A white hoof over a black heart. How to deal with apathy?
Apathy is considered most often as one of the symptoms of depression, so no one is practically puzzled by a separate question - how to treat apathy. But if you think about it, then everything begins with her …
Apathy is considered most often as one of the symptoms of depression, so no one is practically puzzled by a separate question - how to treat apathy.
But if you think about it, then everything starts with her. Apathy becomes the first bell of a beginning problem. Detachment, indifference, indifference, disinterest in material values and life events are to some extent characteristic features of people with a sound vector. But when they become the prevailing sensations of a person, drawing him deeper and deeper into the inner shell of his own consciousness, it is worth thinking about what the reason is and how to overcome this obsessive apathy, while there is still an opportunity to avoid falling into the bottomless abyss of sound depression.
Both the causes of apathy and its treatment lie in the psychological characteristics of the sound vector.
A person with a sound vector, misunderstood in his intangible aspirations, has always been considered an eccentric. The most voluminous, dominant vector, requiring the satisfaction of his needs in the first place, suppressing with his power any desires of other vectors, he put the search for meaning at the forefront of a person's entire life, be it the discovery of the laws of physics or philosophy as comprehension of the origins of being, the foundation of world religions as spiritual searches, or the creation of works of classical music as a search for answers in previously unknown and inaudible combinations of sounds.

The modern sound engineer conducts his search most often in the vastness of the Big Network - in programming, linguistics, creativity - as an alternative reality, where there are no unnecessary sounds, emotions, contacts that only distract from the main thing - understanding what is happening. But even here there is no complete satisfaction of sound needs. And the temperament or the strength of desire grows with each next generation.
Suffering from headaches and depressions under the unbearable pressure of unconscious lack of sound, more and more representatives of this vector go into virtual addiction, plunge into the world of drugs and end their lives stepping out of the window - just to get rid of inexplicable suffering, not even named by a word.
The search for the cause, the truth, the very origins, the beginning is a priority for the gigantic abstract intellect of the sound engineer, and the realization of this, getting the answer to the question: "Who am I, why do I live?" - there is the highest pleasure from the satisfaction of the search.
A satisfied sound vector makes it possible to finally declare themselves to desires in other vectors of a person, aimed at specific values: family, emotional ties, an increase in material or social status, and the like, clear and familiar to all other vectors, life goals.
The very awareness of their own needs, thirsting for satisfaction, the peculiarities of their own psyche and thinking, already gives the sound engineer a lot of answers to the nagging questions about what is happening.

Understanding the nature of the sound vector, mental mechanisms and changes that occur under the pressure of growing shortages explains why obsessive apathy can arise and how to deal with it on your own.
The maximum filling of sound deficiencies at the level of the high temperament of modern generations is practically impossible today, unlike the needs of any other vector. However, the ability to understand oneself and realize a direction that can at least partially fill the gigantic volume of the dominant vector is already a tangible step towards life among people, in society, and not in a separate locked shell of one's own depression.
Even such a partial filling of the sound vector gives the sound engineer incomparable relief, and the question of how to get rid of apathy is decided by itself and loses its relevance forever.
Getting to the training in system-vector psychology in search of an answer to their pressing question, how to overcome apathy, representatives of the sound vector receive answers not only to this, but also to many other, equally important, but unasked questions. It was those questions that haunted all my life, interfered with my life, but were never put into words, were not said, remained unconscious, turning into shortages and pouring out into insomnia, migraines, the same apathy and even depressive states.