Why everything hurts me, or How to be healthy without pills
People with a visual vector have brought emotions and feelings into this world, which are a purely human manifestation - animals do not emotion. A developed visual person is kind, sensitive, sympathetic, empathic. He is not capable of killing anyone - not even a mosquito, even a virus or a bacterium inside himself, so the weakest immunity is in the spectators.
“I'm still quite young, but I'm just falling apart. No, physically I am perfectly healthy - I am constantly checked. They do not find any serious diseases in me. But sometimes I feel so terrible that I am afraid to leave the house. I don’t go on holidays, I don’t travel, because I’m always afraid that I’ll feel bad. Tortured by panic attacks. Going to college is torture for me, so I take sick leave all the time. I'm seating at home. I have no friends.
How to get rid of these conditions? I have everything, but life is not a joy."
The principle of life - Thou shalt not kill
Yes, indeed, such a life cannot be envied. It seems that the person is healthy, but he feels worse than the patient. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan suggests that such a state can occur in the owners of the visual vector.
People with a visual vector have brought emotions and feelings into this world, which are a purely human manifestation - animals do not emotion. A developed visual person is kind, sensitive, sympathetic, empathic. He is not capable of killing anyone - not even a mosquito, even a virus or a bacterium inside himself, so the weakest immunity is in the spectators.
But in this case we are not talking about real diseases, but about conditions caused by insufficient development or implementation of the properties of the visual vector.
Born to be afraid
System-vector psychology reveals that the owners of the visual vector have the greatest emotional potential, and it began once with fear for their lives. The very first representatives of the visual vector were most afraid of being eaten by predators. However, when, with the evolution of mankind, this danger ceased to be significant, they developed their emotions into compassion, sympathy, love. They learned to create emotional connections with people and in an effort to preserve the life of each person laid the foundations of culture.
However, every visual child is still born with an unconscious fear of death and in his development until puberty (age 12-16 years) must go all the way of development - from a fearful person to a loving person. To love, to sympathize means to be afraid not for oneself, but for another. This is what the visual child should be taught.
How to do this, you can learn in detail at the training of Yuri Burlan. But if the little spectator has not passed this path, he remains in fear for the rest of his life. And his whole life turns out to be devoted to fighting them. Moreover, the main, basic fear of death remains, although as such it is not always realized. Most often, it takes the form of numerous and varied fears and phobias, from which modern psychology is unsuccessfully trying to get rid of.
A person may be afraid of the dark, insects, ghosts, loneliness, airplane flights, disease, people, and more. In the event of severe or prolonged stress, or when a person's emotions do not find a way out in communication with other people, fears can develop into panic attacks.

When emotions fail
It also happens that the spectator was able to develop his emotions in childhood, but does not realize them in adult life. For example, his work is completely unrelated to the manifestation of feelings, and the emotional potential is much greater than is required in everyday life.
But emotions are still looking for a way out, and if not outside (in compassion and sympathy for others), then they will bubble inside with a variety of fears. This is fear for oneself, fear of illness and death. Submitting to this fear, the spectator limits situations in which there is a possible danger to life and health, constantly expecting the worst scenario for the development of events.
The vivid imaginative thinking of the spectator is connected to the business, his desire to fantasize and exaggerate everything that happens, to make an elephant out of a fly. Any unpleasant sensation immediately swells to the size of a deadly problem, and even the pain that a visual person expects becomes quite real. He is also extremely suspicious and prone to self-hypnosis. And now he imprisons himself in four walls without the ability to go outside. It's more likely to survive.
But this is a big mistake. The more the visitor limits contacts with the outside world, with people, the less opportunity remains for the realization of his enormous emotional potential. This pressure of emotions from within becomes the cause of the development of panic attacks, which, in fact, are an extreme manifestation of the fear of death, which is no longer controlled by consciousness.
Such a person is completely imprisoned by his imaginary disease, which has no physical basis. Panic attacks are very common among young people who do not have other health problems and heart problems in particular.
How to be healthy without pills
The states described by our heroine are psychosomatic manifestations (which is confirmed by medical examinations), which completely go away after understanding the causes of the problem and the correct implementation of the properties of the visual vector.
Limiting contacts with this "terrible" outside world, protecting yourself from worries, sitting alone is a sure way to aggravate negative conditions. The spectator must be among people, must communicate, create emotional connections, love. This cures him from any fears and panic attacks, which is confirmed by the results of people who have undergone Yuri Burlan's training. On the portal of system-vector psychology, 871 reviews were left on getting rid of the hell of fears and panic attacks, which you can read to make sure that this is so. Here is some of them:
Awareness of your psychic works wonders: you no longer need to make a titanic effort on yourself, “go on your own fear,” as psychologists advise, overcoming what causes an incomprehensible panic horror. When the cause is recognized, the fear goes away by itself, easily and without compulsion. It is just like you, being in a dark room, are afraid that there may be some danger lurking in it. But when you turn on the light, you find that there is no danger, that it was only in your imagination.

Free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, which can be taken in a comfortable environment - at home, in front of a computer - will help you take the first and most important step to freeing yourself from fears. Register on them by the link and start your journey to a new quality of life.