Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
How unbearable it all is! I am constantly nervous and twitching
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"Live in the present moment and you will be happy!" is a very popular motto nowadays
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The diagnosis of psychogenic paralysis is made when violations of the motor function of the body, as a rule, of the limbs, do not find substantiation at the organic level
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Today many people write articles, notes, whole books. Blogs, discuss issues on Internet forums. Who are they - lovers of the written word? We will deal with this issue using the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan
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What is his home for a man? A refuge from adversity, rest after a hard day, a corner of peace and comfort? Or an accumulation point, a cave where the next production is dragged, a warehouse for collecting all kinds of things, the number of which is limited only by square meters? How often do you hear stories about drives. Sometimes just scary. For example, about the owners of animals, which the owners are stingy to feed, but they also cannot release or give away, as some acquired property
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There are many diseases in modern medicine that doctors do not like to face
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He is a pale, thin middle-aged man. Lonely and unemployed, in a very tight financial situation. The whole interest of his life is the achievement of ideal health. Only here the disease is not released in any way: as soon as one is cured, another appears immediately. He does not trust doctors, so he double-checks everything, since now there is a lot of information on medicine on the Internet and on television. He makes his own diagnoses and finds the means to treat his illnesses
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Swimming in the streams of information Different children perceive and accept information in different ways: some unconditionally trust their mother, others adopt only what is beneficial to them, or simply forget
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Lera often fell in love and each time - sincerely, truly, with nightly sobs, worries and suffering. Friends looked at her as "the girl everyone wants." She really was good: okay, slender, with big eyes, ready to laugh instantly, showing even bracelets of teeth, or completely sincerely cry over the sad fate of some unfortunate insect
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Russian corruption is killing the country. If we don't find a way to deal with it in the near future, we will face disaster. Why? I will explain. A significant part of the population living in cities cannot imagine life without the following most important factors:
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A mother with a 16-year-old child consulted for further treatment tactics. About 2 years ago, the boy suffered from cryptogenic meningitis, after which his school performance deteriorated. The child does not actively present complaints. During a detailed survey, he mentioned episodic ringing and tinnitus, rapid fatigue, insomnia (he sits at the computer for a long time at night)
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Every person at least once in his life experienced resentment. Resentment is an annoying and destructive feeling
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When a graduate student of a technical university faces a choice of what to do next, where and by whom to work, he wants to find a place where he will be in demand and will have growth prospects. And the main question that he will have to decide is whether to associate his future with engineering. You will find answers to these questions in this article
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It is as difficult to define unequivocally what music is, and to satisfy with this definition everyone who has any opinion about it, as it is not easy to explain the nature of being in a couple of sentences. Let's try
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This mysterious creature is a man. The more highly organized we become, the more we are interested in the question, how does this complex mechanism still work?
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Labor is a conscious human activity with a specific goal. Among all living nature, only man can work. Yes, yes, bears build dens, birds build nests, and ants make anthills, but these are all animal instincts. Conscious activity, like consciousness itself, is inherent only in man, but the reasons, motives, goals and significance of labor activity for each individual individual are described by the psychology of labor
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In moments of emotional storms and troubles in life, it is natural for a person to seek reassurance in his father's house. Where he spent his childhood. Where you can run away and find peace and balance. Where you can gain confidence and strength, where it smells of fresh bread and waves of warmth spreads in your soul when your mother puts her hand on your head. Resentment against our mother deprives us of this
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“We languish with grievous offense, I dragged myself through a gloomy life” “How unfair people are! Why would I do this ?! They do not appreciate my abilities and professionalism in the service
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He could not stand the strong pressure. And over time, and the weak
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The passage of time is inexorable. Minutes of life are gone forever. What are we spending them on? Work takes the lion's share of our time. Of course, I want to find just such a job so that it fills every day with happiness and meaning. How to find a job to your liking, how not to make the wrong choice?
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“You are a real workaholic. Stop working! Horses die from work! " - people who prefer work to all other types of pastime often hear in their address. However, from the inside, this commitment to work is not always straightforward. And whether a person is a workaholic, that is, a victim of painful dependence on work, or not, is determined primarily by the feelings of the person himself
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The underwater part of the iceberg Raising a child … each parent puts their own vision of this process into this concept. One focuses on the education of independence, from an early age teaches discipline and order, the other tries to give as many positive emotions as possible, more often to please the child so that he feels parental love, the third puts intellectual development, learning, knowledge and skills at the head
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Usually these qualities are not demonstrated, they are hidden from others. They believe that they were born like that and that they will now have to live out their lives. But three demons torment the soul with a red-hot iron - greed, envy, jealousy. And even if there is only one, no less suffering from this - both to the person himself and to those around him who experience the consequences of these passions
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Her name is Maggie Carpenter. She lives in a small town and works in a home improvement store. She is charming and slightly eccentric. Despite the fact that she has many fans, she is still not married. Meg is known far outside her city as the "runaway bride" - she runs right from under the aisle. This has happened to her three times already. Will there be a fourth time? And why is she doing this? This is the main question of Runaway Bride. Let's see it together with System Vector Ps
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They say there are three ways out of depression - Domodedovo, Sheremetyevo, Vnukovo
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How tired of sadly dragging along the road of life! I would like to somehow differently: get out of a series of problems and feel the joy of every day. Get pleasure and a decent income from your work. Enjoy companionship and build happiness as a couple. To feel that you are not living in vain, that every moment of life is meaningful. Only how to start a new life if past mistakes, bad experiences or your own incomprehensible states are being pulled down like a stone?
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Attractive slender and charming models look at us from TV screens, magazine covers, even from billboards: their eyes sparkle, their smile is full of joy and, most importantly, they have a slender body. “I would like this,” - any girl dreams. Thus, from an early age, we are shown that a lean body is the key to happiness and success. In modern society, there is a widespread belief that no one marries fatties or their life is not filled with happiness, like this
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The irreparable has already happened. The misfortune did not happen in the movies, but in real life. How to deal with mental pain?
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Fragment of the lecture summary of the Second Level on the topic "Word" The word penetrates directly into the psyche - immediately into the unconscious
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"God, how everyone got me!" - I shout for the umpteenth time, loudly slam the door and hide in the bowels of my room. How enraged I am by all these people who always need something from me, who cannot even give me peace of mind to be alone, in silence. I don't know if this is aggression, depression or something else … But lately I literally can't find a place for myself
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Not everyone who drinks is a poet. Many people drink just because they are not poets
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What thoughts do we identify as obsessive? Strange, illogical, groundless
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Children first love their parents, then they judge, then they regret
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The soundman is immersed in himself
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In a friendly female team, Yulka was nicknamed a telephone terrorist
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He looked smug and delirious. My dimwitted leader. I stared straight and thought: "Stupid moron." The confrontation of deep injustice was coming to an end. A few days later, I quit my job, slamming the door loudly. Fuh! Is it over? If
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The love that will lead us to a happy marriage and a golden wedding is more a myth than a truth
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Part 1 - Part 2
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“To see Paris and die” is a sacramental phrase that has never before served as a reason for me to think, especially systemic
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Yours for 100 bucks. Bargaining Is Appropriate Skin-visual is a public female and belongs to everyone and at the same time to nobody. They are nurses, teachers (mostly of elementary grades), actresses, singers. But some are refined intellectuals with eyes full of love, others are prostitutes, crazy, without feelings, without emotions