How To Boost Self-Esteem And Confidence: Revealing The Secret Of Boosting Self-Esteem And Confidence For A Happy Life

How To Boost Self-Esteem And Confidence: Revealing The Secret Of Boosting Self-Esteem And Confidence For A Happy Life
How To Boost Self-Esteem And Confidence: Revealing The Secret Of Boosting Self-Esteem And Confidence For A Happy Life

How to improve self-esteem and self-confidence?

There are such special people, their psyche is most sensitive to everything that happens around. Their self-esteem can be influenced by a word casually thrown by a stranger, even the disapproving glances of others can cause fear.

Everyone wants to be successful in life. But not everyone succeeds. Psychologists say that for this you need to increase self-esteem. Psychological sites advise success diaries, affirmations, meditations, visualizations and charming smiles in the mirror. But, unfortunately, these methods do not help to improve anything other than an already impressive experience of failure. Self-esteem, of course, rises, but not for long, before the first meeting with reality. How to improve self-esteem and self-confidence? We understand with the help of the latest discoveries in psychology.

What prevents a person from being happy and achieving their goals? Certainly not low self-esteem! The hackneyed word self-esteem is such a universal explanation about nothing. It is now very fashionable to explain all failures in life by low self-esteem. Exercises to increase self-esteem are something that is pleasant to do and that, apart from regular illusions and delusions, does not bring anything.

The real mechanism for increasing your self-esteem is revealed by the System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan.

We reveal the mechanisms for increasing self-esteem

The reason for all our misfortunes is that I want, but I cannot. Meet girls / guys. Speak in public so as not to stutter or blush, and to be listened to. It's ingenious to answer right away, not when it's over. Know what I want and achieve it.

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan explains that in fact, it is not low self-esteem that hinders a person, but only fear and false attitudes. Fear that it won't work again. And also the fear that they will condemn, laugh, not accept, offend, beat, kill and bury. And false attitudes about who I am, what I really want, who they are and what they want from me.

And when a person asks how to increase self-esteem, what he really wants to know is how to get rid of fear of other people and how to understand himself.

Where does confidence come from?

Let's take a look at sports as an example. If you have a large head, long legs and slender arms, and you are put to play boxing, everyone will say that you are a bad boxer, and your self-esteem will drop to zero. But if you know that you are not a boxer, but, for example, a chess player, then your self-confidence will not suffer, because you will know your strengths and weaknesses. Your self-esteem will not depend on the opinions of other people, but on your understanding of your differences and their correct application.

Self-confidence comes precisely from knowing exactly about oneself. When my mother used to say in childhood: “Why are you so slow! Come quickly! It was clear to you, but not to her, that you cannot be fast as she did, and her opinion influenced your self-esteem. She did not understand that your task in life is not speed, but quality. As a result, neither one nor the other developed, and along with self-esteem, a complete failure. Mom did not know that in the child it is necessary to develop what is in him, and not what she wants! As a result, in life you are doing the wrong thing, there is no satisfaction from life, self-esteem is low, and what you want is also incomprehensible.

How do you know who you are in life so you can best apply yourself and achieve high self-esteem? System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives such knowledge. It helps to accurately determine your innate characteristics, inclinations and abilities (which are called vectors, there are eight of them in total), ways of developing and applying them, and not only your own. It gives insight into other people, their desires, thoughts and feelings. And then there is a natural confidence when communicating with people, because their behavior becomes understandable, obvious and easily predictable.

how to increase self-esteem and self-confidence
how to increase self-esteem and self-confidence

How to improve self-esteem? Getting rid of fear

There are such special people, their psyche is most sensitive to everything that happens around. Their self-esteem can be affected by a word casually thrown by a stranger, even the disapproving glances of others can cause fear. Yuri Burlan's system-vector psychology recognizes such people as people with a visual vector. Inborn emotionality makes their self-esteem very vulnerable to the opinions of other people, from swings in their own moods, from the fear of failure and even from simple inattention.

They want to be noticed, but are afraid of attention, they want to communicate, but others hurt them too deeply. These people think it's all about low self-esteem and lack of confidence. They are afraid of other people, and in fact they only think about themselves, about how they look in other people's eyes, what they said and what others thought of them. These people most often want to boost their low self-esteem. But you can get rid of this fear only through understanding your own nature and the nature of other people.

Self-esteem! Shifting emphasis - from ourselves to another

Historically, it so happened that a person with a visual vector could not defend themselves. He was not a warrior or a hunter. And his survival depended entirely on the assessment of his usefulness by other people. Therefore, the spectators learned to be useful, they learned to serve people. Thanks to them, culture and art, compassion and love have arisen in our civilization.

For example, you can do a very simple action, and the question of self-esteem in itself ceases to bother. Shift the focus from yourself to others. When speaking, think not about what they will think of me, but about how they can better and more clearly tell the content of my speech. When communicating with a person, think not about how to please him, but about what is lacking in order to be happy.

The very concept of self-esteem loops our perception on ourselves. And our task is to lose our temper, to learn to think about others, to see and understand others. When a person has grief, I run and help him. What's the difference, what is my self-esteem ?!

But when I need help, and I am ashamed to ask for it, I explain to myself that I have low self-esteem, but in fact, I am afraid that they will refuse me, and I cannot bear it. What does self-esteem have to do with it ?! When the world is scary and incomprehensible, when I feel out of place, you need to engage in cognition of yourself and the world, and not in raising self-esteem!

Forget self-esteem! Get to know yourself, love another

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan shows that a person with a visual vector, if he is focused on himself, can experience drops in self-esteem, all kinds of fears, up to panic attacks, have phobias, hysteria. But if he has acquired the ability to help other people, to sympathize with them, if he does not demand love for himself, but loves himself, then such a person is free from all fears. He does not need to think about increasing self-esteem, he simply does not have such a question.

When a person is aimed at others, at work, and not at himself, he naturally has an inner core. On the portal of system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, there are more than 17 thousand reviews of people who have passed the training. About three thousand reviews are devoted to knowing yourself and finding your way. Here is one of them:

System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to make a revolution in consciousness, the previous negative way of thinking will go away forever! Do you want to stop worrying about self-esteem and self-confidence issues?

Then right now register for free online lectures on systemic vector psychology by Yuri Burlan at the link:
