Hello, we are looking for free ears. Monologue of a successful broker
Karina spoke and spoke, convincing, praising the applicants and describing all the advantages of living together with active careerists who “disappear at work all the time”. She was so convincing and eloquent that I almost agreed, fascinated looking at her beautifully gesturing mouth.
I put them in their place at once! …
And with this one came out, e-mine, a bobble.
I hung the noodles, furnished them at once.
I believed, I took yours, huckster!
It all started with the fact that the girl who rented an apartment for two with me suddenly decided to go abroad. Painfully tempting offer was made to her. Having hurriedly put down, she collected some simple things and flew out of the house, leaving me alone with an unbearable sum, which had to be paid for an apartment in two weeks.
After thinking for half an hour, I posted a short advertisement on one of the free sites that I was looking for a companion for joint rent of an apartment, strictly a woman, strictly one, strictly for half the cost of an apartment. This announcement began my acquaintance with an amazing and completely incomprehensible woman named Karina.
Talking typhoon
Karina burst into my personal space like a whirlwind. At first she spoke on the phone without stopping, continuing the phrases I had begun, taking their meaning away from where I had planned. Having promised to solve my "little problem" in no time, Karina got down to business. In the evening she brought the applicants for cohabitation to inspect the room. There was no limit to my surprise: two turned out to be men of different ages, and the third - a newlywed, looking for a separate room for himself and his young wife …

- And there are no girls, or what, at all? … I only consider the girls, I told you … - I muttered dumbfounded.
- Oh, well, look, what good guys, this boy is ready to move in today … And this one came with the money. He works nearby, makes a career, you won't see him at all, agree, a great option! Yes, you will not regret it at all, the other day I brought such a colonel to a doctor's office, she called me several times and thanked me …
Karina spoke and spoke, convincing, praising the applicants and describing all the advantages of living together with active careerists who “disappear at work all the time”. She was so convincing and eloquent that I almost agreed, fascinated looking at her beautifully gesturing mouth. In ten minutes spent with me in the same apartment, she managed to tell me that she came to conquer Moscow 16 years ago, how she lived in a communal apartment, how she saved up for her house thanks to brokerage work, and how satisfied and happy all her clients are, who she finds the same successful options as those that she found for me today …
So stop! I’m looking for something quite different from what she is “pushing” me here. I don't understand how she almost persuaded me ?! Is this a specialt of persuasion?..
My head clicked and cleared, as if a bright light had been turned on in a dark room. Eureka! Yes, she is a typical representative of the lethal alloy of the skin vector with the oral one! Such people are simply unusually convincing, especially when they pursue their own benefits. And why not, if, in addition to the skin vector, which gives the ability to commerce and trade, fate has also rewarded them with an oral vector, this unique gift of bright and convincing speakers …
Slaughter alloy
The dermal vector, in combination with the oral one, can make its owner a talented, successful seller, who knows how to convince others that it is profitable for him, and sincerely loves his job, in which he feels like a fish in water. The skin vector sets one of the possible directions of the life scenario - to earn money, create life "reserves" for oneself in the form of real estate and savings, achieve success, climb the career ladder, become "cool" and "packed". Orality rushes to serve the skin tasks, becoming an indestructible instrument for achieving goals.
As a result, the desire to acquire and master, multiplied by the innate gift of persuasion, results in a person who is capable of 99% out of a hundred to achieve the set goal. About this we say that he will "talk anyone out", "will push anything", "he will persuade the dead." And if the basis is underdeveloped skin, then a meeting with such a merchant is fraught with an unnecessary purchase or large financial losses. True one hundred percent, and do not go to the grandmother.

It was of such a plan that the lady met me. The chances of resisting her onslaught are minimal. She is convincing, active, talkative. Some kind of inner instinct instantly determines which topic and what tone will be most favorably received by the client, and actively presses on the points of "increased sensitivity", rubbing into trust from the first minutes of communication. It is very difficult for an untrained person not to succumb to this pressure. I am sure that among Karina's clients there are many people who, under her influence, agreed to deals that were different from those that they had originally planned, or even completely different options.
Well, let's be fair. Modern brokers and realtors simply vitally need all those qualities that a combination of a skin vector with an oral one gives. Judge for yourself.
Monologue of a successful broker
So what does it take to become a successful residential rental broker? And just in the real estate market. Maybe let's hear what the brokers themselves say about this?
“The broker is fed by his feet. The more we run, the more we earn. Endless displays of other people's apartments until late at night, endless selections of options, endless phone calls. What is it all for? Maybe you could just sit on the phone and coordinate the actions of others without running yourself? Well, no, you can't make money that way. And oh, how we need them, because we are driven by an all-consuming thirst for profit. Where did it come from? Yes, somehow, together with the skin vector, it stuck into the load, so much so that you can't pull it off. Although no, "greed" somehow sounds ugly. And this is only for those who have an underdeveloped vector. Therefore, let's put it differently, so as not to offend anyone - healthy ambitions. It is they who push us into an endless search for new clients and new options; it is they who make you put the search and reduction of options on the stream,after all, the more clients he brought together, the more “commissions” he received.
Further. Working with people, you know, is very specific. People often come across to themselves on their minds, they think something of their own there, you have to win them over, enter into confidence in them, call for frankness in order to figure out what's what. You have to enter their personal space, relax, tune in to cooperation. What's the best way to do this? Of course, through communication, through communication, through speaking. How good it is that we have an oral vector! We love people! The more ears, the better we are. We tell them about the upcoming deal and the people they will meet. Then we talk about property prices and how utility rates have changed. We tell a lot about ourselves, personal and confidential, so that they appreciate our honesty and respond in kind. Finally,we talk about everything in the world, so long as they listen to us carefully and do what they are told …

