Psychological problems
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Depression comes uninvited and the world around you changes
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Female orgasm - a secret sealed with seven seals An attractive and tempting topic of female orgasms … it is pleasant to write about it and even more - to read, learn new, each time more exotic and unexpected. One misfortune: when it comes to communicating with a living woman, it turns out that everything written in these books is nothing more than the fantasies of the authors
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All my life I've been asking myself: why do I live? It's not just interest. It's not even a question, it's a necessity. The need to explain to yourself and others what the meaning of this life is. This is what makes up a part of me and seems to come first. Why? Probably because until I find the answer to this question, I don't want anything else. In the literal sense, there is no strength and desire to do anything. All my life I feel the need to think about why
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The human world is not complete without children
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A scientific article based on Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology (about system-vector psychoanalysis) was presented at the I International Scientific and Practical Conference NEW WORD IN SCIENCE AND PRACTICE: HYPOTHESES AND APPROBATION OF RESULTS RESULTS The conference was held in Novosibirsk on November 9, 2012 collection of conference materials
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What does it mean to know yourself? The depth of the well can be measured with a tape. But how to measure the depth of the soul? And what is the soul? Who am I? What is the meaning of my life? And what is life? Death? The God? If He is, then why doesn't He give me the answer?
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Why do we turn to psychologists? To - solve your problem; understand themselves; find a common language with children; build harmonious relationships in a couple; find your calling - but you never know why
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Happy childhood - what is it like? A mountain of toys, millions of cartoons and sweets or a scooter-bike-rollers and an iPhone in your pocket - is this child's happiness? Or maybe it's all about educational toys, early developmental methods, several tutors, a sports section and a private school?
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Looking back at the morality of modern society, one can argue for a long time what is more valuable - fleeting, changeable, bright and emotional love or love of two, which is for life. However, few people dare to dispute the amazing beauty of the feeling that the two were able to preserve and increase over time, keeping each other faithful
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Jealousy spoils the nerves not only of those who are jealous, but also of those who are jealous themselves. There are many forums devoted to this problem, requests for advice come mainly from girls and are very similar to each other
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So this means that I do not know and live for myself, but for the development of some absolute spirit? I will begin to work for him! V. G. Belinsky
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Equal marriage, unequal, marriage of convenience, by flight, fictitious marriage, first, second … so many options for family unions, but where, excuse me, is a happy marriage? Is there an option for such a successful relationship that none of the partners have a desire to start looking for an alternative for many years? The experience of many couples, especially our grandparents, suggests that yes, family happiness exists
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Typical speech turns: Everything is vanity! Look inside yourself. Know yourself! Silence General characteristics Abundance 5% Archetype Feedback with the Root Cause Species role
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Typical speech patterns: Beauty will save the world! Out of sight - out of mind Fear has large eyes General characteristics Number 5% Archetype
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An archetype is a metaphysical task of a vector. The archetypal state of the vector is the same as in the primitive flock, not adapted to the realities of the modern world, the vector properties are not developed to the actual level. An archetypal person is an undeveloped person who behaves in accordance with his undeveloped, unsublimated vector properties
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Typical speech patterns: Everything new is well forgotten old. Repetition is the mother of learning. Live and learn. General characteristics Number 20% Archetype Transfer of information (accumulated experience) about hunting and war in time
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Typical speech turns: There is strength - no mind is needed. It's hard to learn, easy to fight. Where everything is, there I go! General characteristics Number In pure form - 38%, total - 95% Archetype Fundamental mass of living matter
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Subconscious: consciousness and unconscious What does the unconscious hide? Secrets of past lives or the memory of every second lived in this one? Something that we ourselves do not want or are afraid to know about ourselves? Or does the subconscious store tons of invaluable information about our mental state in the same way that the genome owns the code of the physiology of our body?
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Typical speech patterns: If you don't lie, you can't tell it beautifully! For the sake of a catchphrase I will not regret either my mother or my father! In secret to the whole world! General characteristics Number 5% Archetype
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Business time, fun hour. Your shirt is closer to your body. The penny saves the ruble. Movement is life. Population: 24% .Archetype: limiting primary urges for sex and murder. Species role: In peacetime - creator and custodian of food supplies. In wartime - a side hunter-alimentator. GENERAL CHARACTERISTIC 1. The color of the greatest comfort - khaki
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The word mentality comes from the French Mentalité, which means the direction of thoughts. You can also say - this is a collective way of thinking of some communities of people (not necessarily peoples) and their group characteristics derived from this thinking: cultural, social, ideological, everyday and others
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"Darling, my head hurts terribly today …" "Honey, I'm sorry, not now, I urgently need to finish the report …" "Darling, I feel bad about something … let's better tomorrow?" "You go to bed, dear, do not wait for me until late"
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Typical phrases: To love is like a queen, to lose is like a million And we will go the other way! He who does not take risks does not drink champagne! If not me, then who? general characteristics
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Typical phrases: In a still whirlpool, devils are found … Grandma said in two words Forewarned means forearmed! Do not stick your nose into someone else's question General characteristics Number Less than 1%
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Often we try to explain a person's actions by the fact that he is an introvert or extrovert. These concepts, which have become firmly embedded in our everyday speech, were first introduced by the Swiss psychiatrist and psychologist Carl Jung. Its definitions were as follows:
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Each person is born with a certain set of vectors, properties, desires. Two twin babies lying side by side in cradles are already different, and this is noticeable at first glance. As time passes, one of them will grow up to be a more balanced and detailed person, while the other will always be more impulsive and quick in his actions. So it was set from birth
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Night is coming, it's time to go to bed
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This question was asked in one of the first level lectures
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I tried sex with a man
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Experts, doctors and psychologists, talk about the beginning of a new epidemic ─ bigorexia or muscle dysmorphia. Sometimes this disease is also called the Adonis complex in honor of the ancient Greek god, who, according to myths, had an unearthly beauty. To pump muscles is the strongest desire of patients with this newfangled disease
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I suspect my child is autistic. I can't find a place for myself. The son is 4 years old. Strange, so unlike everyone else. Silent. He likes to play alone, he doesn't need anyone. Likes to perform the same action, and consistently, if something does not go according to the usual scenario, it is a tragedy, hysteria. Tell me how to understand whether he suffers from autism or not? How can I help him? I read that now there are new methods of treating autism using stem cells. Maybe you should try?
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Janusz Korczak was born on July 22, 1878. The series of articles "Lessons from Janusz Korczak's Love for Children" has been published in the scientific press since 2015. For the first time in the history of periodicals, the system-vector methodology of Yuri Burlan is used to study the life and heritage of the great teacher. The second issue of the scientific journal "Society: Sociology, Psychology, Pedagogy" for 2015 published the first article from this cycle dedicated to Janusz Korczak
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Part 1. Wernher von Braun
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First, inevitably come: thought, fantasy, fairy tale. They are followed by scientific calculation, and already, in the end, execution crowns thought. Tsiolkovsky K.E
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A nervous tic is a reaction of the nervous system to constant or prolonged stress. Moreover, not all children react with tics to nervous overstrain, but only children with a special mentality. Unlike assiduous calm kids, such kids from an early age are fidgets, “energizers” without an “OFF” button. Athletic, agile, flexible in mind and body. They do not sit up for a long time on one thing, they adore changing activities and impressions. They cannot be kept up by settled adults
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I keep his phone number and our old love. Memories are burning, my heart is bursting with pain and the realization that nothing can be returned. As an addict, humiliating myself and losing myself, I write to him and cannot stop. How not to write to your ex, if without it there is no longer any sense in life?
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The chasm grows When a child appears in a family, we, parents, are sure that we know our little one better than anyone else
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At some point, a relationship that only yesterday brought so much joy ceases to inspire
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No more strength to be a victim? According to your husband, you are a worthless mistress, an ugly woman, a bad mother. He humiliates, pulls your hand. Maybe from his blows you flew around the apartment? She wriggled as she tried to free herself from the suffocating grip. Something went wrong? When he first met, he didn't treat you like you were a free washing machine app. He was so caring: he would pour tea, wrap his legs with a rug. You fell in love, flew with happiness. And now
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I came to the training "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan about a year ago