "atheism" mean? Could the fundamental questions of the universe not interest the religious leader of Tibet? In this case, "atheism" only means that Buddhism is a spiritual way of knowing the world, which does not imply the presence of a supreme divine personality as the creator and ruler of everything. This is a natural vision of the world for traditional non-theistic Eastern religions. There is no God, there is no soul, “I” is just an illusion … But at the same time, Buddhism is one of the most sound religions, since its main goal is knowledge and awareness.
But, of course, there is not enough sound scholar and Buddhism, although many pass through it in their search. The sound people, ardently proving that there is no God, cause only a smile.
The temperament of the sound person has grown so much that the sound person demands real answers. Sound requires knowing yourself. Obvious and accurate. System-vector psychology provides a deep understanding of the sometimes shocking truths that underlie our "I", in the foundations of modern human civilization and that allow us to predict its further development.