Psychological Online Trainings

Psychological Online Trainings
Psychological Online Trainings

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Psychological online trainings

Unfortunately, only a few understand that a person, having ceased to develop, begins to rapidly degrade. After all, everything that will open for us tomorrow, everything that we see around us, begins with today's thoughts, desires and actions. We rarely realize this and even less often are ready to take responsibility for our tomorrow.

In the everyday hustle and bustle, people often do not think about the direction they choose in life, do not pay attention to what it is filled with, do not ask questions about what tomorrow will be like - will it bring success, health and happiness, or burst into pain, disappointment and loneliness. But everything that will open for us tomorrow, everything that we see around us, begins with today's thoughts, desires and actions. We rarely realize this and even less often are ready to take responsibility for our tomorrow.

Unfortunately, only a few understand that a person, having ceased to develop, begins to rapidly degrade. The world is changing at an incredible speed, which is gaining momentum every day. Much of what seemed essential not even years, but months ago, today is forced to give way to new achievements that have been brought to life. And only those who are not satisfied with this and sit on the bench all their lives, those who crave development, ask questions, frantically seek answers, will be able to find their place in tomorrow. Only they will continue to live tomorrow, to live, not to vegetate, complaining about life, scolding the government, neighbors, motorists on the roads … and everyone who only comes to hand, everyone who can be made responsible for long-standing grievances and claims to their own lives.

In fact, it is very easy to start changing something and create exactly the tomorrow in which you want to live - there are a huge number of trainings, the main topic of which is teaching psychology. For those who have not experienced the study of psychology before, it can be difficult to take the first step. It seems very dubious to be able to discover something completely new and probably very difficult. But in fact, many trainings and lectures on psychology that can be found on the Internet do not require any psychological education or special training, and almost everyone can listen to them. If earlier, when looking for trainings or seminars and lectures on psychology, held at a convenient time for you and located near your home, a collision with a number of questions and problems became inevitable, now,using the endless possibilities of the Internet, you can take training in psychology online without leaving your home. And what's more - now a number of absolutely free lectures on psychology are just a few clicks away from any person who wants to understand and change something in their life.

Psychology training
Psychology training

You can listen to lectures on psychology online for free, while in your own apartment, and even have the opportunity to ask the questions that brought you to the training, on the Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology portal.

The training helps to understand the unconscious processes behind the individuality of each individual.

The main task of the method is to teach each training participant to be aware of the deep motives of their behavior, to understand their own desires and to distinguish them from those that were once imposed by relatives, friends, school, and the media. Following the desires dictated by someone and taken as their own, it is impossible to fully reveal and realize oneself, that is, to realize what dreams and thoughts are filled with. Pursuing erroneously set goals and trying to realize not our own, but someone else's ambitions, we will never be able to succeed and touch those cherished heights that could open to us in case of the right choice. In pursuit of other people's desires, we only scatter our strength and energy, wasting ourselves on completely meaningless things. The result of our expenses is complete devastation and permanent dissatisfaction with life. What can we say about the fact that in this routine, unrestrained battle with reality, there can be no pleasure and joy by definition - we look with quiet sadness at how children enjoy life, and after all, once each of us, like them, breathed this joy. I breathed every day, every new morning, luring with the promise of some extraordinary adventure, which for some reason, over the course of life, imperceptibly turned into such a monochromatic joyless existence. Yuri Burlan's online training "System Vector Psychology" is necessary for everyone who wants to live enjoying every day as a gift and wake up at dawn in anxious anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. By definition, there can be no pleasure and joy in an unrestrained battle with reality - we look with quiet sadness at how children rejoice in life, and after all, once each of us, like them, breathed this joy. I breathed every day, every new morning, luring with the promise of some extraordinary adventure, which for some reason, over the course of life, imperceptibly turned into such a monochromatic joyless existence. Yuri Burlan's online training "System Vector Psychology" is necessary for everyone who wants to live enjoying every day as a gift and wake up at dawn in anxious anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen. By definition, there can be no pleasure and joy in an unrestrained battle with reality - we look with quiet sadness at how children rejoice in life, and after all, once each of us, like them, breathed this joy. I breathed every day, every new morning, luring with the promise of some extraordinary adventure, which for some reason, over the course of life, imperceptibly turned into such a monochromatic joyless existence. Yuri Burlan's online training "System Vector Psychology" is necessary for everyone who wants to live enjoying every day as a gift and wake up at dawn in anxious anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen.breathed this joy. I breathed every day, every new morning, luring with the promise of some extraordinary adventure, which for some reason, over the course of life, imperceptibly turned into such a monochromatic joyless existence. Yuri Burlan's online training "System Vector Psychology" is necessary for everyone who wants to live enjoying every day as a gift and wake up at dawn in anxious anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen.breathed this joy. I breathed every day, every new morning, luring with the promise of some extraordinary adventure, which for some reason, over the course of life, imperceptibly turned into such a monochromatic joyless existence. Yuri Burlan's online training "System Vector Psychology" is necessary for everyone who wants to live enjoying every day as a gift and wake up at dawn in anxious anticipation of a miracle that will certainly happen.which will certainly happen.which will certainly happen.

