Conflict Situations In The Organization - Examples, Reasons, Methods Of Resolution. Conflict Situations At Work - A Systemic Example Of Conflict Analysis In An Organization

Conflict Situations In The Organization - Examples, Reasons, Methods Of Resolution. Conflict Situations At Work - A Systemic Example Of Conflict Analysis In An Organization
Conflict Situations In The Organization - Examples, Reasons, Methods Of Resolution. Conflict Situations At Work - A Systemic Example Of Conflict Analysis In An Organization

Conflict situations in the organization - examples, reasons, solutions

When the deadlines are on fire, there are shortcomings in the work performed or the wrong work has been done at all, the leader's behavior in a conflict situation is a determining factor in what turn she will take. How to understand whether your subordinate will stubbornly stand his ground, even if he is wrong, or dodge like in a frying pan, just not to do what is needed? And in general, if there was a conflict at work, what to do?

It's easy to remember an example of conflict in an organization. Surely you noticed that it is worth making a minor mistake, as it immediately reaches the size of an elephant, and there is already a cry for the whole floor, and it was as if a bucket of slop was poured on you for your worthlessness, even in such simple questions. Colleagues with special relish poke our face into trifling blunders, claiming their own superiority at the expense of other people's misfires. These and other conflict situations in the organization - examples we see almost daily - often not only spoil our mood, but also force us to be involved in them.

And what do we do ourselves when there is a conflict at work? We carefully hide our mistakes, but we do not miss an opportunity to bring strangers to the point of absurdity, even in the slightest degree. One gets the impression that people are not engaged in resolving issues on the merits, but are only looking for something to cling to in order to arrange a skirmish and more sophisticated throw mud at each other. Why is this happening?

As Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology explains, the main reasons pushing us to conflict communication are our dislike for other people and dissatisfaction with our own life. But conflict situations in a team, although accompanied by these factors, still have a number of features.

How to solve a conflict at work, based on the properties of the human psyche?

When the deadlines are on fire, there are shortcomings in the work performed or the wrong work has been done at all, the leader's behavior in a conflict situation is the determining factor in what turn she will take. How to understand whether your subordinate will stubbornly stand his ground, even if he is wrong, or dodge like in a frying pan, just not to do what is needed? And in general, if there was a conflict at work, what to do?

First, understand that all people are different. That is why it is so difficult for us to find ways out of numerous conflict situations - the causes of conflicts are as diverse as their participants. Here are some examples of where conflicts can start in an enterprise. For some, the reason for the conflict can be a money issue, for someone - the disrespectful behavior of a colleague, and someone can arrange a conflict without any reason at all.

To understand the causes of the conflict and understand how to act in order to solve it as quickly and painlessly as possible, allows knowing the characteristics of its participants: their motives, desires and life priorities. A clear, structured understanding of these features is provided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

System-vector psychology shows the differences between people through the concept of "vector" - a set of innate desires and properties of a person, which determine his way of thinking, character, behavior, values and priorities, as well as potential abilities. Understanding these desires and properties, you can predict the behavior of people in any situations, including conflict situations, and also really influence it.

Let us analyze how you can apply system knowledge when resolving conflict situations using examples.

So, for example, knowing that a person has a so-called skin vector, you understand that by nature he has fast and flexible thinking, a rational mind and a desire for material superiority over others (money, status are his main values). Such a person very well feels the benefit, benefit, and potential loss from certain of his actions. Therefore, in situations of conflict with him, the most effective system of rewards and punishments in the form of bonuses and disciplinary sanctions. Next time he will strive, if not to encouragement, then at least to avoid conflict (that is, to avoid punishment for it - material loss). A person with a skin vector is also willing to make compromises, especially if they promise him some benefit.

Let's see an example of a conflict situation and its solution with an employee who has a different vector set. The completely opposite skin type of a person is a person with an anal vector. This is the owner of a rigid psyche, unhurried, thorough and conservative. Having recognized its vector, you will immediately understand that such a person does not have an unconditional priority of material benefit or benefit, there is no flexibility in thinking. In his work, he values professionalism, perfectionism, recognition and respect. He is a man of principles and in any conflict situation will stand his ground to the last. Trying to resolve the conflict with the owner of this vector, you will know that the compromise for him is always only equally, and “equally” in his system of values. Therefore, as a "fair compensation" he can be offered recognition of his authority before colleagues or a demonstration of respect for his professionalism (to issue a certificate of honor, to declare gratitude in front of everyone, etc.).

In total, systemic vector psychology identifies 8 vectors - 8 types of the human psyche. Their combination and mixing forms an exact system of possible models of human behavior in a conflict. Knowledge of these models gives an understanding of how to resolve absolutely any conflict in the team. Fast and efficiently. Find ways to resolve conflicts at work with little or no waste.

A person in his place as a factor in minimizing conflicts in the personnel management system

The most important factor in the sustainable development of an enterprise and in minimizing conflicts in management activities is the correct selection of personnel. When each person is in his place, that is, work allows him to use his natural abilities to the fullest, there are much fewer reasons for conflicts in the team. When a person, as they say, is not in his place, that is, the position at the enterprise does not correspond to his vectors, abilities, conflicts arise as if from scratch. Let's look at an example.

A common mistake in staff recruitment is choosing for the position of an expert, analyst, or a narrow specialist - a candidate without an anal vector. This work requires knowledge of the subject in detail and perfectionism - and these are the aspirations of people with an anal vector.

People with a skin vector - disciplined, organized, competitive and ambitious - can only find themselves in such activities over a short distance (as an intermediate stage in career development). If you leave them in such a position for a long time, then sooner or later this will cause a conflict situation in the organization, because as soon as everything becomes familiar in work for a skin person, he loses interest in it and begins to look for something new. At this time, the quality of work and deadlines suffer.

Therefore, if you need the best specialist for centuries, a person with an anal vector must be appointed to such a position. And if the organizer of the work is an enterprising leather worker.

An interesting example of conflict situations when bright personalities are in the spotlight. Most of the conflicts between groups of employees in the team arise due to undeveloped skin-visual people (people with skin and visual vectors, the properties of which have not been properly developed), both women and men. Endless coffee drinking, empty chatter about everything and everyone - this is all their path. They are always in the thick of things and in the spotlight, but when it comes to work, their brightness fades. Such people provoke conflicts not only by their incompetence, but also by the psychological nature of the victim. They say about them that they seem to attract trouble.

Knowing the psychological characteristics of team members, you will significantly improve the psychological climate in the organization.

We have looked at several examples of conflicts and their solutions. Thus, the main recipe for avoiding conflicts in a team is to build an optimal team structure, taking into account the vector characteristics of employees, and also to prevent potential brawlers and idlers from entering the team, identifying them already at the interview stage.

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Resolving conflicts in a team and their prevention

So, we found out that the psychological background is, although imperceptible, but the leading factor in the emergence and development of conflicts.

That is why the skill of determining the vectors that make up the psyche of participants in difficult situations is invaluable to us. By defining vectors, we reveal the unconscious motives that drive the parties to the conflict, and understand how they will behave in the given conditions. Thus, the conflict becomes predictable, and therefore manageable, and we easily find the best ways to get out of it. We know exactly who can provoke a conflict at work, how it will develop and what methods of conflict resolution exist.

Knowledge of the vector features of people allows not only to understand how to get out of conflict at work, but also to minimize the likelihood of its occurrence in the team. So, having seen what set of vectors a person has, we can already at the interview stage determine whether he will be an effective employee or, on the contrary, a source of conflict situations. Knowing the desires, properties and abilities given to a person, we understand what kind of work he is best suited for, and what he will not cope with. That is, we can build a team structure where everyone takes their place and performs work as efficiently as possible, without resorting to conflict situations.

Understanding the systems of human values by vectors also makes it possible to choose the best system of employee motivation, both individually and collectively. This ensures the maximum return of the employee at work, which fully implements the principle of division of labor and ensures the sustainable development of the organization.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan clearly shows that any methods of conflict resolution - management of conflict resolution, reward and punishment systems, compromise - are truly effective only when they are applied taking into account the mental characteristics of people. And the main principle of the compromise resolution of the conflict is not mutual manipulation of concessions, but an understanding of the properties of the human psyche, its value systems, and therefore, finding the best solution for the parties to the conflict, taking into account their essential interests.

The conflicts that arise at work, examples and some of the features of which we have sorted out, have a lot of nuances, add-ons and branches. So, the conflict between a man and a woman at work has its own specifics. However, according to system-vector psychology, the principle of conflict management is the same: understanding the psyche of the participants in the conflict gives us the opportunity to predict the development of the conflict and speak with its participants in one language - the language of their values.

With this knowledge, you can cope with any conflicts, both in the organization and in your personal life - for example, if a difficult situation has arisen in the family.

You can make sure how effective it works and get your first practical results already at free online lectures on systemic vector psychology. Registration for lectures here:
