Dreams Come True. How to meet your happiness?
What's happening? Why do we prefer to repeatedly replay our dream in our head, rather than take specific steps to make it come true? Why do we expect the fulfillment of a dream to fall on us like manna from heaven? And in general - is it possible for your dream to come true, even if you don't put in any effort?
It so happens that a dream settles in your head for a long time. At first, she flies there suddenly - a crazy thought that causes an instant shiver. And it becomes even uncomfortable - how could such a thing come to my mind? What an absurdity! It cannot be … And you drive her away, trying to immerse yourself in a series of daily worries. But once having planted its sprout, the dream does not give up! It firmly settles in your head and in your heart. She gives you the strength to live.
You start thinking about her more and more often. And there is absolutely no time for real life! People around you notice that you are kind of absent-minded, uncollected, forget about your duties, do not come to meetings.
What's happening? Why do we prefer to repeatedly replay our dream in our head, rather than take specific steps to make it come true? Why do we expect the fulfillment of a dream to fall on us like manna from heaven? And in general - is it possible for your dream to come true, even if you don't put in any effort?
Where do desires come from?
As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology explains, we all live by the principle of pleasure. We are driven by our innate unconscious desires that guide us through life like a navigator. Our desires are always infallible because they are natural. However, our unconscious is hidden from us by consciousness. And consciousness tends to rationalize our desires. Having passed through the prism of consciousness and undergoing dozens of rationalizations and censorship from the point of view of the acceptability of our desire from the standpoint of morality and culture, our desire encourages us to create new thought forms aimed at achieving the desired.
This happens in each of the 8 vectors - sets of innate desires and mental properties that form our way of thinking, the system of values and the unique life scenario of each person. Each person has his own vector set, which means his own unique life path and his own generously measured potential by nature.
Dream is created by the power of desire
To feel in oneself such a frantic, bubbling volume of desire inside, such a force that seems to be about to tear apart, is capable of only one vector - the sound one. This is a dominant vector - his desires are transcendental, they go beyond the framework of one human life and require priority satisfaction. Until desires in the sound vector are satisfied, a person does not find rest.
These desires lie outside the plane of the material world and cannot be limited. You can forbid a person to do anything, but you cannot forbid him to think and seek answers to his questions. Sound escapes the limitations of the material world precisely by its ability to create new thought-forms that do not rely on previous experience, but come as spontaneous insights, but remain in consciousness as "something that I always knew but could not explain."
If the sound engineer does not realize his ability to concentrate thoughts in life, does not introduce his ideas into society, he can go into empty dreams. Breaking away from the real world, which is imperfect and where you have to endlessly serve the body, a person with a sound vector creates a new world - the world of his dreams, where he carefully cultivates all the best …
But in fact, he leaves real life, hides behind a screen and does not act. He can imagine how he would behave in a given situation. But even when such a situation occurs, the sound engineer remains passive. After all, he had already experienced it inside himself. People who do not realize their sound outward, for the benefit of society, sometimes look like young old people - after all, they have already changed their minds inside themselves, you cannot surprise them with anything. But the sound engineer may not dare to take real action.
The Thinker Torn from Life
He comprehends high categories with his abstract intellect, it is difficult for him to descend to the material world and, for example, to eat or sleep on time - there is no such value. We think a lot. Too. And we do not act.
It is in the outwardly cold and detached sound engineer that such a volume of desire arises, which is able to accommodate a dream. After all, a dream is a concentrated, very capacious desire, which is felt by orders of magnitude more necessary than everything else. This is desire multiplied by infinity. It is abstract and unattainable. This is how the sound engineer feels.

There is an abyss between him and his dream. I feel my world inside and my dream in it, but this dream contains something that belongs to the world outside, something that does not depend on me and is not part of me. And I cannot control it, and I cannot control it.
For example, my dream concerns not only me, but also another person. In my thoughts, I can play any options for developing a relationship with him, but in real life, relationships depend on both participants. And here I begin to feel the boundaries of my ego, here I realize the fallacy of my egocentrism, my perception “there is only me”. And here the bifurcation point passes - either I go into my dreams, where there is only me and my thoughts, my ideas about the other, or I get out of my egocentrism and begin to consciously build relationships, focusing on the needs of the other person.
Utopia and dystopia. Where Dreams May Come?
If anything is worth doing, it is only
what is considered impossible
Oscar Wilde
The huge volume of the soundman's psyche also determines the scale of his dreams. So, the sound engineer often dreams of either making happy or exterminating all of humanity. In the first case, the sound engineer becomes a philosopher who is trying to create a model of an ideal society, a great inventor, physicist, poet. He opens the laws of the universe and makes them accessible and understandable to other people.
Combined with the skin vector, these are people who can be fanatically devoted to the idea. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan says that the skin vector gives its owner the properties of mobility, flexibility, desire for novelty, the ability to adapt an idea to existing conditions, to carry it to people. Such people are inductive, capable of infecting others with their idea. In the past, among such people there were reformers who changed the social structure. And now there are more and more people among skin sound specialists in severe depressive conditions.