Completing the online training "System Vector Psychology" reveals the usual life in a completely unexpected way. There is invariably a new understanding of the behavior of the people around us, and with it surprising discoveries in the possibilities of interaction with them. In what previously seemed difficult and insurmountable, platforms for new opportunities and achievements arise. Instead of complaints and discontent, ideas arise in our thoughts that open completely unexpected and precise paths to our goals, the very ease of being appears that cannot be bought for any money. The most important thing is that the positive results that a person receives at online training remain with him forever. The need to memorize and memorize something is replaced by the opportunity to use the acquired skills with pleasure every day, every hour,in every area of our life. This is similar to how we once learned to walk or swim - from the first awkward steps to the complete automaticity of movements, which have become the only habitual and possible way to move confidently.

Psychological online training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan in a matter of lessons makes it possible to live through many states and realize things that we sometimes manage to grope by instinct, while the main action of our life unfolds amid the scenery of pain and disappointment turning into apathy. The search for meaning and one's own purpose permeates with a gust of cold wind, inspired by anxiety about the future, worries about the past and dissatisfaction with the present. All this is usually called life experience, which torments with aching pain that does not allow living, and completely dissolves in an instant, dying along with its wise owner. It cannot be transferred, gifted or inherited.

Until now, we used to rely on reason. Reason that does not explain to us the deepest unconscious reasons and motives that guide us. Relying on reason, we believe that we understand ourselves - after all, we are able to find an obvious rational explanation for everything, which is valid for each of us. Few people ask questions about what is behind his preferences, desires, passion. About why the desires, obvious to him, in reality find a response only among those who are in solidarity with him in his rationalizations. What is the reason for the difference or similarity in the preferences of two people. And why do we want these particular things, while others, although they are a value for someone around them, leave us indifferent? Where can you find this coordinate system that will clearly definewhat of all the visible diversity is the basis for all people, and what is only an individual manifestation of the desires of a particular person? What caused his preferences? Why are they different from mine? Today, thanks to the training "System-vector psychology", what we used to call life experience takes on a completely different meaning for us.

In the online training, there is an awareness of these reasons, which begins with the burst of a wave of relief and calmness caused by the understanding and acceptance of one's own individuality. If before training in psychology, we made our way through life by touch, relying on advice, recommendations, generally accepted values and experience of others, then after it we discover in ourselves the ability with confidence and pleasure to finally take responsibility for our life upon ourselves and be confident in that this life will become the holiday and adventure that childhood promised us.

Comprehension of the unconscious processes that guide our every thought, in a very short period of time, responds in us with an amazing feeling of acceptance and tolerance towards others. Now we understand what makes them act and behave this way, and not otherwise, we see what drives their thoughts, which are expressed by actions. This makes it possible to know in advance the forecast of the possible development of our relations. And most importantly, this tolerance is not like the smile on duty, which we call hypocrisy, but from time to time we put on ourselves with a feeling of doom. It can be compared to the attitude to the weather forecast, which we perceive without pretensions and simply adapt to changing conditions in order to maintain our body temperature and spend the coming time with the greatest comfort. This is how new relationships will begin to develop with thosewho surrounds us throughout life. To this will be added an understanding of what caused their behavior in reality, that is, we will be able to know for sure in advance what "weather" to expect and always be prepared for both cloudiness with clearings and gusty winds with heavy precipitation and hail.

Psychology lectures
Psychology lectures

After completing an online training in psychology, there is no need to pay with dull pain and a feeling of longing for those situations that we used to consider tragic and accidental. The usual attitude towards disagreements, collisions, conflicts and even dissolution of relations is radically changing. This is not due to the dullness of the ability to feel. During the training, we learn to see the situation through the eyes of all its participants, to understand their motives and the real reasons that provoked it. We are no longer attached to the subjective perception of what is happening, systemic thinking allows us to feel and with pleasure to apply the laws discovered during the training. These are laws that give freedom to stop feeling like a victim of circumstances and no longer divide the people around them into right and wrong.

While undergoing the training "System Vector Psychology", we do not learn to accept all new blows of fate or masterly evade them, we do not look for new ways to cope with stress, the training makes it possible to take responsibility for our life, for our actions. This feeling is revealed by that very real and exciting feeling of freedom, which cannot be confused with immured experiences, those that we are used to hiding behind feigned indifference and tortured joy. It warms with the happiness of accepting oneself, without reproaching or comparing with anyone.

In everyday life, we see and evaluate others through ourselves, through a set of innate properties that determine our individuality. We accept as the norm everything that is peculiar to ourselves, and we consider at least strange people who are either unable or unwilling to share our values with us. After completing the online training "System Vector Psychology", everyone discovers the opportunity to consciously get out of the looped scenario full of successive disappointments and failures. This freedom comes along with the skill to objectively look at everything that is happening around, and, first of all, on what every turn, every event of our lives depends on - ourselves.

Online lectures
Online lectures

Anyone can listen to three lectures at the training online for free, and the best part is that you can study without leaving your home at all. The amazing opportunity to touch a method that allows you to discover your own life in a completely new quality is just a few keystrokes.

Usually the trainees of the training say that the only thing they regret is that they have not met the online lectures "System Vector Psychology" before. In order not to regret missed opportunities, it is enough to simply afford to take a free online psychology training.
