Vomitophobia. Fear and panic of nausea
For any person, an attack of nausea is unpleasant in itself, such is the body's natural reaction to the ingress of toxic substances into it. Yes, it's stressful, but for some people, feeling nauseous can trigger uncontrollable fear. Until the appearance of panic attacks …
Even the very thoughts of possible nausea cause horror and fear, and if this happens, it immediately begins to shake in panic. Tears like hail and my heart seems to be breaking out of my chest. Anything, any nausea-blocking pill, just to prevent this condition from developing, it seems that you are about to go crazy. What to do and which doctor to run to? Maybe you need to drink some sedative drugs? Do you really have to put up with fear all your life? What if something is wrong with me and I'm crazy?
Escape from myself
For any person, an attack of nausea is unpleasant in itself, such is the body's natural reaction to the ingress of toxic substances into it. Yes, it's stressful, but for some people, feeling nauseous can cause uncontrollable fear. Until the appearance of panic attacks.
In such a state, it is difficult to objectively think about something else, all thoughts begin to serve fear. Vomitophobia, like any other obsessive fear, interferes with life, bringing the owner of an anxious state a lot of trouble. It becomes difficult to visit any public place: metro, shopping centers, shops, etc. A person is haunted by a terrifying fear - what if I feel bad in a public place among a thousand eyes of strangers, and no one can help? In addition to the very phobia of nausea, the fear of experiencing shame is added.
It turns out to be a very unpleasant cocktail of obsessive states. General nervousness can lead to emotional exhaustion. All this interferes with socializing and leading the usual rhythm for others - work, study, leisure. After all, any exit to the street, to the outside world is a potential stress. The panic state also affects the food regimen, in the obsession with poisoning, overeating or eating something wrong, a person generally loses the ability to adequately eat, up to the possibility of developing anorexia nervosa and serious digestive problems. And for women, the fear of pregnancy is also added, because it is often accompanied by toxicosis and constant bouts of nausea.
Today, unfortunately, vomitophobia is one of the ten most common fears. So what about her?
Looking for exits
To overcome phobias and treat panic conditions, modern medicine offers a drug approach, but sedatives and antidepressants, stopping the physiological manifestations of fear, do not solve the problem from the inside.
In psychology, there are various non-drug methods of working with fear - trying to distract yourself and calm down, try to analyze the cause of the phobia, or even follow the path of movement to meet your fear. But for a person suffering from a phobia, who with all his might runs away from a collision with his own fear, to go towards it and just calm down, especially at the moment of an exacerbation, seems simply impossible.

Psychology explains the cause of vomitophobia as a consequence of experiencing a negative experience with an episode of public poisoning, but not always in the case of fear of nausea, it was preceded by a similar precedent, so what is the root of the appearance of such a peculiar phobia?
We see at the root
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that various phobias and obsessive fears are manifestations of a person with a visual vector in an unrealized state. Visual people are those who by nature have high empathic properties, due to which they are characterized by increased emotional sensitivity. If such properties do not find the correct application in everyday life - in the profession or in communicating with loved ones, and wherever emotional involvement is needed, then the focus of the visual person's attention shifts to fear.
Describing a similar problem, persons suffering from vomitophobia confirmed that they have a special susceptibility and impressionability:
“By myself, I am very impressionable, I take everything to heart. "And if it gets sick, and if it gets bad?" It became problematic to travel by transport, walk alone, or perform in public (although I do this quite often). If you start to feel sick, it immediately shakes"
ArinaP (quote from the Internet)
“I am too impressionable person, constantly winding myself up and inventing fears. The fact is that I am tormented by the fear of nausea, which is almost constantly present. This fear is absent only when I have no time to think about it. I constantly drink cerucal, motilium, I am afraid to eat something wrong, I eat only homemade food and God forbid, anything fried. Because sometimes I think the nausea is due to the stomach, but it seems to be okay."
(quote from the Internet)
System-vector psychology reveals that fear is the opposite state of love. The ability to empathize with the emotional state of another is given to the visual vector for a reason. Such a unique property of indifference, due to the feeling of compassion and love, is designed to reduce hostility between people.
But when the entire colossal sensory potential of a visual person, instead of helping others, is directed only to experiencing for himself, then fear appears in various forms. And now the spectator is not an adult sane person with a big heart, but a child with frightened eyes, running from fear as from his own shadow.
In getting rid of a phobia, there is a chance to say goodbye to it forever
A large number of similar results at the training in system-vector psychology with getting rid of phobias, fears, panic states and obsessive thoughts, indicate that there is a solution. It's no secret that what is good for one is completely unacceptable for another.
With reliable knowledge about the mental properties of the visual vector, overcoming problems is incredibly simple. When understanding the root of phobias, it becomes clear that fear is a negative internal state of the visual vector, and not a consequence of mental abnormalities. And to overcome such experiences, all you need is to change the orientation.
You can learn more about the change in the quality of emotional states and about many other aspects of the visual vector at the training on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan. Here's what people who have completed these classes write:
To familiarize yourself with the methodology, you can listen to a cycle of free online lectures by registering here:
Do not miss your chance, knowing yourself, to finally forget what fear is.