Is dyslexia a sign of genius?
Dyslexia is called the disease of geniuses. Despite the fact that its symptoms have been known for over 100 years, the causes of this mental disorder in children are still not fully understood. Swiss scientists have made an interesting suggestion that one of the reasons for the development of dyslexia can be force-feeding …
"Your child is retarded!" - the verdict sounded in the ears of the parents of eight-year-old Ishan Avasti. The boy from the movie "Stars on Earth" really behaves inadequately. He is a poor student, is far behind in spelling and reading, is distracted in the classroom and does not hear teachers when they turn to him.
He lives in his imaginary world, creating images with which he plays out entire stories. He is considered a lazy person and a visionary. Ishan's parents do not know that the child has long been developing a rare disease - dyslexia.
For the Avasti family, the actions of the youngest child remained a mystery for a long time. Not noticing the pronounced deviations in Ishan's psyche, the parents see the reasons for all failures in the passage of schooling in idleness and unwillingness to obey discipline.
Dyslexia: obvious and hidden reasons
In fact, there are many reasons for the development of dyslexia in children, some of them are shown in the picture "Stars on the Earth". The authors of a film based on real events about a talented boy-artist are trying to understand them. However, they do not associate Ishan's illness with the attitude of adults towards him. To understand the causes of dyslexia in the protagonist, Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology" helps.
Ishan's dad - with anal-cutaneous ligament of vectors. He knows how to make money and knows for sure that outside the children's room there is a cruel and merciless society. In order to survive in it, to learn to “challenge the world and take part in the race for success”, it is necessary to learn several rules from childhood. Through his own understanding of the problem, he demands from his sons unquestioning obedience, excellent school grades and the development of fighting skills. It is not difficult for the eldest teenage son to withstand these requirements. He is similar to his father in the properties of vectors and is well aware of parental claims.
The youngest son Ishan, with a sound-visual bunch of vectors, is not able to obey his father's calls, so conflicts and quarrels do not stop between them. By the right of the head of the family, Avasti Sr. suppresses him by all means, which affects the psyche of the child. Ishan, with external openness, more and more withdraws into himself. Dad is raising his youngest son with slaps and slaps. He has no time to understand the boy's behavior. He has one rule: if neighbors or teachers complain about Ishan, the dunce son is always to blame.
The methods a father uses to hammer truths into the heads of his children are common in many families. This is the psychological and physical abuse typical of people with an anal vector.
Playing on the younger child's emotional attachment to himself, dad likes to joke, for example, about his leaving the family because of Ishan's bad behavior, thus wishing to make the boy feel guilty.
Feelings of resentment and guilt are inherent in anal people, and the father, evaluating the younger son through the properties of his own vectors, makes one mistake after another, alienating Ishan from himself and from the rest of the family, who are forced to obey him. The father does not even think about what traumatizes the boy's psyche, developing fears in the visual vector and introversion in the sound one.

The father threatens to send the disobedient son to a boarding school if he does not correct his school marks and behavior. Dad takes great pleasure in anal sadistic over the child. In families where dyslexia occurs in younger students, this behavior of anal fathers or mothers is no exception.
Parents limit the upbringing of a son or daughter to moralizing, shouting, insults, beatings and punishment. The more often a mother or a teacher, as shown in the film, raises their voice to sound children, the more they become "stunned" and become uncontrollable.
Ishan, a quiet, dreamy boy, has no friends at school or in the yard. The older brother is busy with studies, tennis and his teenage problems. The mother, from whom the child seeks support, is immersed in household chores and checking school assignments. She complains about her son's negligence, believing that if he studied well and did not need help in preparing school lessons, she would start working and build her own career.
Dyslexia: Some Symptoms and Signs
All these arguments and arguments of the parents do not convince the little poor student and truant to become better, and the transfer of his son to a boarding school for difficult children is just a matter of time. Ishan's mother missed the main moment - the beginning of his introversion. She resigns herself to her husband's decision to send the child to a boarding school.
Due to external stimuli - arguments, screams of adults, bullying of classmates and tomboy in the yard - Ishan is more and more withdrawn into himself. None of the adults notices this detachment, attributing its detachment to inability to concentrate, disobedience, laziness and dullness.
In fact, a child with a sound vector is able to keep attention for a long time on his inner illusory world, in which passions are raging, events created by his fantasy take place, and completely abstract from the outside.
For the hero of the film "Stars on Earth" this process, unnoticed by his parents, has been in full swing for several years. It is accompanied by agrammatic dyslexia, expressed in impaired reading and writing skills and gradual difficulty in verbal communication.
Symptoms of dyslexia are manifested in children by rejection of letters and hatred of books. Unlike healthy people, for them a letter or a written word does not carry a semantic load, but is considered a set of strokes and squiggles. Confusion occurs with words, and the style of some letters simply does not differ. For example, the letters "P" and "L", "Ц" and "Щ", "R" and "Z". It becomes difficult for a child to express his thought verbally, because syllables do not form into words, and words are not pronounced. It is easier for him to draw his question or answer than to write "dancing" letters.
The child's psyche is unable to withstand external noise and independently reduces the load on the sensitive sensor - the ear.
Gradually, the sound engineer loses understanding of speech, ceases to be aware of the meaning of what was said and, avoiding ridicule or sounds traumatizing his erogenous zone, withdraws into himself, selectively skipping information. Thus, he has a dying off of the neural connections responsible for sense recognition and learning. The child remains on the other side of the eardrum, where he is calm and comfortable.
Like thousands of boys and girls suffering from initial dyslexia, Ishan gradually loses contact with the outside world. He has less and less ability to receive information from the outside. He hides in his shell, building a narrow system of his own fictional ideas about life.

