Panic attacks and stress compensatory mechanisms. Causes of exhaustion
… And a person whose state has turned into an expectation of an unpredictable HORROR is scared. And although the Internet assures that panic attacks are not fatal, each attack takes away the joy of life and the opportunity to enjoy it …
They are so different, my two patients today, and at the same time the same. Equal in their desire to return to normal life, to end the endless marathon through the corridors of clinics in search of the cause and deliverance from this horror of PANIC ATTACKS …
He's so cool … The wavy blonde bangs, constantly falling on the huge sad eyes, deliberately recover with graceful hands; three days unshaven in an attempt to add masculinity to the image; thin wrists in leather bracelets and long fingers, living their own lives; stylish shirt, crazy jeans, loafers on bare feet … and a voice breaking in despair:
- Doctor, maybe you can help me? I'm tired of going from doctor to doctor, it seems to me that I live in your clinic. I'm tired of living in constant fear.
I ask the first systemic question: “Are you afraid to die? How long ago did it start and what was the reason? (As SVP explains, fear of death is the root cause of panic attacks in people with visual vector. More on that later … For now, about my patient).
- You are right, I am afraid of dying myself, I am afraid for my wife's life (oh, it turns out I have a wife, otherwise I thought it was a sinful thing …), for the life of my parents … Six months ago we lost a child, my wife had a miscarriage in a long time. A state of fear gradually developed. The fear escalated into panic attacks. I do not know what to do and how to help myself, because such horror rolls over, a strong heartbeat begins, coldness in my chest, panic seizes, I want to run, where, why - it is not clear … What to do? Is there a remedy?
The second systemic question: "Do you draw or photograph?" Huge eyes widen even more in surprise: “Yes … how do you know? I photograph, this is my hobby, they say, it turns out well”.
I have a lot more to tell this visual boy about himself. I can tell you that antipsychotics (it's good that they are weak) prescribed by a neurologist will not help in his case. I see a bad state in the visual vector, I try to help and hold out the "fishing rod" so that he himself pulls out the "fish" of his healthy state:
- Promise me to read some articles on the Internet for my next appointment? About the causes of panic attacks. From the point of view of system-vector psychology, it is important to understand the visual vector. And then you will ask me questions if you are interested.
She looks like a hunted down little helpless animal … Bloodless, without a gram of makeup, pale face, half of which seems to be occupied by eyes full of tears ready to gush. Quiet, quiet voice, almost whispering. Trembling hands hold out the sheets with ultrasound and analyzes.
- I've been dying from panic attacks for a week now, I don't know when the next attack will start, the sedative only lasts 4-5 hours. I can not work. Why work there! I cannot eat, drink, sleep, live … This is not life. I am afraid to die and I am afraid for the life of my man, he is older than me, and it seems to me that something can happen to him, he will die, and I will die without him.
- What do you do?
- As a psychologist, I conduct psychological trainings, even in different countries. (Ooh, maybe she can hear me !!)
How I want to help them! How to find the right words, the right images? What advice to read? Or tell about how acquaintance with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan (SVP) literally saved my psyche and saves every day, allowing me to cope with all the problems and situations that occur in my life quite smoothly, because I am just a beginner traveler on the path of studying SVP.

Panic attacks or closed corridor disease
Pan (ancient Greek Πάν) is the ancient Greek god of shepherding and cattle breeding, fertility and wildlife, he was born with goat legs, a long beard and horns. And when he began to arrange merry round dances and orgies in the circle of nymphs, an echo suddenly spread in the mountains, which caused PANIK among the inhabitants who heard these sudden sounds in the midst of silence … (based on Wikipedia).
Panic attacks, or vegetative crisis, is a diagnosis used primarily by Russian doctors. As we were taught at the institute, the "closed corridor disease" is called so because, experiencing many painful symptoms, having gone through all the specialists from a cardiologist and endocrinologist to a neurologist, etc., the patient is left alone with the diagnosis "practically healthy" and " it is you, my friend, nerves. Relax, have fun, and everything will pass …"
On the forums, people suffering from this either a disease or a condition share their agony: from the clinic of psychoneuroses, psychotherapy courses (usually long and expensive) to shamanic methods of driving away evil spirits at a distance safe for the body, removing the evil eye and damage hereditary sorceresses in the tenth generation, burning out karmic essences … and all this, of course, is fruitless.
Is it funny?
And a person whose condition has turned into an expectation of an unpredictably arising HORROR is scared. And although the Internet assures that panic attacks are not fatal, each attack takes away the joy of life and the opportunity to enjoy it …
You cannot heal the body without healing the soul
The main task of the doctor is to help the patient cope with his problems in a complex way. “You cannot heal the body without healing the soul,” Socrates said, and this is the main principle in the doctor's work. If you approach a person not like a refrigerator, where separate organs lie on separate shelves, and each doctor is responsible for his department, appointing his own means, but consider a person in a complex manner, then the most important thing is the mental component, i.e. the state of the inner world of a person.
