These two are inside me. On the nature of conflicting desires
I want both! And so that the house smells of pies, and that the stove for their baking is the most expensive and modern. And on weekends with family, and success in society. And how to break between these desires?
I am clearly not like them, like these, in good suits, moving quickly and efficiently, seemingly successful … sneaks! No, this is not about me - to spend all my life on the opportunity to earn money, make a career and succeed in something. They are such people that sometimes it seems to me - for the sake of profit they will sell their mother, they will not sacrifice anything! What do they do, what is their job? They dodge, agree on something, fuss.
I am an honest, decent person, I think that there is a profession - it will feed you if you do your job well. And if you become the best in your business, and worked for a long time in one place, then the management will recognize, and you will go for a promotion, and in some division, in some area you will become the boss. This is the case!
And if you look closely?
And everything would be fine, but, you know, I also want like them. Can you imagine? On the one hand, I feel that I don't need much. That's what he earned with honest labor, with his head and hands, he brought mine to the family. On the other hand, I would like a bigger cave, but the curtains in it are more expensive. Or even a couple of caves, so as not worse than a colleague's, and better than a neighbor's.
I try to be honest with myself and have to admit that I need the latest phone model not because of its better quality - it suits me and my old one. Besides, I kind of got used to it. No, I want to have a new, modern and - ashamed to say! - a prestigious gadget (oh, how I hate these buzzwords!).
And to be honest, since we have such a frank conversation - I would also like to choose a more interesting partner in life. Make a profitable party. For both the soul and the cause. The family, of course, must be strong for life. Well, why not choose a bride wisely?
Such different desires
So it turns out that the ability to sit all my life in one workplace is not the limit of my dreams. Honor and respect - all this in work must be mandatory, but you still want something more. I want novelty, changes. I would like to have the opportunity to earn money, the opportunity to grow. I want a career, success.
And I do well when I need to. On the one hand, in my opinion, I am not flexible at all - as I think, I will say so bluntly. On the other hand, I still understand where the benefits are, where the benefits are, and where there is empty talk. And it turns out that I can negotiate and sell (it can be expensive, the main thing is that without deception!), And get, and organize who is needed and what is needed. And I like it. Sometimes.
Where is my place in this life?
And what in this situation can a person say who does not have such internal contradictions? It is clear that: "No, well, you really decide somehow -" that "for you or" that ". Otherwise it will be so with you - neither there nor there."
How can I decide? I want both! And so that the house smells of pies, and that the stove for their baking is the most expensive and modern. And on weekends with family, and success in society. And how to break between these desires?
Even my heart sometimes hurts from heavy thoughts and conflicting desires. Sometimes it knocks like that - I can't sleep. They say arrhythmia …
Interesting task
According to Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, such torments are characteristic of a person who has opposite properties in his character: speed, flexibility, pragmatism (properties of the skin vector) and thoroughness, straightforwardness and honesty (qualities of the anal vector). These qualities are so different, and it is completely incomprehensible how they can coexist peacefully in one person. After all, they pull him, the poor, in different directions like a swan, cancer and a pike. It is necessary that both vectors do not conflict with each other, bringing their carrier to arrhythmia or heart attack, but should be implemented accordingly and complement each other. But first things first.

What is a vector?
According to Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology, a vector is a set of innate mental desires and properties for their realization. They give a person a system of values, talents, interests and the ability to realize himself in a particular area. There are eight vectors in total. From birth, a person has one or more vectors.
At the same time, at first glance, some vectors are well combined - their properties complement each other, and some vectors are contradictory, opposite in properties. It seems that they cannot coexist peacefully in one person. But in fact, their properties do not overlap, so you just need to figure out how to use this combination correctly.
The combination of cutaneous and anal vectors, which will be discussed in this article, is controversial.
About each separately
A person with a skin vector thinks in terms of "benefit - benefit", understands the language of advantages, unconsciously instantly evaluates which action is effective and which is not. He is fast, adaptive, flexible physically and mentally. His psychic is tuned to save: time, space, energy, resources. The dermal person is focused on the acquisition and accumulation of material wealth, he is driven by the desire for superiority, success, and a special position in society. Its value is career, status.
The outlook of a person with an anal vector is completely different. He has an excellent memory, is thorough, unhurried, stubborn, diligent, which means he is capable of mastering the most difficult subjects and sciences. It is vital for such people to thoroughly understand the subject of study, to understand all the subtleties and to know the smallest details, and also to bring each case to perfection. Moreover, the highest value for them is the family.
Developed and implemented
The development of vectors, of the human psyche takes place up to puberty - the age of 12-16 years. And the extent to which his vector properties can develop will depend on the conditions in which he is from the moment of his birth. If a child grows up with a constant feeling of security and safety received from his parents, then his vector properties, talents and abilities by the moment of entering an independent life will be developed to a greater extent than in children whose growth was accompanied by a constant loss of this feeling.
Further, in adulthood, each of the innate vectors will require its fulfillment, implementation in society at the level of development that it managed to achieve before puberty. And the more fully it turns out to fill the desires of the vector and realize its properties, the more happily in his feelings a person will live his life.
Skin people, depending on the level of development, can realize themselves in society as athletes, entrepreneurs, businessmen, managers, organizers, engineers.
The realization of anal people in society occurs through professions that require skill, perseverance, excellent memory, perseverance: teachers, craftsmen, analysts, scientists, historians.
How can they be combined?
At first glance, it seems that we are talking about people from different planets within one person.
To save time, the leatherworker will take on several cases at the same time, and the owner of the anal vector should calmly and measuredly bring one job started to the end, and only then proceed to the next. At the same time, the "skin component" of a person will irritate and literally drive mad the slowness and, in her opinion, unnecessary thoroughness of the anal (what benefit to whom from this pedantry?), And the "anal component" will knock the rhythm (including the heart) and bewilder the skin haste.
“You can't get a fish out of the pond without difficulty”, “The master's work is afraid”, “Measure seven times - cut one off” - this is the attitude of the representative of the anal vector.
“Time is money”, “Where the ax does not take, there will be ingenuity”, “Faster, higher, stronger” - this is how skin people see this world.
How can these vectors get along in one person?

And what prevents them from being together?
Let's start with the fact that if a child grew up in unfavorable conditions associated with a loss of a sense of security and safety (if his parents scolded, beat, insulted him, or just the mother was in a situation in which she herself did not have this feeling - and this is transmitted to the child from guarantee), then, in addition to a decrease in the level of development (in comparison with the possible), a person can be provided with unconscious anchors that prevent him from realizing and living a full life.
When the vectors are implemented, they, even in contradictory combinations, by and large do not conflict with each other, but on the contrary, provide their bearer with such a unique combination of properties that allows him to individually, in a special way, be realized and be useful in society, performing those tasks for which he was born with such a combination.
For example, a person will do the job not only efficiently, but also quickly. He will not forget anything, because he naturally has the best memory, but at the same time he will be able to quickly adapt to changes. Imagine a rush job at work. One will do it quickly, but tyap-blooper, the other will grab his head and will not have time. And the anal-dermal person will help everyone out: perfect quality and attention to detail, multiplied by the speed of reaction, will give the result that everyone needs. Such a person is the most successful in the modern world.
This is if all is well. And if not?
If the desires of the vectors are not fulfilled, their properties are not realized, then their unique combination with their entire spectrum begins to actively signal about unsatisfactory conditions and demand a change in the current state of affairs. Instead of being neat and quick, a person will fall out of hand or, on the contrary, he will sit in a stupor and will not do anything at all. And here a person has a desire to figure out what is happening to him and what is still wrong.
So, for example, along the line of the skin vector, a scenario for failure formed in childhood and displaced into the unconscious can interfere with the implementation. And for the "anal component" such a stumbling block often becomes the burden of resentment, which pulls into the past and nullifies all attempts to move forward.
At the same time, when the injured skin, realizing his unconscious scenario of failure, fails the whole thing, this guarantees the carrier of both vectors a long stop in life. A flexible and mobile skin vector is already, maybe, ready to get down to business again, and the anal one will get stuck and will experience failure for a long time, trying to figure out what he did wrong, tormented by a feeling of his imperfection, guilt and resentment at an unfair fate.
So what to do with such a contrasting vector combination?
Get a lot of pleasure
There is good news. If a person is born with anal and cutaneous vectors, it means that he has the given abilities to combine them. The most important thing is to find and realize in oneself their desires, properties and states.
Switching vectors by and large defies conscious control. It takes place under the pressure of changing landscape conditions. And yet, when a person manages to understand what vectors are given to him, he has the opportunity to consciously approach his states.
For example, the skin vector will be interested in a work trip to another city or country to conduct important business negotiations, satisfying its desire for benefits and novelty. And at the same time, it will be very pleasant for him to return home, to his native cozy nest, to be with his family - this will fill the natural aspirations of the anal vector.

Understanding himself, a person with such a combination of vectors will no longer perceive their desires as contradictory and torn between them, or, even worse, try to choose one thing. He will realize that he has the ability to receive completely different types of pleasures from life. If he possessed only one of the vectors, on the one hand, it would be easier for him to realize it, and on the other, the volume and spectrum of pleasure would be much smaller!
Understanding himself, a person with a combination of skin and anal vectors begins to see in which situation it is worthwhile to quickly get together, organize and track how much the manifestation of anal thoroughness is appropriate, and in which situation it is, on the contrary, to show thoughtfulness, thoroughness, pay attention to details without going on the occasion of the skin desire to switch to a new task.
At the same time, the skin vector will instantly calculate whether there is any benefit in bringing a particular case to the end, or is it just an anal vector that demands its own and is busy with a hopeless and ineffective pastime.
And when the skin vector sets a priority based on the principle of benefit, determines the goal, plans actions, but wants to do it quickly, "in shape", the anal vector will provide the necessary persistence to bring what has been started to completion and will be responsible for the content, taking care of the reputation, and thus providing new contracts so important for skin requests.
Honesty is beneficial
Now is the time for people with a combination of cutaneous and anal vectors. Why?
Perhaps because in the post-perestroika period, our country experienced a flourishing of deceit, fraud, money-grubbing, generated by the aspirations of people with undeveloped skin vector to quickly "cut the dough" without much understanding the ways in which it should be done.
But now it is already becoming clear that people who are oriented towards a long-term business perspective, towards building fair and competitive relations in all types of markets, will be able to truly develop the economy. So who, if not people with a combination of cutaneous and anal vectors, can provide this?
After all, such a person, even if his anal vector admits a situation in which he did a good job, but did not receive a reward, will be attacked by the dissatisfaction of his own skin vector. And vice versa, if he follows the lead of the skin vector and allows himself, in striving for a quick profit, to do something poorly and unnecessarily, or even work according to the "left" scheme, then the anal vector will not leave him alone. And he is already capable of declaring his inconvenience so that he can be heard. And people with this combination will project and bring their attitude to society in volumes corresponding to the given temperament of everyone.
Thus, nature itself took care of our future through the birth of people with just such a vector combination, since it is these people who, in the tension between the contrasting properties of the vectors, give birth to thought forms so necessary for our society, unique for the present time.
It remains to sign up
Find out which vectors determine your unconscious desires and abilities, get rid of internal contradictions, understand that there is no need to make a choice between your seemingly contradictory aspirations (especially since this is simply impossible), and finally find your place in life, you can already on the free introductory online lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. They are just talking about cutaneous and anal vectors. Those who have completed the training of Yuri Burlan write that this is possible. Here are some of the results:
Do you want to reconcile your desires in yourself? Register for a free online training right now!