The Psychology Of Fear: Understand And Overcome

The Psychology Of Fear: Understand And Overcome
The Psychology Of Fear: Understand And Overcome

The Psychology of Fear: Understand and Overcome

How many psychologists I have bypassed, fortune-tellers and psychics - do not count. They promised a lot, talked about the psychology of the victim, “removed the spoilage,” but never helped. Now what? So live? …

Thirty-three misfortunes! They always take my wallet, attack, or pull my purse in the subway. Well, how much can you? Why me? I already have a panic attack at the thought of crowded people or dark streets.

And so all my life. With me at least write a portrait of the eternal victim in the chronicle of incidents for a week. If a random projectile flies nearby, believe me, I can say for sure who it will hit.

How many psychologists I have bypassed, fortune-tellers and psychics - do not count. They promised a lot, talked about the psychology of the victim, “removed the spoilage,” but never helped. Now what? So live?..

Let's analyze it systematically:

  • Who is the victim and why?
  • What is fear and does psychology work with the question "how to get rid of fear"?
  • Is there an opportunity to change your life scenario?

Everything turns out to be simple if you have real knowledge about the mental person. Yuri Burlan's "system-vector psychology" for the first time clearly differentiates people according to vectors (innate psychotypes). Each of the available 8 vectors carries certain properties and desires, which are responsible for our unconscious thoughts, actions and actions.

If we realize the properties given to us by nature, we experience joy, live a fulfilled, happy life. If this realization turns out to be insufficient or absent, the person falls into negative states, living through an unsuccessful life scenario.

So it is with those who constantly get into trouble. A person living in the victim's scenario is literally pulled into dark alleys towards "adventures." He even smells in a special way for criminals … And attracts them to his head (sorry, neck).

Victim psychology. Driven by the fear of death

The science of victim psychology is called victimology. But before Yuri Burlan's "System-Vector Psychology", no one gave clear descriptions of exactly who and why is subject to victim behavior. How to recognize it in yourself in order to avoid dangerous situations.

Victim (aka sacrificial) behavior may not occur in everyone - only in some people with a visual vector (less than 5% of people). Their psychological state is decisive.

They are by nature the most emotional and impressionable people. If their emotions are not properly applied in life, then all the unspent potential manifests itself in the form of emotional stress. From a feeling of fear and anxiety - to causeless joy and exaltation, and vice versa.

At the root of all the emotions of the visual vector is the fear of death. This is the emotion with which every visual person is born. Learning to experience other feelings aimed at empathy - empathy, love, compassion - a person is freed from fear.

If a person does not find application for his emotions, remains focused on himself and his internal states, then in everyday life he experiences many fears. Unconsciously, he is thus filled - without realizing himself, looking for situations that provoke fear and anxiety. He walks through dark alleys, to the cemetery, watches horror films, etc.


The victims, as a rule, are skin-visual people with a visual vector in a state of fear and a skin vector in a state of masochism. The mechanisms of such fixations and the psychology of fear, in particular, are discussed in detail at the training "System-vector psychology". This helps you see the root of the problem, understand it, and change the plus for the minus.

Hundreds of results indicate that Yuri Burlan's training helps to get rid of obsessive states of fear, stop being a victim, change your inner state, thoughts and behavior, and therefore your life scenario. The training helps to understand what lies behind the word "victim" and to get rid of provocative behavior.

Here's what people who have completed the training write:

“… What made me wear a very short dress when I was not a young girl and go to a rehearsal or workout and return to the subway at 10-12 am, and then be afraid to tremble in my knees when a suspicious person accompanies me on his heels back home?

My adventures alone in parks and forests stopped only after free lectures on SVP … I listened to them, probably, the second time and then, when the next time I went for a walk and my legs carried me to where there was no one, I felt uneasy, and I asked myself: "Why would you go where you are afraid?" because there really is no one there, although the nature is beautiful. And you can admire it in the park, where there are many people …"

Svetlana Chueva, Read the full text of the result “… I have ceased to be afraid of the dark !!! Yes, this fear of a calm life did not give me! Me and my grandmother! YES!!! Has ceased !!! I don’t know when! I swear I didn't know when. And I realized that the fear of the dark was gone, when at the next free lesson I wrote to Yuri: "Yuri, you promised that the fear of the dark would go away !!! Didn't leave! Why ?!" And I just wanted to press "Send", when I immediately answered myself "And I'm not afraid anymore" What was my joy … I was afraid of the dark for 15 years! Word-for-word, one-to-one the way Yuri describes in the lesson on the visual vector on PU "Ekaterina Simonova, Read the full text of the result

Thousands of repeatable results in various fields. What's the secret? The fact that training allows you to see the cause and effect. It helps to see the world in three-dimensional, making the observed differences between people from each other. Allows you to look at the root of fear that lies in our subconscious. Read more about this already at free online lectures. Join us! Register here.

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova
