Corruption as the main threat to decay
The fight against corruption is even more dangerous for Russia than corruption itself. Even Peter the Great faced this problem …
Fragment of the summary of the Second Level on the topic "Integration of the modern world":
The world is becoming more and more global. In the USSR, we didn't care what was happening in the world, but today sanctions bring mutual damage. Globalization is not canceled and will continue regardless of what everyone thinks about it.
The fight against corruption is even more dangerous for Russia than corruption itself. Even Peter the Great faced this problem. As soon as the backbone of power was formed from leather workers, corruption immediately began to flourish. None of the rulers could cope with this. With our urethral-muscular mentality, the skin is only archetypal, that is, stealing. There are two troubles in Russia: the FIRST is UNPOSITION, which easily turns into hatred, and the SECOND is CORRUPTION. Peter the First could not do anything about it. The only time corruption left our state was at the dawn of the Soviet Union, the only time we jumped out of this trap, out of this hole. The leather workers were heroes of the USSR, they easily gave their lives for it.
The genius of the current Russian leadership is blamed on him. This genius lies in working with what is. Yes, officials continue to steal, but at the same time they bring benefits and develop Russia. Because the struggle against what exists turns out to be more dangerous for the integrity of the state than corruption itself.
The whole problem is in our heads! If we were put in power there, would we not steal? Moreover, they kind of stole. The problem is not in Yanukovych - the problem is only in the heads.

So much hatred has accumulated in Ukraine that people were ready to accept the devil with horns, if only not corruption. But they did not get rid of corruption: the former Soviet oligarchs were immediately put in the regions … We leave corruption, multiply it by Nazism and destroy the state. Hatred in Ukraine loomed much brighter, and one American match was enough for it all to explode.
Corruption can only be defeated with self-awareness. Not because we understand that corruption is bad and we don't want to be corrupt, it doesn't work that way. When we are aware of ourselves, we are not ready to harm ourselves, creating a corrupt vertical for one simple reason: awareness of ourselves does not allow us to commit erroneous actions to our detriment.
Ukraine is not Austria-Hungary or Poland, it is a component of Russia. Was, is and will be. And only those who do not know history do not know this. The problem is not in America, it does what it does, it divides everyone and everything, which is very good for America itself. And the Americans are not going to take care of anyone else, it is a great folly to think the opposite today. All threats are not from America. The whole threat is in the head. The Americans set fire to hatred, but we are to blame for this. It is their obligation to their people to divide other nations. And we are to blame, because we have accumulated a lot of hatred.
The power of decay is our innate dislike. We have been fighting hostility from the first day we became human so as not to disintegrate and perish.
It is very difficult to limit hostility when there are bastards, scum, robbers everywhere. We twist when we look at them. And what is happening in Ukraine, this is it - our hatred. And the Americans are inflating this, they are giving five billion dollars and will continue to give, pushing the same people against each other. If Russia backs down, then NATO troops will be stationed in Ukraine, aiming all their weapons at Russia.
Ukraine is prepared for the political role of a sacrificial pawn, which will be sacrificed in order to weaken Russia's potential, because Russia is rising, rising significantly. What to do about it? Sacrifice a pawn, Ukraine, to win the queen - Russia.
Today the world is integral, and when national ideas arise, they always pull back and hinder development. Especially for Russia, this is the strongest inhibition, since Russia is multinational. The Americans are setting fire to the fire today in the strongest opposition, so we need to be strong to be able to respond. And Ukraine needs to understand that playing between the West and the East, on both sides, it will not get anything good from this. There is now a nano-opposition in Russia. And the fact that Russia does not like Russia - so we are not such opponents of Russia, we are full of frustrations, we have been waiting all our lives for a good tsar and continue to wait for the one who gives - "give!" and he gives. And when we don't have it and they didn't give us it, it's all because of Putin. “They don’t peck money, but I don’t have enough money for vodka,” Vysotsky sang.
Corruption in Russia cannot be defeated by the ways that exist and work more or less in the West. Corruption is in our heads. We are just jealous that someone managed to get to the trough and grab ourselves, but we didn't have time or could not … We envy. But envy is something like a bad feeling, but righteous anger at bribe-takers and thieves are always ready to express. And if we were allowed to these bins of our homeland, it is still unknown how much would remain there. So this corrupt dragon cannot be chopped off …
Continuation of the notes on the forum:
Natalia Zhikh wrote down. March 26, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology