How To Overcome Your Fear Of Driving Once And For All

How To Overcome Your Fear Of Driving Once And For All
How To Overcome Your Fear Of Driving Once And For All

How to overcome your fear of driving once and for all

When you get behind the wheel, go out onto the avenue, your imagination paints terrible pictures, so that your stomach is cramping with fear. What if the brakes fail? What if you lose control and crash into a pole at full speed? What if someone runs out onto the road and you don't have time to react? …

You have a car, a difficult exam behind you, and a license in your pocket! Only now there is no experienced instructor nearby who will give the right advice at the right time. How to overcome your fear of driving if you panic as soon as you are alone with a creepy road. No matter how well you study, you can instantly react to signs growing out of nowhere, follow the road markings, you cannot drive a car! You cannot drive up to your office or club in a smart way, park confidently, leave with a carefree look, playing with the keys!

When you get behind the wheel, go out onto the avenue, your imagination paints terrible pictures, so that your stomach is cramping with fear. What if the brakes fail? What if you lose control and crash into a pole at full speed? What if someone runs out onto the road and you don't have time to react? Or the engine will stall and you will be shamefully stuck in the middle of the most terrible intersection ?! And of course, you will not be able to park right away, you will poke around for about 15 minutes, hook expensive cars a couple of times, until, finally, sweating out of your car. No, this cannot be allowed.

Why am I afraid to drive? And how to overcome your fear of driving?

All newbies with fear of driving need to know a few facts:

Firstly, what you are experiencing is not just a fear of driving, it is a manifestation of the fear of death with which you were born, and from which all other fears and phobias arise: darkness, heights and fear of driving, including. The fear of death is the main one, in order to cope with it, it must be realized and worked through. This is exactly what happens at the training in systemic vector psychology, thanks to which many people have completely forgotten about their fears.

Secondly, in addition to the innate fear for your life, an irresistible fear of taking the life of another creature, human or animal, lives in you - it doesn't matter. This is the flip side of the fear of death.

Thirdly, when you say to yourself: I am afraid to get behind the wheel, I am afraid to drive a car, whole generations of ancient ancestors, just like you, impressionable, in love with the beauty of this life, emotionally vulnerable people with a visual vector, say this in you. Without people like you, humanity would have exterminated each other long ago.


How to get rid of your fear of driving? It's simple

To break the vicious circle born of the fear of death, and to learn how to overcome the fear of driving, you do not need to go to psychics and hypnotists, you do not need to say 1000 affirmations and read the works of sages. It is enough to undergo training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, the effectiveness of which in overcoming any fears is confirmed by the numerous results of his students.

About five years ago, my son and I turned over in a car. It was in winter, everything went without consequences. The first time after the accident, everything seemed to be fine. In general, I do not remember that the animal fear of cars and roads that has settled in me in recent years manifested itself immediately. But in recent years, this fear at the animal level has taken possession of me completely … about getting behind the wheel, I could not even imagine in a terrible dream.

After starting classes in the group, I noticed that I was driving along the roads as a passenger calmly and did not follow the road. Further more - there was a desire to try to drive. And in December I took several lessons and even went without an instructor myself, taking my little 6-year-old daughter with me …

Marina Erofeeva, Read the full text of the result Fears began to disappear gradually - fear of driving a car, fear of a new unknown situation … Oksana Oxfort, Read the full text of the result

Start with free lectures and experience the wonderful feeling of freeing yourself from fear. You can register for a free online training here.
