A Lifelong Search. How To Find Yourself

A Lifelong Search. How To Find Yourself
A Lifelong Search. How To Find Yourself

A lifelong search. How to find yourself

It still seems to you that you can find the work of your life that would captivate you and re-ignite the flame of desire to live and breathe deeply. You are still looking for the meaning of your stay here, your destiny. Still wondering how to find yourself?

Half a lifetime has passed, and it seems to you that you still do not understand who you are, why you are here and what you live for. In the beginning there was a hope that things would get better. You were looking for something, aspired to something, tried yourself, changed jobs and professions, hobbies and entertainment.

Every time you find a new hobby, you light up. It seemed that life was acquiring taste and meaning. But very little time passed, and disappointment came. Again, not that. Again life is gray, prosaic and fussy. And again fatigue and indifference piled up. How many such ups and downs have been in your life! It seems I tried everything. But I never found myself in anything. I did not understand what you want and what you need.

Now there are no hobbies, no plans for the future, no goals, no dreams. You just go with the flow. You don't even swim, but stand on the shore, watching how the stormy stream of life rushes by. Your every day is like the previous one. Nothing happens, nothing pulls. There is emptiness inside, like the candle of your soul has gone out - only a small coal remains.

You may not even be working anymore. So, you interrupt yourself with odd jobs or temporary jobs, without getting involved in what you are doing, mentally, without getting any pleasure from these affairs, minimizing efforts that are incredibly difficult to do. Because - why all this?

But you don't give up, you live. It still seems to you that you can find the work of your life that would captivate you and re-ignite the flame of desire to live and breathe deeply. You are still looking for the meaning of your stay here, your destiny. Still wondering how to find yourself?

Who will help answer your questions

People love to give advice. What is the advice in this case? Find a business to your liking. But you've already been looking. Each time it seemed to you that this is it - the work to which you can devote your whole life. And they also say: "Stop toil about the foolishness, go to work, and then the taste for work will come to a wealthy life!" I tried it - it didn't work. In the morning I don't want to open my eyes - it's so bad.

A lifelong search
A lifelong search

In fact, people give advice based on their experience. And what suits them may not be of use to you. Only you yourself can understand yourself and understand what you really need. And for this you need to reveal what is hidden in the depths of your psyche, what drives you through life - your true desires, which are inherent in you by nature. To see them helps knowledge about the vectors of the mental, which is revealed at the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

Why are you out of place

Any person can feel out of place, feel their uselessness, their disorder, their inconsistency, if they are not going their own way in life, they do not know their desires. Why are we going out of our way? There are many reasons. Improper upbringing, the influence of the environment, the desire to follow fashion.

I went to university for a company with a friend. Parents insisted that he receive a highly paid technical profession instead of an artist's profession, which "will not feed". I saw the beautiful, ceremonial shell of the future profession, without realizing how much it actually suits you. And you pay with a future unhappy life.

It happens that self-doubt and bad experiences get in the way - a stumbling block for people with an anal vector. Sometimes they try something - they didn't like it, and it is very difficult to take a new step. Stuck in the first failures, lost in the three pines of their own unconscious desires. They don't know what to do next. Complete stupor.

Or a loser scenario looms in life: no matter what he undertakes, nothing happens. This happens with some owners of the skin vector. In childhood, such people suppressed ambitions, devalued their natural desire to be the first, to be a leader, to be successful: “Your hands are growing from the wrong place! You're a mediocre loser! You will work as a janitor all your life! He also works, embodying the scenario laid down from childhood. I could have become a highly paid engineer or lawyer.

But this is only part of the problem of finding yourself, not the most difficult one to solve. Having realized your desires with the help of systemic knowledge and “anchors” that prevent their implementation into reality, it is enough to simply find your own realization, your place in society and start enjoying life.

Finding yourself
Finding yourself

Not understood by anyone … and by himself too

It is more difficult if a person has a sound vector. His desires are immaterial. Modern man is multi-vector. A sound vector does not exist in a person alone - without vectors responsible for adaptation in the physical world, for example, without the skin or anal. You can try yourself in different jobs - to feel like a real professional in the anal vector, to satisfy your ambitions in the skin one - and at the same time understand that you are still missing something. Something that cannot be measured by money, status, home, family, and even love.

And the inability to understand what this is, gives confusion in front of life, a feeling that there is a complete mess in your head, that it is not you who live your life, but it lives by you. Without answering the questions "Why?", "How?" and "Why?", the sound engineer cannot move through life. Just as a person with an anal vector falls into a stupor in front of a new situation if he does not know his properties, so the sound engineer stops on the sidelines of life if he does not understand that asking questions and looking for answers to them is not an anomaly, not a disease, not an avoidance of life. like all "normal" people, but his real life need and it is important to specify.

A challenge for all time

A sound engineer vitally needs knowledge of himself, people, and the world. He needs intellectual work. This is work in the non-material plane. He needs concentration of thought, concentration. But not on oneself, not on one's own states, but outside - on the world, in people. This is what gives him the real pleasure of realization. Thinking about what is outside of him, he is able to understand the world, to reveal the laws by which he lives - and life takes on meaning. "Want to know everything! I want to understand how everything works! " - such is the conscious or unconscious desire of the sound person.

That is why sound engineers at all times have been intellectuals and creators of various ideas. They are physicists, mathematicians, musicians, poets, translators, astronomers, programmers. It was their thought that moved the world forward, relying on the desires of vectors that help us to master the physical world, to live in it.

The owners of the skin-sound vector ligament are brilliant inventors, creators of new technologies, ideological inspirers of social transformations. The desire to generate ideas is combined in them with high activity, adaptability to a rapidly changing world, leadership qualities, inductance - the ability to infect ideas and lead people along. Such people are especially successful in finding their place in today's dynamic world. Actually, they create it. These are Sergey Pavlovich Korolev, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates.

The carriers of the anal-sound bunch of vectors are writers, philosophers, experts, critics, brilliant scientists. The anal vector gives such people the properties of perseverance, patience, the ability to analyze, detail and systematize information, to separate the wheat from the chaff. They are able to delve into the issue and study it comprehensively, ponder, nurture and create theories. And today one cannot do without such people, and their implementation can be at the highest level. Examples of such a striking implementation are Stephen Hawking, Grigory Perelman.

The scale of the case matches the naturally powerful abstract sound intelligence. But that's not all. To penetrate into the secrets of the human psyche, to open the Universe of the unconscious - this is the new peak of the sonic's capabilities and at the same time his burning need.

A person is happy only when he realizes the potential inherent in nature. He comes to this world to realize himself, his task, his destiny. It turns out that understanding yourself, your desires is the basis of a happy life.
