"Split" personality, or On the nature of internal contradictions
Either I lead a healthy lifestyle, then I cannot limit myself in anything. Either the zhor attacks, then the piece does not go down the throat. I look at the world through rose-colored glasses, then I can't see it. Either I communicate with ecstasy, then "leave me alone." Just some kind of split personality!
How to reconcile such opposing desires within yourself?
I just can't understand what kind of person I am. Sometimes I want something, and then I want something completely opposite. I always feel this pendulum in me. I can’t choose a job for myself in order to satisfy all my desires. On the one hand, I like to do something painstakingly, slowly, so that there is time to wisely approach the task and bring it to the end. On the other hand, at some point my patience bursts, and I give up almost before the very completion of what I have invested so much energy and zeal. And it starts to seem to me that I am not made for this kind of work. Actually, I love movement, movement, dynamics, novelty. But at the same time I like stability and regularity.
I love it when there is less responsibility - let the bosses decide what and when to do. And I was not made to make decisions. I'd rather sit in my little corner, so that no one will catch the eye. I will do my job efficiently and professionally. And then all of a sudden, ambitions flare up. I'm in a subordinate position !? Let me decide for myself how and what I should do!
Having laid out my behavior on the shelves, I decide that I am stable and constant, which means that this is how I should live. And then suddenly something happens, and all my stability immediately disappears. How stable am I? I am a changeable, windy, constantly changing course. Sometimes it seems to me that I am deep and solid. Sometimes superficial. Sometimes - honest, my tongue is itching to say everything as it is, and sometimes - I lie and do not blush.
And it also happens - I'll go with friends to have fun somewhere. I seem to get a lot of fun. But in the midst of the fun itself, suddenly it will cover - people become disgusting. I don't want to see or hear anyone. One desire to plug your ears to muffle loud noises. Sometimes you even have to leave urgently, in English, so that you are not mistaken for abnormal. Like, why did you pin yourself if you were so sad?
And so all the time. Either I lead a healthy lifestyle, then I cannot limit myself in anything. Either the zhor attacks, then the piece does not go down the throat. I look at the world through rose-colored glasses, then I can't see it. Either I communicate with ecstasy, then "leave me alone." Just some kind of split personality!
How to reconcile such opposing desires within yourself? How can I finally understand what I really want? How to build the right line of life in order to enjoy it, and not eternal torment from your own failure?
Who am i?
All these questions are fully answered by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. Let's first figure out who cares about the questions: “What am I? Who am I? Any other person will not pay attention to their internal contradictions. It will, like a weather vane, spin under the pressure of its own conflicting desires.

And a person with a sound vector will not be able to do anything until he clarifies for himself who he is and what he needs to do in this world. He definitely needs to clothe his inner feelings and states in thoughts and words. After all, his task in this life is to understand himself and the meaning of life. Realization of his properties will greatly help him in starting to live a full life.
I'm all so contradictory
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that modern residents of large cities are mostly polymorphs, that is, they have an average of 3-5 vectors in their vector set. Some of them can give a person opposite properties. For example, anal and cutaneous. Our hero has just these vectors.
The anal vector gives him stability, slowness, accuracy, thoroughness, honesty, straightforwardness, the desire to "dig deeply" in everything, the inability to limit oneself. And the dermal one is love for change, novelty, limitations, sports and a healthy lifestyle, as well as speed, flexibility, ambition, leadership qualities.
When these two vectors, completely opposite in their qualities, meet in one person, they can create serious tension within him, if the skill of naturally switching from one vector to another, as the situation requires, has not been developed.
Suppose you have both vectors and you need to delve into drawing up a serious report, that is, apply the properties of the anal vector, but the restless skin vector does not allow you to sit still, literally ripping off your place and forcing you to hurry somewhere, grab a few more things at once. As a result, you twitch and do neither one nor the other. Moreover, such internal conflicts are capable of disrupting the rhythm in the literal sense of the word - provoking cardiac arrhythmias.
Moreover, it is not always possible to deliberately set yourself the installation “now I will fully concentrate, everything else will be done later”. It all depends on our inner state at the moment. Unconscious attitudes turn out to be stronger than conscious decisions. The unconscious is larger and more ancient, it is our root, which nourishes and supports us, and the conscious is just the crown of our tree of life.

When we, with the help of system-vector psychology, understand how our psyche is arranged, we are aware of our vectors, their desires and characteristics, then this largely balances the internal state, the ground for internal conflicts and tensions leaves. This makes it much easier to adapt to the situation, reacting with exactly those properties that are in demand, and do it automatically, without hesitation. The natural consequence of such an understanding of oneself is excellent stress resistance and getting rid of not only fuss, but also from disturbances in the heart rhythm.
There are also vectors that "get along" better with each other, but at the same time they also set differently directed desires. For example, sound and visual. The first gives the desire for silence and solitude, and the second makes a person feel burdened by loneliness. Alone, he is overtaken by melancholy and fears gradually build up. This is especially true when both vectors are not in the best condition.
Introvert or extrovert?
The psychic sometimes asks not such riddles. Do you think you can be both extrovert and introvert at the same time? It depends on which vectors give the person properties. There are extroverted vectors, there are introverted ones. For example, a person who combines cutaneous, oral and visual vectors will be a pure extrovert. The anal-muscular sounder is a pure introvert.
But the anal-skin-sound-visual one can manifest himself both as an extrovert and as an introvert, depending on the situation. In a healthy state, such a person will enjoy both communication and solitude. He can be both a homebody and a traveler. That is, he will be equally good everywhere, in any situation.
If the vectors are not very developed or not fully realized, then he may feel discomfort from his conflicting desires. Will strive to communicate and at the same time be burdened by people. When traveling, he will dream of a home, and at home he will longed to go somewhere.
And think that he has a split personality. And not only a split, but also "frustration" and "calculation". What to do? How to "cure" yourself from the discomfort of internal contradictions?
Know yourself
The solution to the problem of internal contradictions is to understand your nature and see all the variety of your properties, including the opposite ones. Learn to see when and under what conditions a particular vector is manifested. Realizing your potential and working through negative states will allow you to apply your properties to the fullest, there and then when they are in demand, to feel their timeliness and need. This happens naturally, without calculation. And of course, this will help you consciously choose directions for realizing your various desires, in fact, manage your life, and not be hostage to false ideas about yourself and the world around you.
Knowing yourself will allow you to look at your life in a new way. After all, conflicting desires will never let you live in peace. On the other hand, understanding them, you will get a greater opportunity for realization than a person with one-pointed desires. This means many more opportunities to enjoy life.

You can learn about all this at the training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Applying this knowledge, thousands of people have found a state of inner balance, even in the presence of complex internal conflicts and contradictions. Here's what they write about it:
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