War in Ukraine - a forecast from the standpoint of psychology
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"
How did the war in eastern Ukraine begin, which took tens of thousands of lives?
With a desire to live better - an absolutely normal desire of a population worn out by chronic poverty and desperate hopelessness.
The Ukrainians were told: they need to join the EU (or sign an association with the EU). And then European abundance will come to Ukraine. Salaries will be two thousand euros, and pensions are ten times higher, and prices are lower, and cleanliness on the streets is formed by itself. Almost Swiss lakes will spill over the Ukrainian fields. And for this paradise to come, it is necessary to drive out the legitimate government.
… And then the Ukrainians were told that the "European paradise" was very close. But the Russians came with Putin and prevented all the wonderful transformations. Now, for paradise to come, you need to go to the Donbass and kill the Russians. In a nutshell, this is the essence of the war in Ukraine.
What is the future of a forty million country? How will the military conflict be resolved? Which side will win, whose army is stronger and why?
About the war in Ukraine: why Ukrainian soldiers are not able to fight effectively
Some time ago, American military instructors arrived in Ukraine. The purpose of the visit is to teach Ukrainian soldiers the intricacies of military affairs. They are fighting very ineptly - the losses in the Ukrainian army are too great.
Meanwhile, the LPR militias are successfully and talentedly fighting without any guidance from American instructors.
Almost every Ukrainian home received a summons, such a massive scale of mobilization. But the build-up of the military mass does not bring any success or progress in resolving the military conflict to Kiev. Obviously, the point is not in the number of military personnel - the multiple superiority of Ukraine over the LPNR is obvious. Obviously, the point is not in the number of units of military equipment. And not even in the leadership.
And in what?
It's about the human psyche.
The point is how we are made: the one who is not ready to give his life is not able to fight. The Donbass militia protects his land - children, old people and women, his family and friends, the infrastructure of his cities. He is ready to give his life for this, because all this is more valuable than his life.
And why give your life to a Ukrainian soldier?
Even the most notorious nationalist, filled with hatred, ready for robbery, looting, violence and murder, is not ready to die. Because his desire to kill is less than his desire to save his life.

Ukraine will face massive mental disorders caused by post-war syndrome
The psychology of war cannot be explained without knowledge of the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan. For example, why are the soldiers of the Second World War - psychologically healthy people, even more spiritualized than others, and among the Afghan warriors there are a lot of inadequate psychopaths? Why did Soviet soldiers return home after the Second World War and continue their normal life, while Afghan soldiers were demobilized with a damaged psyche and could never become the same as before (the so-called "Afghan" syndrome)?
By the way, irreversible processes happened not only with those who fought in Afghanistan. History knows other examples as well.
After the end of the Vietnam War, a wave of crime swept America. All these crimes were committed by soldiers who returned from Vietnam. Their psyche could not adapt to the peaceful landscape. "Vietnamese" syndrome, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) - so defined the changes in the psyche of these people.
The harsh pressure of the law led to the fact that the wave of crimes turned into a wave of suicides. Former military men were unable to return to civilian life and committed suicide.
War traumatizes the psyche of a soldier if he goes to it without the willingness to give his life. If he is ready to kill, but not ready to die, he will return from the war as a dangerous psychopath.
As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology explains, during the Great Patriotic War, our grandfathers were ready to die in order to protect their country, save millions of lives. And many died heroically. And those who survived returned from the war as heroes, without any psychopathology. Because when you are ready to lay down your life in war, but it is not taken away, positive changes occur in the psychic. Look at the spiritualized faces of the Donbass militia soldiers - these people know what they are fighting for, and they are ready to fight to the death!
There is no doubt that after the return of the surviving military personnel from Donbass, Ukraine will be swept by a wave of crimes. They are not going to defend the lives of their relatives and friends, but to kill those they consider strangers. Unfortunately, there is no one to deal with their psychological rehabilitation.
Recall that during the military coup in Kiev, many military warehouses were looted throughout northwestern and central Ukraine. All these weapons "walk" uncontrollably in Ukraine, and are currently concentrated in the ATO zone. Recall that the police in Ukraine were brought to their knees after the "victory of the Maidan", that is, psychologically destroyed.

The war in the east of Ukraine will inevitably turn into a big disaster for the whole country. And there are also other reasons for this - economic.
How and why Ukraine is being destroyed
The nationalists who have seized power in Ukraine do not make important decisions - they are just puppets. Their external masters allow them to rampage with one purpose - to achieve their goals with their hands.
The maximum task that was set was the destruction of Russia. But the peculiarities of the Russian (urethral) mentality played a role, and everything did not go as expected. Instead of disintegration, an incredible consolidation around the president began in the Russian world, and the fifth column noticeably lost its strength.
Plan "B", which still succeeds, is the complete destruction of Ukraine. The goal is the political and economic weakening of Russia.
Ukraine is a state that never took shape as an independent state. Is there life in Ukraine? Yes. This is life by inertia - from the economic legacy of the Soviet Union. Nothing new is being created in this country. Whole territories are economic wastelands (for example, western Ukraine, Polesie), where people are forced to leave their families and work around the world.
The "new government" is very "helping" the country to get closer to complete collapse faster.
On May 19, 2015, the Prime Minister of Ukraine A. Yatsenyuk announced a technical default - that is, the country's inability to pay external debts. Under the guise of war and pseudo-patriotism, state-owned enterprises of Ukraine are being sold for a penny. Even such as utilities and seaports.
The Ukrainians, so eagerly dreaming of Europe, ironically received almost draconian European prices for utilities. For example, to pay for a two-room apartment, the average Ukrainian salary will not be enough. Prices for gasoline, travel and everything else have skyrocketed.
The national currency has depreciated several times, without recalculating salaries and pensions. Social benefits have been cut. The already impoverished population became even more impoverished, and all this against the backdrop of insane price increases.
Medium and small businesses have practically been destroyed. Unemployment is gaining momentum never seen before.
Ukrainian politicians shamelessly lie to their citizens about the war in Ukraine and the current state of affairs, but in the international arena "stand with an outstretched hand."
The dynamics of economic events is obvious - Ukraine is rapidly heading towards disaster. And very soon the average Ukrainian will simply have nothing to eat.
When problems with food begin, then people, like wild animals, will take to the streets in search of food, primarily in the form of gangs. Already, cases of theft in Ukrainian cities have become much more frequent.
Nobody can feed 40 million people. The longed-for Europe, where Western Ukrainians dreamed of going on "pidrobitki", has already closed its borders.
Ukrainians will have to live on their territory and restore order themselves, rebuilding their country from ruins. The only support and support for not the "brotherly", but the same people - a deceived and abandoned piece of a single Russian people - is Russia.