Practical psychology
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Everything seems to be fine, but the state is disgusting
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It so happens that a dream settles in your head for a long time. At first, she flies there suddenly - a crazy thought that causes an instant shiver. And it becomes even uncomfortable - how could such a thing come to my mind? What an absurdity! It cannot be … And you drive her away, trying to immerse yourself in a series of daily worries. But once having planted its sprout, the dream does not give up! It firmly settles in your head and in your heart. She gives you the strength to live
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
"I can't get out of depression!" - how often do you hear this phrase from relatives and friends? And when you drive the coveted "how to get out of depression" on the Internet, forums and portals immediately open to you, where methods of dealing with this mental illness of the 21st century are offered
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
“I don’t need anyone! Leave me all alone! " - I shout into space within myself throughout my life … Then why did my constant state of loneliness become so unbearable for me? Where did this black abyss of despair and all-consuming longing come from that opened between me and the rest of the world? The feeling of loneliness accompanies me in the background, merges with me, becomes my second self. But do I really want it? The state of loneliness affects me so oppressively that this
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Oh, this "holiday of childhood", from which, as in a song, there is no escape! Maybe someone is a joy, but not me. It happens that depression before a birthday begins a month before, and you just want to disappear! .. Abyss from all radars: phones, social networks, from home. Do not respond to sugary congratulations, do not force a forced smile
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
It is known that mental illness worsens in the spring, including depression. In the spring, the number of requests for help from psychologists and psychiatrists increases, and the number of hospitalizations in a psychiatric hospital is growing. Spring depression is as common in women as in men, but women are more likely to seek help. So why is this happening and how to deal with spring depression?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The next social bar has already been taken. Higher education, intellectual sphere, non-standard projects in the track record. By the standards of modern society, your life is quite successful. And you … no, you're not tired, just … As if something is missing
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Expansion of consciousness, meditation, holotropic breathing and more. Another attempt to hack reality was unsuccessful. And I really want to finally break free from the clutches of loneliness, fatigue, and hatred. In this article, you will learn:
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
A mannequin stands in a glass showcase, reflecting artificial lighting with glossy plastic, humbly leaving himself to someone else's will, with a face that does not express vitality. All that it consists of is loneliness and emptiness, plus a kilogram of polymer. I look at him as if mesmerized, as if suddenly meeting his own double, and I try to urgently find at least two differences with myself. Does not work
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Half a lifetime has passed, and it seems to you that you still do not understand who you are, why you are here and what you live for. In the beginning there was a hope that things would get better. You were looking for something, aspired to something, tried yourself, changed jobs and professions, hobbies and entertainment
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To my brilliant friend and teacher, you know about your chosenness
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Do not want to live
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Light makeup, plunging neckline, high heels. What nonsense! You might think this is fundamentally changing something. But it is generally accepted that it is sexy. Yes, he also asked to wear a shorter skirt
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The reincarnation of souls, the heavenly kingdom, the afterlife - you are ready to believe in anything, just to get away from realizing the finiteness of your existence. However, faith is not supported by facts, while the fear of death is justified by the departure of relatives and friends, terrible footage on TV and a sense of threat from this world. But if death is inevitable, then is it possible to stop being afraid of what must necessarily happen?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Apathy is considered most often as one of the symptoms of depression, so no one is practically puzzled by the separate question of how to treat apathy
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Depression. I don't want to do anything. Poor condition, loneliness. Someone advises to drop all affairs during depression and be alone. Someone - on the contrary, get involved in work, in communication with people. Numerous recommendations do not help the cause, psychologists shrug their shoulders, doctors prescribe pills, and depression has been and remains a common phenomenon in society
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There are only murders in the world, remember. There are no suicides at all. E. Evtushenko
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Loneliness is so different
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Every day, many questions attack you. Wherever I look, no matter where I look, a shadow of meaninglessness is haunted everywhere. It feels like it has always been like this, all my adult life. At first there were questions to myself - who am I, why am I? They were left without an intelligible answer, and the suffering from the meaninglessness of life began to increase
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
He is laconic, the Universe is reflected in his eyes. It blows cold, but you believe that "your great love is enough for both of you with your head." The harsh truth of life is that such love is not enough even for you alone. But do not rush to break off relations. How to understand what he needs and melt a cold heart?
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
No more strength! I myself am already shaking from the hysterics of my son. He's afraid of everything! At midnight I sit with him and hold his hand, until the morning the lights are on in the nursery and in the corridor. Not only does the darkness scare him, but the dream itself. During the day, he also does not remain alone in the room. My husband and I are already quarreling about this. He shouts: “What a man is growing! Stop clattering! " And I feel sorry for the child
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All my life I was haunted by self-doubt
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Everyone wants to be successful in life
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Are you familiar with the situation when, for example, you need to loudly say something to the driver in the minibus, but for some reason you cannot? And these are just flowers! There are even more serious problems, after which you once again think about how to become a self-confident person. When in the most decisive moments of life you cannot prove yourself due to constraint, insecurity and shyness - this leads to despair
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
She fell in love with him for his torment, and he loved her for compassion for them … Shakespeare. Othello
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
This terrible feeling - love The fear of losing a person is the fear of being left alone, of losing the pleasure of an emotional connection with a loved one. How can you lose the joy that relationships give, miss the happiness that love gives. Fear is a feeling that appears as if by itself, rolling in a cold wave and pressing from within. At the same moment, a violent imagination paints terrifying pictures of how our common small world is crumbling
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
The other day in the yard of my childhood I met a tall guy who smiled at me and walked on. It was a neighbor from our house. His hazy gaze struck me as strange. He smiled, but as if not to me, but either through me, or inside himself. "Soundman" - I thought
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“I'm still quite young, but I'm just falling apart
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
“We met, loved each other, then there were constant quarrels and jealousy. I'm tired of all. Gathered up courage, parted. At first everything was fine. Time has passed. The roof is going, very bad, my heart is breaking, I can not forget it. I know that she is also not very sweet, I don’t want to put up. Help her forget. " "Help! I want to forget my ex. He betrayed me. I can’t live on. There is emptiness in my soul. " "How to get a wife out of my heart?" "How to let your husband go?"
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
Man, throughout the history of his intelligent existence, was haunted by the question - "how to deceive old age." How many scientists have devoted their lives to creating the "Elixir of Youth", not to mention all these "rejuvenating apples" and "living water" in folk tales
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Even the very thoughts of possible nausea cause horror and fear, and if this happens, it immediately begins to shake in panic
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
They are so different, my two patients today, and at the same time the same. The same in their desire to return to normal life, to end the endless marathon through the corridors of clinics in search of the cause and deliverance from this horror of PANIC ATTACKS
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You often hear the following phrase: "Why are you messing around? And so it will do!" This phrase hurts the ear, causes internal discomfort and indignation. How can you do something somehow? It seems that you will cease to respect yourself if you allow this! Everything should be neat, clean. We must do it, and then double-check ourselves, so that mistakes do not come out. But when you double-check yourself several times, then you can show people. And so in everything
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
We are used to feeling ourselves the one and only, with individual character traits and a personal life path. But we are not as special as we think. Indeed, as Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology says, there are only eight basic character types, eight vectors. Each vector has its own task, on which the survival of the whole flock depends
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Oh, she's a romantic, definitely! She loves to climb onto the roof at night, and, sitting hugging under one blanket and drinking mulled wine, looking at the stars and reading poetry
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Thirty-three misfortunes! They always take my wallet, attack, or pull my purse in the subway
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
After spending eight years in the same office, I realized that it was time to change something. However, as soon as it came to finding a job, I was seized by a real panic. The new job was scary to the knees. Can I handle it? How will the team meet? Will your relationship with your boss work out? Have I lost my business dexterity and flexibility of thinking in eight years in one place? What if I don't pass the trial period? The fear of a new job was simply paralyzing
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
All my life I was haunted by the fear of the future: bad feelings, spontaneous or associated with some important, responsible events. Out of nowhere, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and uncertainty rolled over. To get rid of anxiety on my own, I tried to foresee everything in advance, think over to the smallest detail. Astrological predictions and various horoscopes gave confidence, but not for long. Fears returned when faced with a new situation
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
How to get rid of the fear of death? How many people ask this question? How many people feel this suffocating fear, pressing with a heavy pressure on the chest
Last modified: 2025-01-24 14:01
You have a car, a difficult exam is behind you, and a license is in your pocket! Only now there is no experienced instructor nearby who will give the right advice at the right time. How to overcome your fear of driving if you panic as soon as you are alone with a creepy road. No matter how well you study, you can instantly react to signs growing out of nowhere, follow the road markings, you cannot drive a car! You can't drive up to your office or club in style, I'm sure