Human Evolution. Generation Of The Future

Human Evolution. Generation Of The Future
Human Evolution. Generation Of The Future

Human evolution. Generation of the future

Each individual person can experience ups and downs, not pretend to play with fate and ultimately surrender in disgrace, unable to withstand the brutality of the battle, but in the global aspect, the absolute trend will always remain continuous increase, growth and rise … at all poles.

Human evolution and the "elixir of immortality". The future is the urethral phase.

The article was written based on the materials of the training by Yuri Burlan from 3.01.11.

“Who am I?”, - a barely audible whisper was heard in the deserted camp of the night savannah. Breaking away with an effort from homeless listening to the disturbing noises of the night, letting go of the icy gaze from contemplation of indifferently twinkling stars, the soundman looked inside himself for the first time. The fatal question “Who am I?”, Over which thousands of sages will tear in vain afterwards, marked the beginning of a new, anal phase of the evolutionary development of mankind.

Sound is like a reactor that timely activates and launches the next evolutionary link …


All kinds of mechanisms that control the process of human evolution have been identified and described in detail within the framework of system-vector psychology:

Four phases of development (muscular, anal, cutaneous, urethral), two of which, with varying degrees of well-being, have already been passed and left behind. Increasing complication in each next phase: gradual transformation of the landscape, pushing a person to search for new, suitable ways of adapting it; even greater modification of the world around us by our own forces, and so on in a circle of constant transformations, the presence of which in our life would be rash to deny. At the mental level, the first to "suffer" are the desires of a person, his requests and needs: from one-vector (as we were in the muscular phase) we become more and more polymorphic, the general temperament grows - the container of increasing desire …

Everything from the smallest particles and on, endlessly increasing scale, sooner or later, subject to inevitable changes: the brightest development or ignominious degradation …

It is important to bear in mind that despite the fact that every single person can experience whatever power ups and downs, not pretend to play with fate and eventually surrender in disgrace, unable to withstand the brutality of the battle, in the global aspect, the absolute tendency will always remain continuous increase, growth and rise … at all poles.

Each subsequent phase of development is more progressive than the previous one, making more and more serious demands on survival. Each new transition becomes more and more laborious, which is expressed, among other things, in the inevitable reduction of the time resource allocated to humanity to prepare for the transition …

Monotonous, unhurried muscle vector and impudent, hot, always ready for battle - urethral …

So where, in what direction is modern man heading? Is there a rainbow or a thorny road for him and his children? Where to look for the origins of the first timid steps of his primitive ancestor? Is it possible to influence the course of evolution, and does anyone have a chance to predict the only sure and certainly feasible future?..


The primitive muscular phase was very primitive. All people were one-vector (excluding the upper vectors, "accompanied" by the skin), and each carried a certain archetype (species role), contributing to the survival of the whole flock by fulfilling this role. All for the sake of fulfilling two primary tasks: to survive, and to continue oneself in time …

The muscular phase was the most balanced: "We", complete unconscious complementarity in everything; but still a very weak, undeveloped desire …

Several decades ago, the transition to the third, skin, phase ended with the Second World War, - so did not want to succumb to Anality with its values … But still gave in, and instead of age-old traditions and foundations, the inviolable institution of marriage and family, chastity and honor, instead of the perished ideas of nationalism and Nazism, the era of technical progress, the development of medicine and technology, the era of finance and corruption, property qualifications, the race for status and prestige have begun. In the cutaneous phase, women finally got “freedom”, feminization flourishes, the spoken word loses its former value - “I said - I took it back!” …

The skin is a possessive vector, and the resistance of the skin phase will be a hundred times stronger than before, and the struggle will be much tougher when moving forward, to the last, Urethral, phase of development …

The urethral vector is the future, in every sense; this is a vector that guarantees the survival of the entire flock and leads it forward: here both the natural attraction to individuals of little adapted and weak, and the ability to get pleasure from bringing pleasure to others, because the motives of consumption, acquisition for oneself contradict the very idea of the future. The future is infinity, and only that which is turned outside can be unlimited: not to preservation and economy, but to advancement, prosperity, innovation; the urethral vector is always a fountain of creative and really working ideas.

Only a urethral person is really capable of disinterested and necessary help to other people: he does not divide everything equally, like an anal one, according to, allegedly, “justice” (two kopecks for a beggar, and the same two kopecks for a rich person), does not spray his love everywhere, himself while enjoying it along the way, as a visual one, he feels internally where he really lacks, and feels satisfaction when he knows that his flock is in a comfortable, harmonious state.

The right hand when moving into the future is a healthy sound vector: animal urethral altruism and spiritual sound; but in general these are completely different things, about which you can learn a lot of exciting information at the training of Yuri Burlan.


Today the demand for all kinds of recipes for "immortality", preparations for rejuvenation has become fashionable; genes have been discovered that supposedly program aging … System-vector psychology explains reasonably why a person will never achieve physical immortality.

Each of us has four bodily properties - eating, drinking, breathing and sleeping. We cannot consume endlessly, and at some point saturation occurs. Our final body lives by the same principle: its life, aimed only at maintaining its own shell, is limited by death - this is a natural process, and even for the urethral vector, thirty-six other properties of which are turned outward, into society.

But we can still talk about spiritual immortality. Remembering the sound that once awakened the whole society from the spiritual "sleep" and moved it from the dead center, when the turn came in time … No vector acts alone: human evolution in the future will be possible only if the urethral forward movement is accompanied by a healthy, realized a sound vector, contradictory and suffering in the real cutaneous phase. How the scales of the sound-olfactory tension can swing in the right direction; which of us can and should contribute to this? Visual culture, which creates the foundation for the development of sound spirituality: genuine, real, and not schizoid and esoteric … Colossal layers of information that can no longer be raised within the framework of this synopsis.

In one article it is impossible to fully touch upon all aspects of the insanely interesting topic of our future and evolution, immortality and finitude; here are only briefly outlined some echoes of the enormous material that is consistently covered in the psychological trainings of Yuri Burlan.