But if a skin sound engineer has a dream, then he will move mountains to reach it, he will stop at nothing. All his actions will be focused on the realization of the dream. Literally obsessed with his dream, he is endowed with colossal efficiency and will give all his best, getting incredible pleasure from it.
Doubting dreamers and idealists
There are people with a different mental makeup. Their dreams are not so pretentious and such people are in no hurry to implement them, getting more pleasure from the dreaming process itself - these are people with a visual vector who, as system-vector psychology explains, are endowed with figurative thinking and a rich imagination.
Everything has been given to me to live an exalted life.
And I am dying in laziness, debauchery and dreaming
D. I. Harms
They think in pictures and are able to scroll them at high speed in their head. They are dreamy, but their fantasies are fleeting and constantly change direction. The viewer does not have a persistent dream image; for him everything flows and changes. The spectator will never fanatically follow his dream, strive for it at all costs, even at the cost of his own life, like a skin sound specialist.
Fantasies in the visual vector are an easy way to get pleasure in yourself, this is entertainment that covers the laziness of the mind. Especially dreamy laziness is characteristic of people with an anal-visual ligament of vectors. Having a naturally high intelligence, capable of accommodating a huge store of knowledge and directing this knowledge for the benefit of society, nevertheless, these people often prefer to indulge in dreams and sit on the couch.
The thing is that, by nature, anal-visual people are indecisive, doubting. Before doing anything, they will think several times, weigh. And in the visual vector they will wind themselves up. The image of your dreams, this beautiful picture in your head will create a feeling of euphoria - the upper state of emotional swing, which, however, is quickly replaced by despair from inner self-doubt and the feeling of being unable to achieve what you want.
Just solid questions …
In the anal-visual and anal-sound-visual ligaments of vectors, the movement towards a dream is complicated by constant nit-picking - what if I'm not good enough? What if I'm not worthy of what I want? What if my dream comes true? Can such happiness be experienced?
It seems that if you achieve a dream, then nothing else will follow. It can be formulated as follows: “I am afraid that when the dream comes true, I will no longer have anything to live in the world” (Paulo Coelho).
On the one hand, in the visual vector, the possibility of a dream come true causes fear for future life, and in the sound vector there is an illusion that the fulfillment of a dream will lead to the loss of the meaning of life. But this is not the case. The fulfillment of a dream takes you to the next stage in life, when new desires appear that did not exist before.
Be afraid of your desires, because they tend to come true
Visual emotional buildup can occur through fear - the root emotion of the visual vector. It is people with a visual vector that can be afraid of their desires, afraid of these pictures that are rapidly rushing through their heads. In general, it is not surprising to be scared here, because our true desires are hidden from us in the unconscious, and making rationalizations and repeatedly refracting these desires in our consciousness, we get confused and stop understanding what we want.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan removes the veil of secrecy from our unconscious desires and explains that people with a visual vector dream of love and only they are truly capable of experiencing it. Through the feeling of love, they comprehend their existence on earth.

Fear and love are like two extreme points of the emotional states of the visual vector. One excludes the other. A person with a visual vector gets pleasure from changing emotional states. However, going out of fear, into a state of love for another person, he can experience the pleasure of life on a qualitatively new level.
What if … Waiting for the future
A person with a visual vector can have any fears, in addition, the presence of an anal-visual ligament of vectors predetermines in a person a specific fear of being dishonored, fear of not meeting what is expected of you, and fear of the future in general.
It is the fear of the future that can be the cause of the emotional swing when we scroll through the possible scenarios in our head, but instead of calming down and preparing for these options, we panic even more.
On the other hand, it is people with the anal-visual ligament of vectors - diligent and responsive - who believe that for all the good things they have done in life, of course, someone up there will make a mega-bonus for them and fulfill their dream without any effort on their part. There are expectations that the dream will suddenly come true by itself … Therefore, these people can stubbornly do anything, but not consciously moving towards the realization of their inner desires.
Endless path
Follow your dream no matter what. Regardless of whether
you are old or young, you must fulfill your wildest dreams.
This is the only reason for existence on this planet …
Jared Leto
Sometimes it seems to us that the dream is the horizon. No matter how much you go to the horizon, it moves away from you. No matter how much you do, it is still not enough. But no one said that life is a pleasure trip, when we will be only good all the time. If it were so, we would never develop.
However, nature created us in such a way that our every desire is provided with natural properties in order to fulfill it. The main thing is not to stand still and move towards the dream, and not hide from it.
Fulfilling our desires, we receive pleasure and strength for new achievements. Therefore, you do not need to be afraid to make your dreams come true, because they will be replaced by new ones.
Knowledge of System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan helps to realize their deep mental desires, to cope with doubts and indecision and to realize their enormous potential.
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