"Obama, give me money!" - features of the consumer society
For a Western person, a consumer society is a natural formation, and he is well aware that it consists of two parts: in fact, labor, production of a product and only then its consumption. We, the Russians, see only the last part - the final product.
Fragment of the lecture notes for the Second Level on the topic "Money":
For a Western person, a consumer society is a natural formation, and he is well aware that it consists of two parts: in fact, labor, production of a product and only then its consumption. We, the Russians, see only the last part - the final product.
A self-organizing system ALWAYS implies distribution. Anyone in a row? Or those who made money? When a person fits into the collective unconscious without contradictions, money is "taken". How does the person fit in? Realizing their innate abilities outward - working for the good of the society in which he lives.

From an early age in the West, everyone is inculcated responsibility for himself. The hope is not for the king-father, but only for himself. Many parents tell their children at the age of 18: "That's it, leave and arrange your life yourself." To have a skill. From childhood, a natural understanding is laid: in order to participate in a consumer society, you need to occupy a high rank. And for this, everyone strives to be the first.
In the West they try themselves, by their own labor. "Go rent a room and earn your living!" - And no teenager would ever think of answering: "Dad, will you give me money?"
Competition, like in sports, is possible only when everyone has an equal start. An equal start in the West is ensured by the law. Any violations of it are immediately suppressed. For example, when someone who is not very smart cheats on exams, everyone will go and report. Not because it gives up its own, but because it requires equal conditions of competition. The whole class stands up and points to this person to the teacher - why on earth would they compete with me unfairly? So they grow up. Those who have failed to learn and take a high place are content with what they have.
Have you ever heard the West say “Obama, give me money!”? There, responsibility for your life and for your earnings is innate. They grow up to be individualists with a career and social superiority mindset. They are exclusively responsible for themselves.
But their path, with all its advantages, does not suit us, because …
Continuation of the abstract on the forum:
Written down by Alexander Kuternin. January 24, 2014
A comprehensive understanding of this and other topics is formed on a full oral training in system-vector psychology