Health, according to the WHO, is a combination of physical, mental and spiritual condition, which is often forgotten at the reception. "Here are the pills for you, take the course and come." Everything, the patient successfully shifted the responsibility to the doctor, the doctor gave hope for the pills, and if they do not help, then the person will go to another doctor and find new pills … and so on ad infinitum …
While it all starts with a state of mind. In the case of patients suffering from panic attacks, this is the FEAR that has settled in the soul, or rather the fear of death … Let's look for its roots by looking into the unconscious with the help of Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology.
Visual vector. Neither live nor die
My patients are people with a so-called visual vector, which is currently under stress and / or lack of realization.
According to system-vector psychology, at birth, a person is given a set of vectors, that is, a set of mental properties and desires that are realized throughout life. They require filling so that a person can experience positive emotions and be in good condition.
So visual people have the most developed area of the cerebral cortex, which is responsible for visual perception. Their special vision is an opportunity not only to see the beauty of the world, all the nuances and shades of the environment around us, but also to notice danger before others and to warn other people, saving them. This was the ancient function of people with a visual vector. Their fearfulness is connected with this.
But the modern world has long been different, there is no longer any need to look out for a creeping predator, there is no need to fear for your life. The bright emotionality inherent in people with a visual vector is realized today in love for all living things.
People who are in good condition are full of love and compassion. These are the best psychotherapists, as well as the owners of the visual vector are doctors, teachers, social workers. The developed spectator ceases to be afraid "in himself" and begins to take out the whole breadth of his soul outward, creating beauty around by any means: dancing, ballet, figure skating, drawing, photographing, creating jewelry.
Compassion often leads them to volunteer, helping people in need. To listen, understand, realize and include another person, while remaining in an even state of mind, this is the highest development and fulfillment, the purpose of the visual vector is also possible.
As Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology shows, visual people are not capable of killing living beings, even insects, they feel sorry for everyone. “Neither live nor die,” they say about such people. By their very existence, the ability to create emotional connections, the priority of kindness and empathy, they ensure the reduction of hostility in society, creating culture, bringing society to a higher cultural level.

The visual vector is in a state of fear. Hormonal changes
SVP explains that fears, phobias, panic are the essence of the root state of fear of death in the visual vector, fear of being eaten. This fear is always turned inward - we are afraid for ourselves.
At the physical level, the fear of death provokes stress, which, according to Selye's teachings, causes gradual changes in hormonal levels, namely, in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. From the strength and duration of this stress (depending on the fear experienced by the viewer), a cascade of pathophysiological reactions of the body and clinical manifestations (as a consequence of the same state of fear of death), which lead the patient to the doctor, depend.
At the beginning of a stressful situation, the body says: "Okay, I'll help you!" The adrenal glands are involved in the work and drive cortisol and its assistant DHA-S (dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate) to the needs of the body - this is the first stage of stress, designed to provide the body with everything it needs (primarily energy) under stress.
Cortisol, the main stress hormone, is responsible for a variety of physical reactions, affecting protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. But in our case, let us pay attention to the fact that cortisol, increasing the excitability of the nervous system, increases the intensity of information processing, increases the sensitivity of sensory systems. At the first stage of stress, additional manifestations may not be present.
But the possibilities of the adrenal bundle zone, where cortisol is produced, are not limitless. In the second phase of stress, it still remains high, while DHA-S surrenders and decreases (a certain depletion of compensatory mechanisms occurs). Clinically, this is expressed in rapid fatigue.
Cortisol decreases by the 3rd stage of the stress state, in the 4th stage the so-called. adrenal exhaustion, and a person from panic goes into a state "that will, that bondage - all the same." That's it, the body's reserves are over. A person experiences severe physical exhaustion, gets tired quickly and often comes to the attention of doctors with complaints of chronic fatigue.
System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to determine in such patients their primary state, from which the pathological cascade of reactions began. The state of fear in the visual vector is one of the most observed reasons for the activation of stress adaptation and the natural final end - chronic fatigue.
What pills will help here? In addition to an adequate amount of vitamins, minerals and omega 3-60, so that there is something to synthesize hormones from (this will prolong the compensation of stress reactions, but nothing more), other drugs will be powerless. After all, you did not do the main thing - you did not calm down, did not remove the deep fear of death, which underlies the cascade of pathological reactions at the physiological level.
At the hormonal level, depending on the stage at which the patient comes to the doctor, we observe changes in the concentration of cortisol and sex hormones (their decrease is observed), the content of vitamins, which is reflected more broadly in many body functions - the level of cholesterol rises, edema may occur, decreased libido, there may be difficulties with conception, etc.
If the cause of stress does not find a solution, then the load on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis continues, and sooner or later the body's reserves will be depleted.
You cannot do without understanding the psychological component. System-vector psychology to help you. At the training of Yuri Burlan, you will be able to understand the causes of a stressful state, it does not matter if it is fear or something else. Together with a deeper understanding of their reactions, their desires, which are looking for fulfillment, the mental state is gradually changing in a positive direction. And along with this, the problem of stress is also solved, which means that the pathological activation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis is removed and the biochemistry of the brain changes. That is, fears go away, panic attacks go away, strength is restored, pleasure and joy of life return.