Sacrifice and Sacrifice as Expressions of Fear and Love
In the word "sacrifice" we hear a connotation of doom and death, in the word "sacrifice" - voluntary dedication, high feelings. How not to become a victim and what is sacrifice?
At first glance, the concepts of sacrifice and sacrifice seem similar. They are based on one root, but they are separated by millennia of development of the human emotional world from its lowest point (fear) to its highest (love). In the word "sacrifice" we hear a connotation of doom and death, in the word "sacrifice" - voluntary dedication, high feelings. The victim, driven by fear for his life, will always find his sadist, strangler, murderer. Sacrifice is a manifestation of the highest love for man and humanity.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan teaches to distinguish the subtlest shades of states, to see the deep motives of human actions. Consider these two concepts from a vector science perspective.
A victim driven by fear
The vector in Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology is a set of innate desires and mental properties of a person that determine his view of the world, behavior, basic life values and a way of thinking. There are eight vectors in total. Their names are due to the leading sensor - skin, visual, sound, olfactory, and so on.
The desires and properties of people with a visual vector are determined by a particularly sensitive visual analyzer, which, in their case, is responsible for an exceptionally subtle visual perception of the surrounding world, light, color, beauty, and also for emotions.
In ancient times, it was a person with a visual vector that first began to feel emotion. And it was the emotion of fear for one's own life.
The unusually keen eyesight determined the specific role of the daytime guard of the flock. A woman with a skin-visual ligament of vectors went with men to hunt and war. Admiring the faded and bright colors of the savannah and the play of light, she was the first to notice a lurking predator or enemy and was very frightened, screamed, released the pheromones of fear and thereby warned the flock of danger. If she did not have time to notice the danger in time, she was the first to become a victim of the predator.
The life of the first representative of the visual vector among men was also the least protected. He was born weak, unadapted for hunting and war. The visual vector gave him an increased emotional sensitivity, which did not create the preconditions for the realization of the male specific role. He could not kill, take the life of any creature: from a mosquito to a mammoth, not to mention a person.
Therefore, such a boy was most often identified as the chief advisor to the leader as a victim. It was eaten to reduce hostility between our ancestors in times of famine. Why an extra mouth that is useless? The act of ritual cannibalism gave a powerful outlet for the accumulated hostility, relieved tension in the flock and thereby preserved its integrity.
So, the early representatives of the visual vector experienced the emotion of fear for their own lives and often acted as victims. However, today, the constant finding of the visual at the bottom of his emotional amplitude - in fears - due to insufficient development of the visual vector in childhood or due to stress provokes him to archetypal behavior, inadequate to the modern level of development of society.

So, a skin-visual woman, swinging her emotions from the thrill of fear, often becomes a victim of a maniac, walking at night in deserted neighborhoods or city parks. Fear, like any other emotion, has its own unconscious odor that attracts its executioner.
The victimization complex, which is based on the state of fear in the visual vector and masochism in the skin vector, is the complex of the victim, which will always attract a sadist, rapist, tormentor or murderer to itself.
Today, men with a cutaneous-visual ligament of vectors in the state of a victim also have their own stereotypes of behavior. For example, there are cases when they themselves offered themselves to be eaten by a cannibal or took the blame of others, seeking condemnation for something that they actually did not commit.
The path of developing emotions
A person, like an animal, has four basic desires - to eat, drink, breathe, and sleep. But unlike an animal, additional desires appear in him, which make him a man. The desire to create emotional connections, which made it possible to limit hostility between people, appeared in the visual vector. And the reason for his appearance is the fear for his own life.
The skin-visual woman, feeling horror and fearing for herself, stood up for the skin-visual boy before the leader, having achieved a ban on ritual cannibalism. This limitation of hostility between people became the germ of culture - a new condition for human community, which made it possible for humanity to develop further.
The culture became more complicated and grew together with humanity, passing through four levels of its development - inanimate, vegetable, animal and human. At the inanimate level - by appreciating the beauty of forms, at the plant and animal levels - by complicating the emotional connection with the entire living world, at the human level - by putting forward humanistic ideas of the highest value of human life.
This happened gradually: from the first rock carvings to the worldwide manifestos to protect the life of laboratory mice. Art, architecture, creativity - these are all the achievements of visual people for all mankind, as well as the development of the emotional sphere. Now representatives of all vectors are able to experience emotions, and even a muscle can confess his love to his chosen one. The only difference is that the strength of emotions in the visual vector is orders of magnitude greater than in others. After all, it is through emotions that viewers comprehend life.
The origins of sacrifice
Thanks to the millennial developmental path, a person with a visual vector has learned to transform fear for himself into fear for others. This became a prerequisite for the emergence of such feelings as empathy, compassion, sympathy, love.

Having reached the highest point of his emotional amplitude - love, the visual person becomes able to put the life of another person above his own. This is the origin of sacrifice - the main virtue in culture.
We saw examples of the highest degree of sacrifice during the Great Patriotic War, when skin-visual nurses, fragile girls, carried the wounded from the battlefield under the whistle of bullets and the roar of shells, forgetting about the fear for their lives. They were driven by the desire to preserve someone else's life, the life of a neighbor.
Today we see a manifestation of sacrifice in the volunteer movement, when people with a visual vector take care of socially unprotected segments of the population - orphans, old people, sick - absolutely voluntarily and gratuitously, at the call of the heart. They strive only to love and give this love to others, receiving the greatest fulfillment of their desires and realizing the highest realization of visual properties.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps us to see our potential, our pros and cons and choose the best from what nature has given us. Continuing to be a victim or to become a source of love, to feel the happiness of your highest realization - the choice is ours. More about this at the trainings of Yuri Burlan. Register for free online classes using the link.