Fear Of The Future: Getting To Know Yourself And Not Being Afraid

Fear Of The Future: Getting To Know Yourself And Not Being Afraid
Fear Of The Future: Getting To Know Yourself And Not Being Afraid

Fear of the future: getting to know yourself and not being afraid

Fear of the future fetters. What to do when you feel that very soon, a disaster is about to happen. Where to run? How to live in constant anxiety?

All my life I was haunted by the fear of the future: bad feelings, spontaneous or associated with some important, responsible events. Out of nowhere, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety and uncertainty rolled over.

To get rid of anxiety on my own, I tried to foresee everything in advance, think over to the smallest detail. Astrological predictions and various horoscopes gave confidence, but not for long. Fears returned when faced with a new situation.

Fear of the future fetters. What to do when you feel that very soon, a disaster is about to happen. Where to run? How to live in constant anxiety? Someone goes to a fortune-teller, someone goes to church, but I preferred not to stick my head out, live quietly and modestly, half-heartedly, without enthusiasm and pleasure.

Fear of the future and the psychology of premonition

Every vital decision was made with great difficulty - any new thought, not having time to appear, was immediately entangled in a web of bad forebodings. Imagination threw up unpleasant and terrible pictures of the possible development of events.

Tormented by the fear of making decisions, I simultaneously noticed that many others did not have such a problem. I thought there was something wrong with me. Then I did not know that people differ from each other in properties, that due to differences in unconscious desires, we react differently to environmental pressure. I thought that in order to get rid of fear, I must acquire similar habits and behavior, as those of those who in my eyes seemed to be a model of courage and confidence.

And that meant moving towards your fear, looking the enemy in the face and throwing your chest into the embrasure. This way of getting rid of fear of the future, as a rule, leads to even more difficult experiences of facing a frightening situation. In my case, however, in this way I managed to realize that some of my fears are really far-fetched. However, this did not fundamentally solve the problem: it was still hard to make important decisions, the future raised anxiety. And the most important thing is that there was absolutely no pleasure from life in the present.

It was also not possible to find a way to get rid of fear forever in classical psychology. The various tests provided only a description of the problem at best. Affirmations, positive thinking and other tricks with the subconscious temporarily relieved fears, but after a short period of time, bad states returned again.

How to deal with fear of the future?

A completely different way of working with fears was offered by an article on system-vector psychology on the portal of Yuri Burlan. No special tricks, no tests. It was clear from the article that people with a visual vector, people with a particularly sensitive erogenous zone - with eyes - suffer especially from fears.

It is visual people who are characterized by a high emotional amplitude. The most powerful natural emotion in such a person is the fear of death. Spectators' fears intensify in situations where the danger remains out of their field of vision. From here comes the fear of the dark (as well as the many consequences of this childhood fear in the form of phobias) and the fear of the future - a threateningly unpredictable scenario.


Fear of everything new. How to learn to adapt

Fear of the future is not in the form of anxieties, but as discomfort from the need to adapt social changes, inherent in people with an anal vector. The attention of such people is by nature directed to the past, because they tend to accumulate knowledge and experience. They prefer a sedentary, measured way of life, traditional way of life, nepotism. Urban pace, the speed of changes that society is going through in the modern world, knock them out of a rut. The stress is also exacerbated by work problems, in the case when it is necessary to change the place of employment. Change is always stressful for anal people.

Waiting for an unknown future can lead such a person into a state of stupor. In the world of money and competition, all people are subject to stereotypes of success according to standards that ideally correspond to the internal mental structure of a person with a skin vector. In this situation, it is difficult for anal people who do not know what exactly their abilities will be most in demand and well paid for.

Seeing the reason is to stop being afraid

Knowing yourself at the training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan allows you to understand yourself, your qualities with scientific accuracy, and allows you to work out any bad internal states. By acquiring the exact direction in the realization of his emotional amplitude, the visual person can get rid of fears forever. This is confirmed by many reviews after the training.

It turns out fears, anxiety "live in the throat." And when they leave it becomes easier to breathe. For years, I suffered from causeless anxiety, which often fell on me. Psychologists helped me, but it was as if one hundredth was leaving, and then fears came again. Half the fears, my rational mind, gave a logical explanation. But what is the use of these explanations if there is no normal life. And causeless anxiety in the evenings. By the middle of the course, I began to notice that I began to breathe freely. The clamps are gone. And by the end of the course, I suddenly noticed that anxiety and fears left me … Diana Nurgalieva, Read the full text of the result No fear for the future, no panic attacks (which often annoyed me). I'm not afraid of loneliness. By the way, I discovered that I like being alone with myself, I was just afraid to accept it. Became calmer and more peacefulor something … Elena Strelkova, Read the full text of the result Previously, I felt anxiety for any reason, worked myself up in advance, could not sleep, suffered from migraines, did not trust people in advance. I often turned to psychologists, they unsubscribed from me with sedatives. Fears go away during trainings … Oksana, Read the full text of the result

Self-knowledge greatly enhances the ability to adapt in the modern world, and resistance to stress. Try it yourself: sign up for the following free online lectures on systemic vector psychology on Yuri Burlan's portal!
