It's Not That. It Seems Like Life Is Good, But Something Is Missing

It's Not That. It Seems Like Life Is Good, But Something Is Missing
It's Not That. It Seems Like Life Is Good, But Something Is Missing

It's not that. It seems like life is good, but something is missing

An insipid existence instead of complete happiness and satisfaction, running in a circle instead of deep comprehensions and ideas. This condition is not life threatening, but is it life?

The next social bar has already been taken. Higher education, intellectual sphere, non-standard projects in the track record. By the standards of modern society, your life is quite successful. And you … no, not tired, just … As if something is missing.

As if some puzzle is missing in your picture of the world. Efforts are made for life, and the pleasure from this is far from one hundred percent. You are exhausted by some kind of inner search, you get tired, you burn out, you get depressed. This is how a sound engineer can feel, realized in the profession and / or in life, but not in the sound vector. Details below.

“I do what interests me,” I say

You have no doubt that you are busy with "your own business." In your work, you boldly take on the next goal and successfully implement your own ideas. And money is not the main thing. “I choose a BUSINESS, not a record in the work book”, “You can't earn all the money in the world, why waste time on non-interest for yourself?”.

You only want to do what will be a challenge for your mind, an intellectual task that you have not yet solved. The abstract intelligence of the sound vector is best suited for mental work. After all, thinking, concentrating, generating ideas is a basic need and, at the same time, a pleasure for a sound engineer.

“It's easy for you to reason, you’re smart,” others answer

The pleasure from the implementation of the next project does not last forever: as soon as you find a solution to a problem, interest in it immediately disappears. Therefore, you launch a constant process of self-improvement, strive for new challenges - otherwise it’s boring. Otherwise it is meaningless - there is no satisfaction from what you are doing.

Hobbies often add to the workload - programming or hardware, music, learning languages, astronomy, extreme sports and much more. Specific preferences depend on the full vector set of a person. Activities that require an investment of time, effort, and extraordinary mental ability are our sonic interest.

The clever one will go around the mountain, and again, and again …

By adding new projects and tasks to your piggy bank, you can make a serious mistake and turn life into an endless carousel of "achievement". You set yourself a goal in the hope that the next turn will surely find answers to all your questions. And over and over again you do not get the final satisfaction from your actions.

Something is missing
Something is missing

A sound engineer realized in intellectual work is unlikely to recognize himself in the description of depression, apathy and other "sound" ailments - and this is natural. However, the absence of suffering is not the same as receiving pleasure. After all, such sound specialists, despite an active life, still do not achieve a feeling of happiness - such as that of the people around them.

Soundly we strive for more, this pushes us to search for a new realization of our abilities. But diverting our sound intelligence to certain important projects, challenges and intellectual tasks from the "material world", we go in circles. That is, we deprive ourselves of potential pleasure in the largest volume of the psyche - sound.

The lot to comprehend the incomprehensible

The main task of the owner of the sound vector is knowing himself, the ability to find answers to global questions. How does it work? What is the meaning of everything? What drives us? Cognition of the sound vector itself and its properties already gives a huge breakthrough in thinking.

Without understanding the human psyche, any activity, even the most sound one, becomes only a substitute, a temporary filling of sound desires. This means that even a favorite profession may seem meaningless and ultimately disappoint. Such shortages can accumulate for years and decades.

An insipid existence instead of complete happiness and satisfaction, running in a circle instead of deep comprehensions and ideas. This condition is not life threatening, but is it life?

It is possible to effectively study the laws of the human psyche at the training "System-vector psychology". The skills of the obtained systems thinking are applicable not only in everyday life, they can be used with particular accuracy in their specialty, in practice.

Do you want to finally feel the pleasure of professional activity and life in all its enormous sonic potential? Register for the next cycle of free online lectures.