And here we come to the most important thing. Sometimes, in order to increase attention to what we are saying, or to nudge the client towards the right decision, we resort to some inaccuracies. Or easier to say, to a lie. In short, let's go. Well, what else is there to do?
If you let the client's thoughts take their course, you can never wait for the result. That is why we say that “you cannot find a better option”, “rather agree, I have five more clients for this apartment,” “you won’t rent for this price in this area, everything is much more expensive here”, “this apartment so cheap because the owners need to hand it over urgently."
Of course, we tell everything in detail, with details, otherwise how to convince the client that everything is exactly the way we say it? Do not misunderstand us. We are still talking - and we are convincing ourselves that everything is so. So everything is fair, you can be sure. By the way, when you are looking for an apartment for yourself, please contact only us. Better than we, no one will pick you a variant …"
From agent to swindler
The combination of the dermal vector with the oral turns real estate agents into real estate virtuosos. By posting glamorous pictures on the Internet with views of the apartments they allegedly rent out, they put deliberately low prices under them, attracting the attention of naive simpletons looking for apartments to their services. Often these are people with visual and anal vectors, emotional and trusting, easily swallowing the bait.
The further scenario is pretty simple. The client is first fooled by telling that this particular apartment has literally just been rented out, and then they offer cooperation, promising that they will pick up another option for him, no worse. This course of events is good because the client does not really lose anything, he simply entrusts himself into the hands of a broker, whose persuasiveness and desire to earn money, perhaps, will really help him find the answer to his housing question.
Another option, worse, can be played out if the broker actively invites the client to come to the office and pay for his services before he is shown the coveted apartment, which he liked so much in the photo on the Internet. Telling in detail the story of the owners of the apartment, who urgently leave for "a long-term foreign business trip", "to work in another city", "move to a country house", the real estate agent is so convincing that the caller has no doubts about the credibility of the story. If the agent feels that he has hooked a potential client, he will add so many details to his story that there will not be even a shadow of doubt - the option is real, profitable and … urgent. And you have to rush like a bullet to the office of a real estate company, draw up an agreement and pay the required money, otherwise the option will go away.
This scenario is also not very sad, even if immediately after signing the contract and paying to the cashier it turns out that the apartment “has just been rented out by another agent from another branch of the company”. A kind talkative broker will immediately take his victim … oh, the client, by the arm and will begin to whisper in his ear that he is in good hands, that they will definitely pick up everything for him, that it was just an annoying slip, “after all, you yourself understand what an apartment on Tverskaya for 10 thousand rubles, a queue instantly forms. In general, there is a chance that housing will still be found, only at a real price, of course.

Worst of all, if the realtor turns out to be "black" and / or completely dishonest. In the bundle of the cutaneous and oral vectors, he most likely has an undeveloped visual vector, which adds emotion to him and helps to arouse even more sympathy among his “clients”. He seems so understanding, kind, sympathetic. And at the same time very convincing and persistent. They believe him, believe in a completely monstrous lie, and in the end they give a deposit for an apartment that has already been sold to someone else, or they rent a house that has already been rented by three or four other people, or even worse …
When a person realizes that he has become a victim of a skin-visual-oral swindler, for a long time he cannot believe in the reality of what happened. “Such an honest and sincere person could not deceive me”, “he didn’t hide anything from me, not the slightest detail”, “he was so open and decent, this is all some kind of monstrous misunderstanding” …
Hello again
Having understood who I was dealing with, I concluded that the talkative, charming and penetrating Karina would continue to bend her line until she finally received a reward for solving my housing problem. “I'll look for another realtor,” I thought, but it wasn’t there. Getting rid of Karina wasn't easy.
“I’m already on my way to you,” she sang cheerfully in the receiver of my mobile phone, “there’s just an excellent option for you, you don’t need to look for anyone else.
- I hope this is a serious adult woman? - I asked, but the connection was already interrupted.
When the doorbell rang, I saw a whole delegation. Behind the back of the spectacular beauty Karina stood a couple - a guy and a girl, and behind a couple an adult woman - a realtor from their side.
- We have been hanging around your house for an hour, we are completely frozen, - the guy said happily and stepped into the apartment.
- Karina, I told you that I do not consider married couples! - I tried to be indignant.
Not a shadow of embarrassment flickered on the smiling face with a large mouth and cold eyes.
- Just look at what good guys they are …
Karina breathed in, taking a full chest of air, and I realized that I would now hear another heartwarming story about homeless lovers who would not disturb my quiet life in the least, and would even make it much more pleasant and comfortable. An incredible story full of touching details; a story that I will certainly believe in …