When the letters dance
Naturally, it never occurred to any adult to examine the child for dyslexia, although he complains that he cannot read the text because the letters are dancing.
Ishan Avasti is a sound-visual child. Its visual vector finds its fulfillment in the surrounding world. The boy has a keen sense of nature, knows how to show compassion to his new disabled friend. But the visual properties of the vector are especially clearly manifested in painting.
The boy is weighed down by an undeveloped sound that constantly carries him into the depths of the unconscious. His fragile psyche seeks protection from him and does not find it.
To prevent him from drowning in sound chimeras, Ishan is naturally assigned a visual vector that helps the little artist to extrovert. More than anything, he loves to paint - mixing colors in an amazing way and independently building the composition of the drawing, he creates small masterpieces.
However, the time comes, and little Ishan is deprived of this opportunity, significant for his development. The boy, who grew up in a loving family, is nevertheless determined by his father to a boarding school.
A child who finds himself in a boarding school full of teachers and educators - frustrated anal sadists - is screaming at all voices 24 hours a day, depression begins. They do not teach or raise children, but only try in every way to keep them at bay, in an attempt to form a standardized skinner out of any boy in the class.
And if earlier nature itself helped Ishan to change the autistic structure of perception of the external world to the visual through creative sublimation, then in the boarding school the boy loses interest in drawing, he begins to get depressed, he becomes even more closed in himself, becomes aggressive, more and more often loses touch with reality.
The lost sense of security and safety that a family and loving parents should give a child, he finds with a new art teacher.
Dyslexia is a disease of geniuses
Dyslexia is called the disease of geniuses. Despite the fact that its symptoms have been known for over 100 years, the causes of this mental disorder in children are still not fully understood. Swiss scientists have made an interesting suggestion that force-feeding may be one of the causes of dyslexia.
Doctors also associate its manifestation with the transferred stress, for example, with a change of place of residence, a family moving to another country or to a new apartment. The child loses his usual environment (maybe his beloved grandmother, friends, pets) and is going through a hard parting.
For visual children, such losses are the cause of the breakdown of the emotional connection, they fall into longing, missing those whom they left behind. The dominant sound vector can exacerbate the state of melancholy or apathy and lead to severe depression.
Any major life change is accompanied by severe stress for children and adults. So, when diagnosing dyslexia, which includes determining the child's reading, spelling, memorization, retelling the text, the ability to draw conclusions, serious problems are found in boys and girls from emigrant families.

Often, such children are intellectually more developed and learn the alphabet and counting earlier than others, but dyslexic disorders prevent them from writing and pronouncing the simplest words correctly.
Sound children have extraordinary mental potential, but under the negative pressure of circumstances, they can quickly lose the ability to learn and master the world.
Among the famous people who suffered from dyslexia to varying degrees were the artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci, the scientist Albert Einstein, the politician Winston Churchill, the writers Hans Christian Andersen, Agatha Christie, the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky, Walt Disney, the actors Tom Cruise, Whouppy Goldberg, singer Cher and many, many others.
All these celebrities have a sound vector. The circumstances of their life developed in such a way that the psychotrauma of the sound erogenous zone acquired in childhood did not prevent them from realizing in society and reaching the heights of power, science and culture.
The film "Stars on the Earth" concludes the happy end. Ishan is helped to return to normal life by an art teacher who himself suffered from dyslexic disorders in childhood. But life is not a movie with a happy ending, it is much more complicated, and you only need to rely on yourself.
In order not to make a disabled child with signs of dyslexia or, even worse, an autist out of a brilliant sound child with your own hands, you need to learn to define its vector set and understand how to develop its properties. Yuri Burlan's lectures on the System-Vector Psychology portal can help in this.