The Lot Of The Elect: A Little Neo, A Little Moses

The Lot Of The Elect: A Little Neo, A Little Moses
The Lot Of The Elect: A Little Neo, A Little Moses

The lot of the elect: a little Neo, a little Moses

If you were born with a sound vector, do not hesitate, you have an important mission on this earth. Save humanity. No more, no less. To do this, you do not need to perform "cinematic" feats, to fight with Agent Smith. You don't even need to walk with your people for forty years in the wilderness, like Moses. It is enough to realize your nature. Know yourself.

To my brilliant friend and teacher

You know about your chosenness. Maybe you don't call it that. But you feel that you were born for a reason. Every day there are confirmations that you are not like everyone else.

Otherwise, why all this?

After all, I was not born to discuss the style of the CEO's new jacket over a cup of tea in a stuffy office. Others are happy with this life. You are absent.

The only thing that worries is where is that Morpheus, who is able to show the way to real reality. It would be high time for him to appear.

Although you yourself are no worse. It even seems that you have lived more than one life. I knew everything, you know the answers to all questions. For all but one - why are you here.

You feel genius in yourself. From an early age, she breaks through here and there in scraps beyond her years of wise judgments about the structure of this world. Whatever you do, you easily achieve success … And just as quickly everything gets boring.

But there must be something! An explanation of why you were sent here. What planet. What a mission.

The answer can be given by the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Yes, you are not like everyone else

Of course, you are not like everyone else. Moreover: everyone is "not like everyone else." Everyone is endowed from birth with properties and desires - vectors. There are only eight vectors, but in a different combination and, given the varying degrees of development and realization of properties, more than seven billion options have already come out.

Each vector has a feature that is the opposite of all the others. So, unlike others, the abstract intellect of the owners of the sound vector is more focused not on the external world, but on internal sensations, thoughts, ideas. They need meaning. They are not happy with the material world without understanding the meaning of its origin. And without understanding their purpose in this world.

The lot of the elect
The lot of the elect

The endless inner search for the owners of the sound vector is realized in sciences, technologies, social transformations. And truly brilliant ideas are born, literally overturning the idea of the reality of discovery. The ideas that rule the world change thinking.

So you feel that you have been given something large-scale, not from this world. Something that you want to think about over and over again. And what can be difficult to express.

Create or destroy?

By the way, this is how music is born, how works of literature arise. This is how discoveries are made in mathematics or physics. In search of something inexpressible, the poet composes a rhyme, trying to convey through words the subtlest meanings - the vibrations of the infinite Universe, felt by his sensitive ear.

And also destructive ideas appear in the sick mind of the sound engineer, offended by the world and the Lord God himself. The absence of meaning within one's own sensations or erroneous conclusions does not allow one to see what is happening outside this tight cell of the body. And there is no such desire. After all, you are a genius. And the others … They don't understand anything.

And the sound person can also have fanaticism. With a plus or minus sign. Fanaticism, forcing one to go to knowledge, despite failure. Or hateful, destroying everything it touches - dissidents, entire nations and states, life itself.

Everyone chooses for himself …

Does he only choose? Hatred is born when there is no realization of desires. Especially desires of a universal scale. The leaven of genius boiling inside, which failed to materialize in life, pushes to destruction. More often - to self-destruction.

And the inevitable depression launches tentacles at first in thought, suggesting words about the meaninglessness of everything. And then it pulls completely into its sticky web of indifference to oneself and hatred of reality. It takes away all strength. It's good when something inside does not allow you to press the "red button" in your inner universe, destroying at once both yourself and the hated reality.

This is not an option. And just a straight road to more suffering.

If you were born with a sound vector, do not hesitate, you have an important mission on this earth. Save humanity. No more, no less. To do this, you do not need to perform "cinematic" feats, to fight with Agent Smith. You don't even need to walk with your people for forty years in the wilderness, like Moses. It is enough to realize your nature. Know yourself.

The lot of the elect: not like everyone else
The lot of the elect: not like everyone else

This is where the fun begins

As Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" asserts and confirms, cognition of anything is possible only on the basis of differences. The play of light and shadow adds volume to the world. Differences create a variety of species and characters. Get to know those around you and you become aware of yourself.

It is not difficult. You can check all this yourself. And "System-Vector Psychology" provides additional tools and a coordinate system in which the world exists. And you, like no one else, are able to understand the language of the finest meanings of life - at the free nightly online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.
