In memory of Viktor Tolkachev. Tablets of Psychoanalysis
On March 22, 2020 Viktor Tolkachev would have turned 80 years old. He always drew attention to the fact that March 22 is the day of the vernal equinox, and it is on this day, as Viktor claimed, that geniuses are born. Of course, it is hardly worth taking his words so literally, but now there can be no doubt about one thing - one of the greatest geniuses and discoverers of the secrets of the human soul was indeed born on March 22, 1940 in the city of Leningrad.
On March 22, 2020 Viktor Tolkachev would have turned 80 years old. He always drew attention to the fact that March 22 is the day of the vernal equinox, and it is on this day, as Viktor claimed, that geniuses are born. Of course, it is hardly worth taking his words so literally, but now there can be no doubt about one thing - one of the greatest geniuses and discoverers of the secrets of the human soul was indeed born on March 22, 1940 in the city of Leningrad.
Viktor Konstantinovich's father volunteered for the front, where he died in 1941. Little Viktor was taken out with his mother from besieged Leningrad, miraculously survived. It was this miracle that allowed him, many years later, to make an incredible discovery, on the basis of which not only psychology, but all the sciences about man received a completely new vector of development.

“I am always a stranger. Wherever the wind blows me, I will always be a stranger. I will always create and create new things."
Viktor came to the faculty of psychology of Leningrad State University not as a young student eager to comprehend the mysteries of the human soul, but as an adult, an accomplished person. In 1984, he was already over forty, before that Viktor had worked for 20 years at the main geophysical observatory, developing an active influence on clouds. He managed to visit all continents, flying on an exploration plane.
Viktor very often shared his memories of this time with his students, dwelling in particular detail on the three "warnings from above", which predetermined his future fate.
Due to weather conditions, Viktor Konstantinovich's plane fell three times - the first time due to a ball lightning strike, the second due to falling into supercooled clouds. Both times Viktor looked death in the eye, and again only a miracle saved his life. After the third fall, Viktor knew for sure - there would be no fourth warning for him, it was time for a change. It was decided to leave the flight service, and the "thirst for professional rethinking" left no other road for him but to become a psychologist. On the same day when Viktor received his flight pension, he found himself on the doorstep of the Leningrad State University.

"I call my teachers - Hermes the greatest thrice, Heraclitus, Hansen and nature."
As Victor loved to recall with gusto, his first visit to Leningrad State University could not go unnoticed by anyone - an adult with a military bearing got out of his own car and confidently headed to the dean's office. They turned at him and whispered behind his back, trying to understand what kind of important person was visiting the university and with what instructions from the government. Before the appearance of Viktor, the only car in Leningrad State University belonged to the rector of the university. It is difficult to imagine what the general amazement was when it turned out that ViktOr was none other than an entrant of the Faculty of Psychology. It was simply impossible not to accept him into the ranks of students.
During his studies, Viktor met Professor Vladimir Aleksandrovich Ganzen, his mentor, a person who had a tremendous influence on Viktor's professional development.
"With the name Ganzen, I fall asleep and wake up."
Thanks to Hansen's work "Systemic Descriptions in Psychology," Viktor succeeded as a consultant psychologist and presenter of psychological seminars, and later this work served as the basis for an incredible breakthrough that Viktor would make under Hansen's leadership.
“Systems thinking is the ability to see everything as a single whole, it is the understanding that everything in our world develops and is described by uniform laws …”, Professor Ganzen taught psychologists.
Once the most scandalous article by Sigmund Freud "Character and anal erotica" fell into the hands of Viktor. He was amazed at how accurately she described his friend, who gave Viktor this article, as if Freud was trying to create his psychological portrait. When Viktor happily shared such an observation with this friend, he was terribly upset, even offended by Viktor for his “absurd” comparisons. Victor was terribly amused - after all, such a reaction further confirmed the ingenious accuracy of Freud's work.
And then the elusive phrase from the conclusion of this article, which thousands of people, doctors and psychologists did not pay attention to, became a call to action for Viktor. “One should pay attention to other types of characters and find out whether in other cases there is a connection with certain erogenous zones” - these words of Freud Viktor perceived as the need to immediately reveal these connections.

