Anal-visual intelligentsia as a tool of hostile propaganda
The culture in the Soviet Union was elite - under the direct protection and patronage of the state, in a strict vertical of the animal hierarchy, when the urethral power brought closer to itself and provided only the most developed vision. Representatives of the intelligentsia were glorified, revered, the people listened to them, which corresponded to the natural desires of these anal-visual people.
Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Anal-visual ligament of vectors":
A developed and realized anal-visual person is able to create examples of real art, and a highly developed one joins the ranks of the intelligentsia.
The culture in the Soviet Union was elite - under the direct protection and patronage of the state, in a strict vertical of the animal hierarchy, when the urethral power brought closer to itself and provided only the most developed vision. Representatives of the intelligentsia were glorified, revered, the people listened to them, which corresponded to the natural desires of these anal-visual people.

At the same time, the intelligentsia thirsted for freedom of speech, thought that if it freed itself from the oppression of power, it would immediately begin to express itself without censorship, go to the West and begin to receive big money … The creative intelligentsia so wanted to abolish the vertical of power that it did not understand that having abolished the power, canceled itself.
Together with the Union, the entire system collapsed, which allowed the intelligentsia to remain at the top. The creative elite found themselves in an environment where they had to fight for a place in the sun on an equal basis with everyone else - it turned out that they only pay for what is in demand. The loss of power over minds, recognition, significance hit anal-visual intellectuals hard. The result is collective resentment and discontent. And you can take advantage of any discontent …
In the West, smart people have long understood what's what, and they value these offended very much, feed them … In gratitude, the former intelligentsia is rewriting the history of Russia, smearing all the heroes and our entire history with mud. They are being used, only not against the USSR, but against Russia. The overwhelming majority of the anal-visual intellectual elite is in very bad conditions.
In the West, society forms culture, sets demand. Therefore, the place of the intelligentsia in the West is taken by the creators of mass culture. And they do not indicate how to equip the US or Europe. They do not meddle in their own business. They collectively vote for their interests, but do not tell the state what to do. In the West, no one is guided by anal-visual people. And there they ALWAYS support the authorities. Because the top 4 vectors always serve power or law.
This is not the case with us, in the Russian urethral mentality, everyone strives to be more dominant - therefore, everyone considers himself right from top to bottom to say how we should live in Russia. Criticism is the main message given by modern Russian anal-visual intellectuals. Criticizing is cool and dominant, it is a way to assert yourself at someone else's expense.
So, formalizing their dislike and frustration into a legal form of criticism and personal opinion, the offended elite, in fact, throws off and grounds their shortcomings, poisoning the whole society …
Continuation of the synopsis on the forum:
Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 27, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology