Non-toxic way to expand consciousness
Expanding consciousness in the way nature intended does not imply direct effects on the brain with exercise or the use of psychotropic doping. It is enough to realize what forces animate reality. What drives a person? Where do desires and thoughts come from in him? Simply put - to become aware of the unconscious.
Expansion of consciousness, meditation, holotropic breathing and more. Another attempt to hack reality was unsuccessful. And I really want to finally break free from the clutches of loneliness, fatigue, and hatred.
In this article, you will learn:
- Who is interested in spiritual practices?
- What is hidden behind the desire to expand consciousness?
- How to achieve the desired going beyond the boundaries of your own mind?
From meditation to drugs - one step
The desire to expand consciousness hides the desire to know something that is hidden in the subconscious. Only people with a sound vector are subject to this "misfortune". Only the question “Why?” Does not let them live. Behind him is a frenzied sound desire to know the cause, source, and design of life. Where did it come from? Where is it going? What's the point?
The search for answers, at first gambling and then painful, does not give any result. At some point, everything has been tried: philosophy, religion, esotericism. Sleep deprivation, meditation, oriental practices …
Often, the desire to expand consciousness leads the sound engineer to drug use. Chemical exposure creates the illusion of enlightenment. However, the dope dissipates, and we have to admit that drugs are a failed attempt to get rid of a lousy state of mind.
In fact, all this is about one thing - about the desire to escape from the limits of your I, to experience an altered state of consciousness.
Desire is endowed with talents
Nature endowed the sound engineer not only with the torment of spiritual search, the desire to know oneself, but also with a powerful potential to realize it. Only a person with a sound vector is able to develop his abstract intelligence, learn to concentrate to the absolute maximum. And the sound engineer has a completely unique perception of the world: only for him the surrounding reality is more or less illusory. With such talents, you can most quickly "jump" out of the frame of your consciousness. But how?!
Expanding consciousness in the way nature intended does not imply direct effects on the brain with exercise or the use of psychotropic doping. It is enough to realize what forces animate reality. What drives a person? Where do desires and thoughts come from in him? Simply put - to become aware of the unconscious.
Revealing the vector nature of man, the eight-dimensional matrix of the psychic - one and eternal - the sound engineer finds a solution to the problem with two unknowns: why live if you are alone and mortal by default?
Evolution of reality perception
Each person sees the world around him through himself. If only because people are separate units: everyone has their own body, their own consciousness, their five senses … Yuri Burlan's training "System-vector psychology" reveals how the psyche works, and this changes the perception of reality from subjective to eight-dimensional. You begin to understand the internal motives of any action, the reasons for any thought, to perceive what is not visible with the naked eye. This is the desired state of altered consciousness that the sound engineer seeks and does not find in meditation and drugs. After all, they only lock a person in the dungeon of the skull, and do not allow them to go out into the real world.
Studying the structure of the unconscious, revealing the desires and characteristics of all eight vectors, the sound engineer goes beyond his own I.
Understanding how everything works gives fullness to a clear and well-grounded sense of meaning in everything that exists. A taste for life awakens, a desire to wake up in the morning and act, energy and a feeling of satisfaction appear in the end.
Here is what the training participants say about their conditions BEFORE and AFTER:
It can be very difficult for a person with a sound vector to open up. He carefully hides the desire to know himself, because he is afraid of being misunderstood, devalued again, he is tired of going nowhere. Spiritual search is a path in a labyrinth with thousands of dead ends. Once again, to run into a blank wall, to be disappointed is painful. However, living with an unquenchable thirst for meaning is even more painful. So … why not try it?