Viktor started research. He recalled how he first came to discuss this concept with his teacher V. A. Ganzen. He listened attentively to Viktor and asked only one question: "And how many erogenous zones have you identified?" - “Seven”, - Victor answered proudly. "Okay. Come when you find the eighth. Then we'll talk."
Those who have heard from Viktor this story about the creation of psychoanalysis by vectors may well have a mystical idea of the role of Hansen in Tolkachev's research. And these words of the professor, which once dumbfounded Viktor, could at all be called visionary. But for those who are familiar with Hansen's developments, the meaning of his words not only raises questions, but also becomes obvious. It was Hansen who identified 4 quartels to describe any observable reality: space, time, information and energy.
When Viktor worked as a consultant psychologist, he already actively used the systems thinking of V. A. Ganzen, and also combined his mathematical and humanitarian education into a single formula: “When I work as a consulting psychologist, I always remove crumbs of information from a person - I collect crumbs from biographies (this time), then the formation of the subject of activity (space), then I look at its information potential (information), then - the prospect of its further growth (energy) - and so I collect the parts into a whole, I make up the human essence. That is, I managed to combine mathematical, physical and humanitarian education into a whole."
Of course, VA Ganzen, the discoverer of the four quarters, understood perfectly well that in the system that Viktor was creating before his eyes, there simply could not be seven elements. And indeed, Viktor soon found the eighth, final element - it was the muscular erogenous zone, expressed on the human body by the hole left over from the umbilical cord that connected the mother with the child.
“I could think - you can say.
You can say - you can do it.
If you can do it, you can improve it."
This is how vector psychoanalysis was born. Victor revealed that social roles in a person are genetically inherent. Humanity survived because each member of the primitive community performed its function. Civilization complicated relations between people, but did not change genetically based programs.

From 1995 to 1997, Viktor undergoes personal training in systems thinking with V. A. Gansen. The result of it is the book "The Luxury of Systems Thinking", published in 1997, written by Viktor under the direction of V. A. Ganzen. In this book, Tolkachev for the first time publishes several pages of the concept of systems thinking in relation to the emerging theory of vectors.
Viktor brilliantly begins to conduct his trainings in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Samara, Ufa and other cities of Russia, and in 2000 he flies off to conquer New York. By that time, Viktor already had experience working as a consultant psychologist abroad, from 1989 to 1993 Viktor worked in Berlin.
“Well, isn't it a miracle that, having landed in New York, ten minutes later I met with Yuri Burlan? Isn't it written in the stars? Did I know that this would be the beginning of the greatest journey?"
Viktor told about the accidental and already legendary meeting with Yuri Burlan at each of his training sessions. He walked down the street and caught the eye of Yuri, who could not help but recognize his compatriot in the crowd. Victor approached him, held out his hand and introduced himself, and after a few hours he explained to him his theory about vectors, retelling the description of some of the manifestations of vectors in the archetype. For Yuri Burlan, these few hours were enough to understand that this discovery is what he was looking for all his life.
Yuri and Viktor began to cooperate, and it was during these years that knowledge about vectors was most intensively developed. After three years of joint work, an urgent need arose to separate this trend. Yuri Burlan followed the path of Freud and Jung, relying in his research on Kabbalistic sources - this is how the psychoanalysis of Freud and Jung was laid on the foundations of Kabbalah. Viktor also focused on Slavic philology, in whose studies he saw great prospects. Victor has always read dictionaries and strongly recommended this to all his students. For many, the most memorable part of his training was the study of Slavic roots in modern language, the search for their true meaning and meanings.

Yuri Burlan created his own concept based on Viktor Tolkachev's theory of vectors and developed it to absolutely incredible depths. It is impossible to overestimate the contribution made by Yuri Burlan and Viktor Tolkachev for the children of the modern generation, in whose upbringing there is not a single right direction today, which leads to millions of broken lives. Their work became a real breakthrough in understanding the unconscious person, in comprehending the mental processes that live in each of us.
“We do not speak - they speak with us. We do not think - they think with us. It is not the composer who composes the music - the universe is through him."
Returning to Russia, Viktor continued to conduct the training - gathering more and more new groups. Viktor developed a very special relationship with his students. In his company, people began to feel like never before - “doomed to genius”.
Shoulders were straightened, faith in oneself and one's strength appeared. You can hear from almost each of his former students how closely he and Viktor communicated during the training, and how Tolkachev treated him in a special way. In a sense, this is exactly how it was - in all together and in each separately, Viktor saw exactly what his students tried to discern in themselves throughout their lives.
His ability at first glance to determine the essence of a person could only be amazed. “You have so many books at home, right? But here they are not in order … , - Victor asked, or rather, asserted Viktor, shaking hands with a new acquaintance, and only by the stunned reaction of his interlocutor it was possible to see that the genius Victor hit the very spot.
And immediately there was an understanding that books are the smallest of what Viktor sees - the most intimate depths in the souls of the people around him were revealed to him.

He loved to invent new names for his students, which to a greater extent revealed their essence and corresponded to their nature. His pseudonym "Viktor" was invented by one of the first students of Viktor Konstaninovich. During the training one young boy with big ears suddenly exclaimed: “What kind of Viktor are you? You are Victor! " And Viktor agreed with surprise - indeed, uncertain, ringing AND turned into a strong, powerful O. Viktor - from the word torus, which scorches. This pseudonym was completely in tune with the character of Viktor.
"I do not give trainings, I conduct concerts," admitted Viktor. Indeed, the incredibly bright presentation of the material, the brilliant dramaturgy of his stories, the director's precise approach to the viewer and the constant applause at the end of each lesson made no less impression than the training itself. In addition to technical and humanitarian education, Viktor managed to fully realize his creative talent.
In 1997, Viktor's book “Horatio, or the Psychological-Analytical Reading of the Tragedy of William Shakespeare“Hamlet”, in which he revealed the famous Shakespeare's tragedy in completely different senses, was published.
The preface for his "Hamlet", or act zero, was written by Viktor himself. Or rather, it was written down by him. As Viktor recalled, one evening he simply took a sheet of paper and began to write the zero act of Hamlet “under dictation” - the Universe itself dictated these lines to Viktor, he assured that he only wrote them down, without adding a word from himself.
Viktor read Hamlet in a completely different sense - turning the play into a real political intrigue unfolding in the struggle for power:
The vicissitudes of fate! My son, it happens, You execute your friends for your enemies to please, Take off your hat in front of the master's dog,
Strain your mind, play the fool, But they need them, so you will fool yourself.
Only such a power survives in the world, Which does not spare, but kills with all its might!
Power for sweet killing?
Then she's a godless act. Fiend of the devil!
And all the paths to power are paths to hell!
Power is a secret whim of revelry, Desires, secret, boundless thoughts.
Power is freedom from everything! It is for those
who want to rule. Desires passionately, more
than love, and more LIFE the power knows how to value ….
Hamlet Viktora did not go unnoticed by the fantasy of the great psychoanalyst, it was staged at the Pavlovsk Palace Theater with the participation of famous actors: People's Artist of the USSR P. Velyaminov, People's Artist of Russia I. Krasko, Honored Artists of Russia T. Bedova, T. Piletskaya, G. Shtil and others.

“Actors for me are stumps with eyes. Until my training is over,”said Viktor with a smile. Undoubtedly, Tolkachev's psychoanalytic approach, revealing the true reasons for thoughts and actions, marked the beginning of a new approach to reading roles for every actor who was fortunate enough to learn from Viktor.
And is it only for actors? Today, any person who has mastered the knowledge at the trainings of System-Vector Psychology cannot imagine how to live without this knowledge, build relationships with people, work, and raise children.
Of course, all new people, whose lives are changing dramatically thanks to this breakthrough in understanding a person, will never forget the name of Viktor, who gave the first breath to the vector system - the baby who was raised by Yuri Burlan. And already with the formed knowledge, the whole system, you have the opportunity to get acquainted at the trainings "System-vector psychology", which are personally conducted by Yuri Burlan.
"Calm down - I'll save you too!"
Victor passed away on October 20, 2011 - it is impossible to believe in it. Until now, it seems that Viktor is next to us - he continues to conduct his trainings, inspiring all new people with them for a happy, creative life, for discoveries and breakthroughs in their professions, for love and the desire to understand others. And Viktor will always remain with us not only in our hearts and thoughts, but also in Yuri Burlan's System-Vector Psychology - knowledge that the world would never have seen if it were not for the great creative genius of Viktor Tolkachev.