Panfilov's 28 is the best contemporary film about the war
Even ill-wishers admit that this is one of the best modern films about the war, and every fourth citizen of Russia attended the premiere of the film. Why have so many people watched this movie? What is the impact of this film?
The memory of the war is not only pain and sorrow.
This is the memory of battles and exploits. This is a memory of victory!
B. Momysh-Uly
Hero of the Soviet Union, Panfilovets
The legend of 28 Panfilov heroes is known to everyone who grew up in the Soviet Union. She entered school history textbooks as one of the brightest pages of the Great Patriotic War. And even if evil tongues questioned the authenticity of this story, one thing is for sure - at the beginning of the war, such episodes were common. On the approaches to Moscow, small detachments of the Red Army held back the significantly superior forces of the German invaders. And their feat is undeniable.
The film “Panfilov's 28” was shot about them - the heroes of the beginning of the war. Even ill-wishers admit that this is one of the best modern films about the war, and every fourth citizen of Russia attended the premiere of the film. Why have so many people watched this movie? What is the impact of this film? We will answer these questions with the help of System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.
Film idea
Everyone recognizes the historical accuracy of the recreation of that time and the enormous effect of the patriotic, unifying idea embedded in it. This idea came to Andrei Shaliopa back in 2008, and in 2009 he wrote the script. He was attracted by the theme of the heroism of the Soviet people in the war of 1941-1945, as one of the most important, influencing the feeling of being a united people.
“The Great Patriotic War is the most significant event in our history,” says the scriptwriter and director of the film Andrei Shalyopa. “And the most important thing about him is that we won. It seems to me that most directors would like to make a film about the war. Both grandfathers and grandmothers fought in my family."
And of course, the episode of the heroic defense of Moscow not far from the Dubosekovo junction became the best material for the implementation of the director's plan.
We have nowhere to retreat …
The beginning of the war was extremely unfavorable for the Soviet Union. The enemy was advancing on all fronts. A particularly difficult situation developed on the outskirts of Moscow. On the Volokolamsk direction, the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment of the 316th rifle division, commanded by Major General Ivan Vasilyevich Panfilov, stood firmly on the way of the German invaders. From the side of the enemy, it was opposed by 4 tank and 3 infantry divisions. The task of the Panfilovites was to delay the transfer of the enemy to Moscow at any cost.

No reinforcements were planned. After the first attack of the Germans, 28 people remained in the company, headed by political instructor Vasily Klochkov. They had two anti-tank rifles, grenades, Molotov cocktails at their disposal. "We have nowhere to retreat and we cannot die until we stop the German."
The defenders fight to the last grenade, the last bullet. At a critical moment, when there is nothing to fight with, they wait for the enemy to come close to the trenches in order to rush hand-to-hand, some with a bayonet, some with an ax, some with a knife. Nobody is going to give up, it is easy to give your life - too.
Before the battle, Sergeant Dobrobabin admonishes the soldiers: “Today there is no need to die for the homeland. Today we will live treasure for our homeland. He says that dying heroically is the easiest way out. You will leave with honor, but who will stop the enemy? Here are the soldiers and fight to the last breath.
When the enemy almost lifts his leg over the trench, a machine-gun burst is heard from the flank. Fighter Danila left a supply of cartridges for the most extreme case. And now the enemy's infantry was mowed down by machine-gun fire. On the field, 18 destroyed tanks are smoking. The German general, observing this picture from the commander's tank, decides to stop the offensive and pulls the troops off the battlefield. Only six of the Panfilov company survived.
What is Homeland?
The Panfilov division was formed in the Kazakh SSR, so there were many Kazakhs and Kirghiz in it. We see that together in the trenches, a Russian and a Kazakh, a Ukrainian and a Kyrgyz are fighting shoulder to shoulder. We were one people and we won this war together.
Under the auspices of the Russian urethral-muscular mentality, a unique community of people was formed on the territory of the Soviet Union. More than 100 nations and nationalities lived in the USSR. All retained their language and traditions, but considered themselves a single people. Only the urethral nucleus is able to unite around itself such a variety of cultures and traditions, because it preserves people and allows everyone to develop who is under its protection.
This community was especially strengthened during the war years, when people of different nationalities defended their common homeland. This is how the muscle component of our mentality manifested itself. In moments of danger, we rally into a single fist, we feel ourselves as one WE.
Ideal heroes or real people?
The painting "Panfilov's 28" is a vivid demonstration of our heroic urethral mentality. As the film critic Arthur Zavgorodniy put it very rightly: “The battle for the Motherland is a grueling job, so you cannot say“I'm tired, cold, sick, I don't want to”. But it is for the Russian people that this work is of particular importance.
A person with a urethral mentality feels a special responsibility for people, for the country, for the future. He feels called upon to preserve all this, even at the cost of his own life. As a person with a urethral vector does not have an instinct for self-preservation, because he is called upon to preserve not himself, but a flock, so a Russian person is capable of any feat in order for his homeland to live. Cases of unparalleled mass heroism during the Great Patriotic War confirm this.
Some critics accuse the film of portraying the soldiers as such ideal heroes, emotionless robots with no personal history, no fear, who methodically fulfill their military duty, forgetting that they have a body.
Indeed, the film leaves an interesting feeling - as if there are no separate people in it, it is impossible to describe their individual characters. They are perceived as a single whole, which acts as a well-coordinated mechanism to destroy the enemy. However, this is not fiction, not a metaphor. This is the truth of life.
In the urethral mentality, the public is more important than the personal. Living under the Soviet system with a social formation consonant with the Russian mentality, the Russian people were like that. With their mother's milk, they absorbed the values of bestowal, mercy, the priority of the general over the personal, they built a bright future for posterity - not for themselves. In a situation where the homeland was in danger, the individual was completely erased. Those who were lucky enough to communicate with the veterans of that war confirm this. As if they were other people. They did not think about themselves.
The Russians defended their homeland. Psychologically, this is a very correct action that creates a state of inner balance. This state also gave strength that could not be defeated by an enemy attacking with the aim of gaining profit and enslaving another people. That is why we won in that war the most powerful, trained army in the world, for which all of Europe worked.
Yesterday and today - one people
Today it seems to us that we are different - individualists, consumers. But the spirit of the ancestors cannot be eradicated from our soul, although the time in which mankind lives, prioritizes other values - skin values. Material success, consumption, self-love - this is what we are trying to focus on today. But we are still attracted by the heroic experience of our fathers and grandfathers. That is why we go to such films so massively, somewhere in the depths of our souls we feel their values as our own, remembering who we are at the genetic level.
An interesting find of the authors of the film, which also makes you feel the connection between generations and a powerful sense of unity - the credits at the end: opposite each name of those who worked on the film, the place of birth is indicated. And after them - the endless names of those who invested in the creation of the film.
The picture was filmed with public money. People collected 35 million rubles. Only part of the money was added by the ministries of culture of the Russian Federation and Kazakhstan and some commercial organizations. And it seems that the whole country has invested in this film. After the premiere, Kim Druzhinin, another director of the film, said very rightly about this: "As we fought with the whole huge country, we shoot films with the whole huge country."
This is how the motive of unity runs like a red thread, from the war years to the present day. Why is this movie the best? Because it unites us. Only such historical films should be made. Here is what Yuri Burlan says about his attitude to history at the training in system-vector psychology:
Register for a free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan and feel like a part of the heroic people. Rediscover your homeland.