Positive Thinking: From A Declaration To The State Of "I Love You, Life!"

Positive Thinking: From A Declaration To The State Of "I Love You, Life!"
Positive Thinking: From A Declaration To The State Of "I Love You, Life!"

Positive thinking: from a declaration to the state of "I love you, Life!"

Thought is a child of our unconscious. We do not find children in cabbage, their birth is preceded by conception and gestation, which is hidden from our eyes, so the unconscious hides from us the origin of our thoughts.

We are offered to start thinking positively from the experience with a glass. By answering the question of whether a glass is half full or empty, we become "diagnosed" pessimists or optimists. What follows is the assurance that the angle of view matters. If we can see a half-empty glass half full, our life will magically change for the better.

The catch is that the fullness of the glass will still remain half, no matter where we look. Below is water, and above is emptiness …

The half-full glass is our unfulfilled desires. They guide us. We all want to live to the fullest. We want inner comfort for ourselves, but it doesn't always work out. In search of a magic wand, a person comes up with a kind of crutch in the form of positive thinking. Let's take a systematic look at what happens.

Positive thinking and visual vector

Ideas of "positive thinking" are deeply sympathetic to people with a visual vector. They are impressionable, over-emotional, suggestible and self-perceived. The main postulate of the "positivists": "If you cannot change the situation, change your attitude towards it" - responds well to such people. Convince themselves with ease, emotionally reinforcing their own conviction.

The trouble is that this kind of conviction is not enough for a long time. Other vectors do not receive additional fullness from this, and beautiful visual attitudes "to the positive" fail. The situation is especially deplorable when a person has unfulfilled desires of the sound vector. The consequences of affirmations can be devastating to him. Trying to think positively, but not backing it up with real achievements, realizing his potential, a person may end up in even worse states as a result. After all, if the sound vector does not fill up for a long time, then the sound engineer plunges into depression, feels meaningless life. Artificial positivity is clearly not enough here.

Positive thinking
Positive thinking

Natural and artificial thought forms

Why is positive thinking not enough? And are there any alternatives?

Thought is a child of our unconscious. We do not find children in cabbage, their birth is preceded by conception and gestation, which is hidden from our eyes, so the unconscious hides from us the origin of our thoughts.

Thinking is secondary, the psyche, its state are primary. Thought is the end product, not a way to change the root cause. Affirmation cannot become a forcible inoculation of the psyche, it cannot change the unconscious processes that lie at the root of our thoughts. The reverse process doesn't work.

How to look inside the psyche to understand? To actually, fundamentally, change your thinking to one that will give rise to positive thoughts.

Medicine and advanced technologies are opening the curtain of the biological origin of life. And the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan reveals the mechanism of the origin of our thoughts.

We see at the root

We are governed by our desires, not our thoughts. Thoughts are desires clothed in words, they, in turn, depend on the characteristics of the human psyche, its state, fullness or frustrations. Words are just the tip of the iceberg of our mental structure, they are completely subordinated to unconscious aspirations. We cannot control what we are not aware of.

A deeply mistaken belief that the tip of the iceberg, its very top, can somehow affect the entire monolith hidden under water.

From self-deception to generating positive thought forms

A natural smile illuminates the face and fills the whole life with pleasure to the brim. This is how we want to feel. That is why we hide our helplessness or defenselessness behind self-deception.

Today we have the opportunity to know our desires, to understand how to fulfill them correctly in order to experience genuine pleasure from life. System-vector psychology reveals ourselves and each other to us with mathematical precision, corrects psychological blocks, the consequences of trauma that prevent us from filling our desires correctly; removes anchors that distort the perception of the world. A person becomes able to feel the miracle of the birth of a thought filled with the joy of life, and not be content with an empty declaration of self-deception of "positive thinking".

Life filled to the brim

By resorting to the help of positive thinking, we tell ourselves that all is not lost, that we hope for happiness, that we have the strength and desire to live. Is it worth spending energy on self-deception, when you can understand what we are actually created from, what controls us, what we really strive for and what can give us pleasure and joy in life?

Is it worth wasting time on self-deception, when psychology today is moving forward with eight-dimensional steps, has a scientific, and not predictive methodology that gives a result to everyone? This is a non-verbal statement - 20,000 reviews, confessions from real people confirm this. Here is what they write after the training of Yuri Burlan:

Positive thinking and attitude towards life
Positive thinking and attitude towards life

You no longer need to convince yourself that the glass is half full. You can fill it to the brim with Yuri Burlan's training in systemic vector psychology. Sign up for the following free online lectures at the link and get confirmation that "I love you, Life!" Is an involuntary cry of a soul filled with joy.
