Loneliness as a state of mind
Other people bring us the greatest happiness and the greatest suffering. The paradox: when we run away from other people, not wanting to suffer from interaction with others, we thereby doom ourselves to even greater torment from fear, depression and loneliness.
Loneliness is so different. Sometimes it is just necessary, like a breath of air. And sometimes it is heavy, sucking you into a quagmire of devastation and depression.
When loneliness catches up even among people, even in the family circle or alone with a loved one, then you feel ruthlessly and irrevocably lonely. You are trying to escape from this captivity of loneliness, but you cannot.
How to get rid of the feeling of loneliness and let people into your life? The training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan is revealed.
The enduring pain of a lonely heart
System-vector psychology explains that the feeling of loneliness is more likely than others to experience people with a special mentality - people with visual and / or sound vectors.
A person with a visual vector is, in fact, an extrovert who gets great pleasure from communicating with other people. The audience is very emotional, open, sincere, they will always find a topic for conversation. They are able to emotionally very subtly understand the interlocutor and create emotional ties with people better than others. They do not strive for loneliness and are even afraid of it, they may even agree to inappropriate relationships, just not to be alone. However, they also have situations that seriously interfere with communication and literally push them into loneliness.
One of the reasons is breaking a strong emotional connection. Breaking up a relationship, divorce, parting with a loved one, even the death of a beloved pet bring such people unbearable pain of loss. This can lead to an emotional lock on the object of love, a refusal to experience feelings. And this emotional coldness, like anesthesia of the heart, becomes a defense against pain. They begin to shun people and avoid close relationships so as not to relive the loss again.
The visual person is trapped in loneliness. This impoverishes his emotional experiences, as a result, he begins to experience various fears, up to phobias and panic attacks. These states are peculiar to visual people.

Another reason provoking the loneliness of visual people is social phobia. Sight-seeing people with social phobia begin to avoid communication. Although the best way to get rid of any fears is just communication with other people, creating emotional connections. Then the fear for oneself disappears, turning into empathy and care for a loved one.
Loneliness as an attempt to escape the world
A person with a sound vector is naturally gifted with a powerful abstract intellect and the largest volume of vector desire. The sound people in their thoughts rush to infinity. This craving to know and express the infinity of meanings pushes them to study mathematics and physics, write brilliant music and explore the darkest nooks of the human soul. People with a sound vector create philosophy and religion, become writers and poets. In all this, they are unconsciously trying to reveal the general law of the world order.
Since childhood, realizing their giftedness, dissimilarity to others, they often find themselves hostage by their egocentrism - they internally consider themselves superior to others and limit contact with others. Standing out for their depth of intelligence, they are often alone. It seems to them that there is simply nothing to talk about with people around. Simple everyday conversations make them bored. And finding the same smart interlocutor can be difficult, so the sound engineer strives for loneliness and conducts a dialogue with himself.
In addition, he has a hard time tolerating loud and unpleasant sounds, because he has a very sensitive ear. Another reason to avoid live communication.

The loneliness that the sound engineer chooses for himself when "everyone got it" is actually an attempt to get away from the world and from his unsolved problems. But loneliness does not bring the desired relief. On the contrary, when the sound engineer focuses on his inner states, he experiences a feeling of emptiness and meaninglessness.
This coveted loneliness becomes a source of intense suffering. Moving more and more away from people, he more and more focuses his thoughts on himself and gradually loses connection with the world around him. In this state, depression overtakes him. Hatred for others is growing, the feeling that everything is only interfering with him.
After all, remarkable intellect and the ability to concentrate are given to sound specialists not so that they sit alone, dig themselves and suffer, but for solving specific problems that are useful to society, and this requires communication with other people.
Loneliness as a result of the inability to forgive
Also, it should be noted and such a common problem as resentment. Resentment against a specific person or even the whole world as a whole does not allow a person to fully communicate with this world and get full pleasure from life. Touchiness is a feature of people with an anal vector. Feeling the world as unfair to them, such people find it more difficult to make contact with others and may suffer from loneliness and misunderstanding. Yuri Burlan talks about this problem in exceptional detail at the free online training "System-Vector Psychology", helping to restore the lost balance.
Seven troubles one answer
Other people bring us the greatest happiness and the greatest suffering. The paradox: when we run away from other people, not wanting to suffer from interaction with others, we thereby doom ourselves to even greater torment from fear, depression and loneliness.
There is no need to break yourself, to convince of something, to try to overcome your nature. It is enough to realize the human psyche in its entirety. The knowledge about eight vectors, which Yuri Burlan gives at the training "System-vector psychology", reveals how the human I is arranged, what dictates our actions, and this removes psychological stress. By focusing on other people, using knowledge about mental vectors and starting to understand what drives other people, the sound engineer stops considering them stupid and worthless. He feels the joy of recognizing other people, the joy of opening up the human soul.
Being actively involved in the lives of other people, a person suddenly discovers that his life has been filled with meaning and joy from every day. And the inner loneliness dissolved, and in its place came the feeling that from birth to the very end we are all inextricably linked with each other and form a single system, where everyone depends on everyone, where everyone receives and gives according to his nature.

As a result of awareness, fears, depression, dislike go away, people begin to reach out to you, and you develop a genuine interest in them. And then - goodbye, isolation in yourself! Goodbye, hateful loneliness!
About how the feeling of loneliness and emptiness disappeared, people who underwent the training tell: