What is depression? Stone in the well of the soul
Depression. I don't want to do anything. Poor condition, loneliness. Someone advises to drop all affairs during depression and be alone. Someone - on the contrary, get involved in work, in communication with people. Numerous recommendations do not help the cause, depression has been and remains a common phenomenon in society.
Depression. I don't want to do anything. Poor condition, loneliness. Someone advises to drop all affairs during depression and be alone. Someone - on the contrary, get involved in work, in communication with people. Numerous recommendations do not help matters, psychologists shrug their shoulders, doctors prescribe pills, and depression has been and remains a common phenomenon in society.
Systemic vector psychology speaks of depression only in the context of the states of the sound vector. In this vector, my own mental state of my "I" is a priority over the desires of the body. A sound person “out of this world” in the literal sense of the word is so eccentric, absent-minded, all in his thoughts, concentrated. In the case of a feeling of unfilledness in the sound vector, this lack, this suffering - suppresses all other human desires. Even things like food, sex do not please him. The whole world appears in gray and black tones.
All the other seven vectors: cutaneous, anal, urethral, visual, oral, olfactory, muscular - there is no and there cannot be depression. There may be a bad mood that is expressed differently than depression. The lack of an anal person is an insult, in a dermal person, a bad condition may be associated with material losses, in a visual person - with a break in the emotional connection. Depression differs from all these negative feelings in that it is irreparable with any material objects. A loved one will return to the viewer, the leatherworker will be able to earn money, the anal person will be given a bonus for good work - and the bad mood will immediately disappear. But no sound engineer. Whatever is offered to him - he will only wave it off. Suffering in the sound vector is a lack of intangible content - the meaning of life,which it is simply impossible to compensate with material benefits.

Therefore, the sound engineer tries to fill his lack with intangible benefits - ideas, esoteric practices. It can jam its main sensitive sensor - the ear - with heavy music. Desperate to find meaning in life, he can become addicted to nicotine, alcohol, computer games and even drugs. In the case of a high temperament of the sound vector, suicidal and misanthropic thoughts may occur from prolonged depression of the sound engineer.
There is a stereotypical view that depression manifests itself differently in women and men. In fact, male depression in the sound vector is no different from female depression. This is the same lack in the sound vector.
The so-called postpartum depression occurs in a sound woman from the fact that a small child, with all the maternal love for him, brings suffering to her sound vector. Sound people react very hard to noise, loud annoying sounds immediately deteriorate, you want to run away and hide from this nightmare. A small child screams, screams and demands for himself. Of course, it will be very hard for the sound mother next to such a siren. In addition, the child constantly pulls on herself, preventing the sound mother from concentrating on her states, thinking, being alone, as sound people like to do. If the sound vector is not realized, such a mother may even secretly hate her child, treating him with coldness and alienation.
Of course, not every sound engineer is depressed today. Many sound specialists in a low temperament realize themselves in music, in mathematics, become engineers in IT, psychiatrists, physicists. They find use of their abilities, including powerful intellect, abstract thinking, the ability to concentrate, in their profession. The questions of the meaning of life and the mysteries of their "I" are not so clearly expressed in such people, they are completely satisfied with their realization. Often a suitable profession captures the sound engineer completely, he plunges into business with his head, forgetting about the needs of the body - he forgets to eat. It is this concentration that becomes the theme for all the famous anecdotes about aloof and forgetful programmers.
Well, what about the rest of the difficult mortals?
A sound specialist in a high temperament is unlikely to be satisfied with any of the above professions. Today's temperament has grown so much that a modern person with a sound vector is literally separated from a sound engineer from the past generation by an abyss of misunderstanding. Even with a seemingly suitable implementation, today's sound engineers often experience depression, lack of implementation.
How can a modern sound engineer live and enjoy life without answering the question "Who am I and why do I live?" Why do we go through this path, called life, full of trials, suffering and rare moments of happiness, being born and dying alone? What is the main reason for the suffering of each individual person, and what can I change in myself to stop suffering? How to live your life knowingly so that you do not experience excruciating disappointment later?
You can imagine how our life would change if every person had the answers to these questions …