Raising a Hyperactive Child, or What Parents of Hyperactive Children Don't Know
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the state of a child under 6 is closely related to the psychological state of the parents: it directly depends on the mother, indirectly on the father. It is the parents who provide their child with a basic sense of security and safety, and the violation of this feeling leads to the most sad consequences …
Let's start with the most important thing: Hyperactivity Disorder, or, as it is called, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is very often associated with the mental characteristics of the child and, with the right approach, lends itself well to correction. Yuri Burlan's systemic vector psychology training reveals that such disorders can most often appear in children with a skin vector, less often in those with a urethral vector. If you have a hyperactive child growing up, you can safely say that he has either a cutaneous or urethral vector. Based on this basic position, we will consider ways of correction and features of the upbringing of a hyperactive child. In this article, we will consider the features of the approach to children with a skin vector.
In this article, we'll cover:
- what the cutaneous vector is and how it relates to hyperactivity;
- about how parents influence the state and behavior of the child;
- how parents should not confuse hyperactivity disorder and normal child activity;
- what to do if you have a really hyperactive child, and what not to do in any case, which parenting methods to use and which not.
To begin with, dear parents, we hasten to reassure you. If your child has been diagnosed with hyperactivity syndrome (symptoms will be described later), this does not mean at all that he will have a bad fate. There are many famous and very successful people in the modern world who were diagnosed with this in childhood. These are, for example, the Grammy winner, singer Justin Timberlake, star chef Jamie Oliver, actor, singer and famous father Will Smith and many, many others. So let's take a closer look at these properties and we will not scold such children for those talents that they got from nature. Do not hesitate, you can still feel pride in your fidget!

Hyperactivity syndrome: what does the skin vector have to do with it?
Many parents think that a hyperactive child is one who is always running, jumping, spinning, cannot sit in one place. That is, it does not behave quite normally. Systemic vector psychology explains that high mobility is an absolutely natural manifestation for children with a skin vector. With proper upbringing, such children grow into athletes, businessmen, engineers and top managers. A flexible psyche, fast switching, restlessness and mobility of people with a skin vector are not symptoms of the disease, but qualities that are absolutely in demand in the modern world. They are accompanied by general energy, logical thinking and the ability to instantly calculate the benefits or lack thereof.
It is believed that the cause of hyperactivity can be: unfavorable pregnancy, pathology in childbirth, psychological reasons (excessive severity, conflict relationships in the family).
But if you look more closely, then with the same developmental disorders (for example, with a loss of a sense of security and safety), one baby may develop hyperactivity syndrome, while another, for example, on the contrary, may develop lethargy. System-vector psychology explains these differences by the presence of congenital features - vectors that determine the characteristics of the child's behavior, including in the case of deviations.
If it seems to you that your baby is overly mobile and restless, of course, it is worth taking him to a neurologist or psychiatrist. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a diagnosis made as a result of a medical examination when MMD (minimal brain dysfunction) is detected, and not just general mobility of the baby. Practice shows that the non-drug way of treatment for hyperactive children is much more effective than the drug one. And this is no coincidence.
How to distinguish between normal activity and hyperactivity
The most ordinary child with a skin vector for a mother with an anal vector will seem overactive and even unbearable, because she has a different psyche, a different rhythm of life, different properties and desires, she loves order and tranquility, and a small skin person is a clot of uncontrollable energy. Therefore, in determining the norm and pathology, much depends on the observer.
Just an active child:
- He cannot sit in one place for a long time, but he loves outdoor games and can play one thing with enthusiasm for a long time (play ball, ride a scooter, fold the constructor).
- Curious, asks a lot of questions, can talk a lot. If he speaks constantly and a lot, this may be one of the signs that the baby has an oral vector, for him this is the norm.
- He sleeps well at night, I rarely have digestive disorders.
- If he is offended, he can give change, although in normal communication the baby is not aggressive.

Hyperactive child:
- The kid is constantly in motion, often chaotic, his activity is not aimed at achieving any result. When he is completely tired, he begins to cry, be capricious, hysterical. Can't focus on one thing, even for a short while.
- He speaks a lot and quickly, interrupts, asks, but does not listen to answers to questions. Not necessarily, but such signs can also indicate initial disturbances in the development of the oral vector. How to develop it correctly, read in a separate article.
- Allergies are common, it is difficult to put the child to bed, he sleeps restlessly at night.
- The kid is often aggressive for no apparent reason, he can provoke conflicts with other children himself.
- The kid is inattentive, fussy, has difficulties in learning, as well as in creating normal relationships and communication with other children in the kindergarten group or in the school class.
Raising a hyperactive child: parents, start with yourself
The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that the state of a child under 6 is closely related to the psychological state of the parents: it directly depends on the mother, indirectly on the father. It is the parents who provide their child with a basic sense of security and safety, and the violation of this feeling leads to the most sad consequences. If the baby's mother is nervous, anxious or unhappy for some reason, this will certainly affect the child's condition.
When the mental state of the mother is normalized, as well as when the mother begins to understand the needs of the child with the skin vector, her baby returns to normal without any special efforts on her part. More than a thousand reviews of people who have undergone training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan speak about positive changes in the behavior of children. See one of the reviews:
If a woman is raising a child alone, she is often in a poor psychological state, which also directly affects the child. For the same reason, children with a skin vector from orphanages also often show hyperactivity and attention deficit. And adoptive parents make great efforts to restore in them the sense of security and safety that they lost at an early age.
Raising a hyperactive child: basic principles
Dear parents, remember! If your child has been diagnosed with ADHD, it means that he needs even more of your love, affection, attention and patience, as well as an understanding of his inner needs. We have compiled for you the main recommendations for psychocorrectional work that will help you cope with this problem.
Never hit. As much as you want to use corporal punishment, you must remember: Broken children with a skin vector suffer from a loser complex in adulthood.
In addition, from the loss of a basic sense of security and safety, it is a child with a skin vector due to corporal punishment that can begin to steal, first in small things, and then in a big way. If you have already faced such a problem, remember - corporal punishment will not only not help, but will only aggravate the situation.
Do not Cry. If you want your fidget to hear you, come up, sit down on the child's height level and say your request in a calm voice. If, in addition to the skin vector, your baby has a sound vector, then your screaming can trigger autism spectrum disorders in him.
Help the hyperactive child to become active. Record it in the sports section - swimming, tennis or table tennis, athletics, gymnastics, acrobatics are good. But do not demand high results from your child. The main thing in these exercises is to reduce the internal imbalance.
Buy a sports corner for your home and teach your child different types of exercises so that the child has the opportunity to move around and relieve tension at any time.
Dancing lessons will be of great benefit: conscious movements to the music are pleasant and imperceptibly improve the baby's self-control. There are also special correctional complexes of exercises for children for the development of volition, when you need to start and end movements strictly on command. For example: we move while the music is playing; as soon as the music stops, we freeze in place and do not move until the music starts playing again. Gradually, the exercises can become more difficult. The main thing is that all classes should not be held by force, but with pleasure and a good mood.
In no case should you enroll a hyperactive child in the martial arts section! Parents very often think that being able to stand up for yourself is being able to fight. As we know, you want to apply and demonstrate any skill, so your child will get into fights even more often than before. A hyperactive child (like any other) needs training in communication skills, not fighting skills.
Show affection for your baby. Skinners generally love gentle touches. Try to iron it as much as possible, and a light massage at night will help you fall asleep without whims.
Have a clear daily routine at home. Skinners have an innate ability to self-restraint, but it needs to be helped to develop, setting a reasonable framework for him from childhood. Therefore, the rhythm and restrictions (reasonable) are the best conditions for raising a future successful person.
Encourage self-control, show the benefits of good behavior. Kozhniki are very practical since childhood: I put away my toys - I could watch a cartoon, I did one lesson myself - I got a bonus. For girls, it is better not to use direct material incentives. Gentle hugs and affectionate words for both boys and girls work flawlessly.

Don't let your kid watch TV uncontrollably, hang on a tablet or phone. Enter a clear TV viewing mode, time limits for gadgets and follow this strictly. It is clear that this is practically the only time when parents can rest, however, if this is not done now, then it will be too late.
Dear Parents! Do not rely on miracle cures! Only your attentiveness, a good inner state, as well as an understanding of the innate characteristics of your baby will allow you to cope with all difficulties and bring up a fulfilled and happy person from him.
You can get more detailed information on raising a hyperactive child at the nearest free online training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan.