Parenting Secrets - Kid on the Roof: Future Violinist or Rapist?
When a baby is born, each parent is sure that his immeasurable love is enough for happiness in the family and mutual understanding with the child. It seems to us that we will unravel all the secrets of raising children intuitively …
When a baby is born, each parent is sure that his immeasurable love is enough for happiness in the family and mutual understanding with the child. It seems to us that we will unravel all the secrets of raising children intuitively. We all dream that the child will grow up obedient, become our friend and helper, that he will study well, make progress in some sciences or skills, we even plan his adult future. But at the same time we in no way expect that everything can happen just the opposite - that a stubborn or a deceiver, a greedy or a whim, a mumbler or a crybaby, a quitter or a bummer can be born. Have you ever met parents who apply such hard-hitting epithets to their own child?
All these words speak of deep disappointment in the child. But even if parents do not say this out loud, then later (and, unfortunately, quite often) they still wonder why their child did not succeed in what they planned, and after all, "he showed such great hopes!"

Yes, in fact, parents are often very and unpleasantly surprised at how strikingly the existing reality differs from their dreams. That's when we look for excuses either in the "genes", or we look for flaws in our own pedagogical capabilities, we refer to grandparents who spoiled children, to careless kindergarten teachers and non-professional teachers. We are looking for and do not find the true reasons for our pedagogical failures, sometimes in search of a new approach to raising children, we turn to specialist psychologists, and still, having gone through many stages of searching for errors, we still do not know how to fix the situation.
Secrets of parenting: is a child's wishes a whim?
The reason is that we, parents, only think that we understand our baby. This is not so - we do not understand, because we do not know his true needs, we do not know his real desires, and if he speaks them out, then often we can consider them a whim. We think through ourselves, personifying our own desires with the desires of our child.
Imagine a situation when, for example, in a family of hereditary doctors or farmers, a child was born who dreams of becoming an artist. How will parents react to this? Most often just as a whim. Yes, indeed, well, you cannot take such desires seriously, is an artist a profession? Of course, this is ironic, but in life in such situations it is far from laughing. Such a child, growing up, sometimes has to overcome quite powerful family resistance on the way to his goal, or, on the contrary, he resigns himself and suffers all his life from the wrong professional choice.
Parents often simply do not understand that their baby, by its nature, that is, by its birth, has certain properties inherent only to it, often completely different from those of the parent. Despite the fact that he is their flesh and blood, he still has his own character, his own temperament, his own desires that grow into needs - he has his own life path and his own destiny! And he must carry out his plans for life, regardless of your consent, because only the realization of his own desires can make a person happy. Isn't that what you dreamed about looking at your defenseless newborn child?
Therefore, the task of a loving parent is not to crush the child under him, imposing his values, interests and desires on him, but to find a new approach in education and help the child find himself! Based on his own innate characteristics and desires! Only this way - and nothing else!

Parenting Secrets: How To Know What Your Child Needs?
What does he think about, what does he think about, what is his inner world built of: what desires, thoughts and needs? Even if you are a reasonable parent and always act out of the interests of your baby, are you sure that you understand his interests correctly? Are you confusing them with your own? Or with the mentality of the society? Or with values imposed by society? Not? Are you sure? And what is your confidence based on?
Only on the fact that you are convinced that you thoroughly know your baby and control everything? But this is not proof!
Or maybe you think that it is impossible to recognize the thoughts of your one-year-old baby? Because the inner world of a person, the world of his thoughts and desires, is always something intimate, hidden and hard to read? Not at all! Quite the opposite!
Having mastered a new approach in raising children with the help of system-vector psychology, you can easily recognize the inner world of your child, starting from the age of one. You will see how his psychic is formed at birth, what he really wants from life, which will bring him complete satisfaction. That is, you will know, and know specifically, the direction of movement that will lead your child to happiness.
Parenting Secrets: This May Sounds Unbelievable
But this is really so - the system-vector psychoanalysis of Yuri Burlan reveals to those who have studied its foundations the inner world of another person. And first of all, your child's world. And what could be more important than this - to understand what your baby wants and help him become happy?
According to systemic psychology, a person may have from one to eight innate vectors (directions of our desires). Each vector adds not only desires to its bearer, but also sets certain properties (opportunities) for their implementation.

For example, people with an innate skin vector have the ability (properties) to think in terms of “benefit-benefit”. This gives them the opportunity to easily make money in trade or business, become good lawyers and legislators. And people with an innate anal vector, on the contrary, are endowed with the ability (properties) to systematize, have perseverance, pedantry and are endowed with such an exceptional property as perfectionism. This makes them excellent professional craftsmen or excellent educators.
In addition, the properties of vectors are those properties that shape our desires, which then, subsequently, shape our thoughts, and they, in turn, force us to act in the direction of their implementation.
And our happiness depends on the degree of development and fullness of each vector. Our misfortune depends on the same - on the underdevelopment of vectors and lack of fullness. Because the inability to fulfill a desire forms huge shortages in a person, making him suffer from unfulfilled desires.
To understand your baby, so that his inner world does not become a huge unsolved mystery for you, suddenly and unpleasantly surprised by unexpected discoveries, in order to find a common language with your baby, you need a little - an understanding of his inner world! And this is possible only if you understand his set of vectors - there is simply no other way to accurately and specifically read the inner world of a person in nature!
You can learn more about your inner world and the inner world of your child and find a new approach to upbringing!