Practical psychology 2024, April

Time Management From A Mother Of Many Children

Time Management From A Mother Of Many Children

Many-armed many-legged It would seem that the more children, the more worries. All children are different, everyone wants attention, everyone has their own interests, aspirations, whims. One to school, football, music, English; another - to the garden, to dancing, acting; the third - to a speech therapist, to drawing and yoga; the fourth baby in general

The Child Wants A Dog - Why Not Have A Pet?

The Child Wants A Dog - Why Not Have A Pet?

The child asks to have a pet. Dog, kitty, parrot, hamster - choose your option. You yourself may not be against it (you have already broken down under the onslaught of all the strength of the child's desire), but few people know what the child himself is risking. His eyesight may deteriorate, he may never learn to sufficiently interact with other people … - What nonsense ?! Vector system psychology explains how and under what circumstances this can happen

One Vector - Two Destinies. A Juvenile Killer And A Young Genius - What Do They Have In Common?

One Vector - Two Destinies. A Juvenile Killer And A Young Genius - What Do They Have In Common?

Got it! "Computer games … And who only came up with this muck ?!" - conservative teachers and psychologists are indignant in one voice. And really - how can you not grab your head when you read or see on the news: "A teenager from the city of N killed his parents who forbade them to play." Even a single such case is already a huge tragedy, what can I say when these cases are repeated?

Hello September 1st! What A Smart Child Lacks In School

Hello September 1st! What A Smart Child Lacks In School

Ahead is September 1 - the long-awaited Day of Knowledge, the beginning of a new academic year, another year of amazing discoveries, another step into adulthood! Why then to the energetic question of adults: "Well, did you miss school?" - Often children avert their eyes to the side and make a sad face? Maybe they are Losers and just don't want to study?

Teenagers Are Dying. How To Protect A Child?

Teenagers Are Dying. How To Protect A Child?

Teenage suicide statistics are growing inexorably

Algebra In The Bath: A Child At School Or In The Clutches Of A Pedophile?

Algebra In The Bath: A Child At School Or In The Clutches Of A Pedophile?

Ivan Petrovich said that in the bath, the heat thins the blood and the head works better, so the problems must be solved right there. When "hot" mathematics had already ceased to be given to me, he processed me with a broom. I was not wearing any clothes. He sat down next to me, hugged me. He said that I was a very beautiful girl, and that he had been in love with me for a long time. That everything will be fine. I got very scared

Orphanages Yesterday And Today. Heading For The Abyss, Potential For Takeoff. Part 2

Orphanages Yesterday And Today. Heading For The Abyss, Potential For Takeoff. Part 2

Part 1. How it was - the Makarenko system When everything is there, except for the main thing Today, orphanages grow up in conditions that are destructive for the child's psyche. As a rule, provided with the necessary material benefits for life, they also do not have the necessary conditions for the development of innate psychological properties

A Child And A Swear Word. How Should Parents Respond?

A Child And A Swear Word. How Should Parents Respond?

The child came from the kindergarten and excitedly told you that today he learned THIS word. Round eyes, a confused face - everything speaks of the expectation of your parental reaction. Yesterday's little angel with curls, today he brought in an obscene word and laid it out as if in spirit! A shocking moment, an unexpected situation for a parent. And it's good if you have time to catch your breath or turn away. After all, at this time he is closely watching you

Orphanages Yesterday And Today. Heading For The Abyss, Potential For Takeoff. Part 1

Orphanages Yesterday And Today. Heading For The Abyss, Potential For Takeoff. Part 1

How it was - the Makarenko system One of the main indicators of the efficiency of orphanages is the level of socialization of their graduates

Sexual Attraction: What The Attraction Depends On. 4 Types Of Sexuality

Sexual Attraction: What The Attraction Depends On. 4 Types Of Sexuality

Why in a couple, where passions raged, sexual attraction diminishes over the years? What if your partner has a lack of sexual desire? And if I don't want sex myself, is that okay? You will find the answer to these and other questions about sexual attraction, its signs below

Why Are Women Needed In The 21st Century?

Why Are Women Needed In The 21st Century?

Is the entire history of human development the history of men? Let's admit. But what were they inspired by? Without inspiration, there would be no poetry, no architecture, no theory of relativity. There would be no stone ax with a wheel, no development, no scientific breakthroughs, no masterpieces. Stimulus Attraction to a woman is an incentive for the realization of the entire masculine essence - for bestowal: both to the woman herself and to society - in the name of the woman

How To Stop Loving A Person And Live Your Life With Joy

How To Stop Loving A Person And Live Your Life With Joy

I'll start from the end: I managed to solve the problem of how to stop loving a person. This love caused only suffering, and none of us wants to suffer. The necessary knowledge was given by the training "System-vector psychology" by Yuri Burlan. Details on how you managed to put things in order in your head and in your heart, in this article

How To Get Rid Of Emotional Dependence On A Man: Symptoms And Causes

How To Get Rid Of Emotional Dependence On A Man: Symptoms And Causes

I can’t live without him. I die when he is not. I want to be there every second. There is so little of it in every day. Now he is at work, then he is tired, then he has an important meeting. How does he not understand that I love him more than life? Emotional dependence on a man acts like a stranglehold. I choke on love and soul it with my love

Unhappy Love. Resentment Is A Small Life

Unhappy Love. Resentment Is A Small Life

Back in school, I fell in love with a boy. Let's call him Zhenya. Zhenya was the most prominent young man - in class and in parallel. Big eyes, deep gaze, proud spreading eyebrows, aquiline nose, thick black hair. Zhenya was fit, athletic, smart. Many girls looked at him and dreamed of kissing him someday. I was among them

Dumb Love, Or Why Is He Silent About His Feelings?

Dumb Love, Or Why Is He Silent About His Feelings?

He and she. He is silent. He's just silent. It is impossible to understand from his face what he feels, what he thinks, what he wants. He answers any questions in monosyllables, sometimes even asks again, as if she distracted him from important thoughts with her nonsense. "Nonsense" is her feelings. She needs to know what's going on between them. She needs to feel that he needs her. She doesn't want to speak into emptiness, it hurts to feel alone together

The Sound Woman - Who She Is: The Answer To Her Natural Desire

The Sound Woman - Who She Is: The Answer To Her Natural Desire

What do women desire? Love, family, children, money, a fur coat. Shuddered from the earthiness? Are your interests more global? This is because the sound woman strives for the scale of the entire universe. About great desires and unique possibilities of the sound vector of a woman - more

Psychiatrists, Teacher And Psychologist About The Kerch Arrow. Why Did He Go To Kill?

Psychiatrists, Teacher And Psychologist About The Kerch Arrow. Why Did He Go To Kill?

The tragedy in Kerch - questions are still unanswered. Why did he do it? Why did the experts give him a weapon permit? Is it possible to prevent such tragedies? This article contains an expert opinion of a psychiatrist trained by Yuri Burlan "System-vector psychology" and comments from system specialists - a psychiatrist, teacher and psychologist, who fully reveal the motives of the Kerch shooter

The Perfect Man Hand-made

The Perfect Man Hand-made

I blinded him from what was … From the song by A. Apina

Let's Talk Frankly, Or The Role Of Sincerity In Couples Relationships

Let's Talk Frankly, Or The Role Of Sincerity In Couples Relationships

Paired relationships are primarily built on trust. When you trust another person, you expect a certain degree of openness from him too. Joint secrets appear that concern only you two and are not intended for strangers. But what about everyone's deeply personal secrets? It happens that the excessive frankness of one of the partners becomes too heavy a burden for the other. The desire to lighten the soul, "so that there is not a single secret between you," can even scare away or cause tr

You Piss Me Off, Or Leave Me Alone

You Piss Me Off, Or Leave Me Alone

Every morning starts out equally dull. The ascent is the first overcoming of oneself in the coming day. The desire to sleep seems to be the only one in this life. Nothing pleases. Peace and quiet are two inaccessible states that you want to plunge into, and it is better forever. But the kids don't care if I want to sleep or not. I have to take them to kindergarten, at best, or trudge to the kitchen and cook breakfast. And then dream all day so that the evening will come soon

Why I Don't Want Children: How To Determine The Limits Of The Norm

Why I Don't Want Children: How To Determine The Limits Of The Norm

The reason why a woman does not want children is different for everyone

Sadism In The Family. Part 2. Hurt Me

Sadism In The Family. Part 2. Hurt Me

Part 1. I want to hurt you Still, couples are not created on the basis that somewhere in heaven, some are prescribed to suffer, and others to enjoy happy romantic relationships. Our unconscious motivates us in choosing a partner

How To Cope With Resentment Against The Mother: We Solve The Problem Systematically, Psychologically Competently

How To Cope With Resentment Against The Mother: We Solve The Problem Systematically, Psychologically Competently

What hard work I had to admit that this pain - resentment against my mother - destroys me, only God knows. And how I would like to say that I love you, mom, dear … But I can't. After all, I expect this from you even more, I have waited all my life. I don't know a life without offense at you. When and why did we begin to lay brick by brick this wall of incomprehension, alienation, cold and irritation separating us?

Illusions Of Perception Of The World. Limited Body And Unlimited Soul

Illusions Of Perception Of The World. Limited Body And Unlimited Soul

There are people who want to get to the bottom of the root cause of everything. They ask themselves questions that others do not care about, because, in their opinion, they have no practical application. What comes first - the soul or the body? What is a soul anyway? What is the connection between soul and body?

Returning To Myself - How I Dreamed Of Being A Man

Returning To Myself - How I Dreamed Of Being A Man

Transsexuals … This word has become quite famous thanks to TV shows and newspaper articles. Still would! Such a topic! Already goggle eyes in amazement - can it really be so?

Asexuality In Women And Men: What Are The Reasons And How To Awaken A Faded Attraction

Asexuality In Women And Men: What Are The Reasons And How To Awaken A Faded Attraction

What determines a person's sexual desire? We observe that one of us needs sex often and in large quantities. Another is quite content with a couple of intimate meetings a month. And for some, there is no sexual desire at all - asexuality arises. What are the reasons?

Are The Intelligentsia The Bearers Of The Highest Ideals Or The Shame Of The Nation?

Are The Intelligentsia The Bearers Of The Highest Ideals Or The Shame Of The Nation?

The intelligentsia is a special Russian phenomenon that arose under the influence of our mentality. There is no such thing anywhere in the world! And it cannot be, because it could arise only in people for whom the general is more important than the personal. This priority is characteristic only of the Russian mentality. Why this is so and what is the role of the intelligentsia in the life of the Russian world, the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan will help us to understand

Family Under Threat, Or Why You Shouldn't Have A Pet

Family Under Threat, Or Why You Shouldn't Have A Pet

Cats, dogs - they are so cute! How many views every day videos with cute pets collect! Sometimes you really want to bring home a little fluffy ball! Look after him, play with him, see him grow. At first glance, pets bring so much joy to people - they relieve stress and do not let them be bored alone. However, this also has its pitfalls. System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan helps to understand this delicate issue. What happens when

Broken Relationships: Leave Or Save?

Broken Relationships: Leave Or Save?

“Damn it to hell! Fuck this relationship, I hate him! " - thoughts rushed like arrows in my head while you nervously pulled suitcases out of the closet, throwing them in the middle of the room. Anger and rage instilled confidence and added vigorous determination to your chaotic movements along the wardrobe-suitcase route

Why I Fall In Love With Losers, Or How To Find A Good Guy

Why I Fall In Love With Losers, Or How To Find A Good Guy

Beauty, clever, and unlucky in love. The first was a poor student, and never finished his studies. The second is hard-working, but drank. The third constantly got into bad stories: either they were deceived or they were kicked out of work. What a bad fate: attracting losers? Why do some women meet outsiders all the time? How to find and love a good person? Let's solve the problem systematically

Love, Sex And Tears. Echo Of Swear Words

Love, Sex And Tears. Echo Of Swear Words

The marriage is bursting at the seams

Feminine Guy: How To Be Happy

Feminine Guy: How To Be Happy

Read the beginning here. Everyone adapts as best they can. Especially if the world around you seems hostile. If a guy is feminine, he faces many dangers - real and caused by fears. Fear of the dark, such as the least evil possible

"Be Stronger, Don't Show Feelings!" Or Where Do Delusions Lead

"Be Stronger, Don't Show Feelings!" Or Where Do Delusions Lead

A man considers himself a weakling if he shows love. A woman is afraid to show feelings - what if she uses and quits? Men are ashamed to be gentle and sensual, so they are deliberately calm, even rude. Women learn to be deliberately relaxed. And we all utter some vulgar phrases, devaluing high, subtle feelings. We keep our distance, not opening our hearts, afraid to take a step towards each other, disoriented by false attitudes. Not only that, women are taught to rip off a man like sticky

An Offensive Ball, Or Gloating And Mate Will Grind Everything. Part 1

An Offensive Ball, Or Gloating And Mate Will Grind Everything. Part 1

My friend got a big bundle of "offensive balloons" for her birthday

Women's Training - All The Secrets On How To Become An Attractive And Confident Woman

Women's Training - All The Secrets On How To Become An Attractive And Confident Woman

What does it mean to become a real woman? Choosing women's training, each of us sets his own goals that he wants to achieve, for example: Some are looking for women's trainings online in order to become an independent and rich woman, confident, smart and strong. Someone has a bad experience of dependence on a man and wants to overcome it. Someone is haunted by the inner need to do more than just cook borscht

How To Get An Orgasm During Sex: The Psychology Of Female Pleasure

How To Get An Orgasm During Sex: The Psychology Of Female Pleasure

Do you like bad food? When there is no pleasure, just satiety. Sex without orgasm is perceived by a modern woman in about the same way. It seems like I ate, but I still want something tasty. How to learn to build intimate relationships in the best way? How to get an orgasm during sex? Where a woman should direct her efforts in paired relationships and get an orgasm is precisely determined at the training System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan

Sexual Experimentation As A Way To Revive The Senses. Anything That Is Not Forbidden Is Allowed

Sexual Experimentation As A Way To Revive The Senses. Anything That Is Not Forbidden Is Allowed

For some time now, I have a problem: for some reason, sex has ceased to be as bright as before, and there are periods that I don't want anything at all. It seems that everything is fine with my husband, but somehow it became boring in bed, the spark left the relationship, the flame of passionate love for her husband extinguished, when one touch of him caused a discharge of electricity in the body, and it began to whine sweetly with desire

Live In Perfect Harmony. Dreams And Reality

Live In Perfect Harmony. Dreams And Reality

About halves and love illusions What do we dream about when thinking about relationships? That somewhere there is a person who meets all our ideas about the soul mate. You just need to find it, and everything will be formed by itself. The ideal partner will love me the way I would like. He will understand me without words, just feel. Read my thoughts, finish the phrases I started. Guess desires and know me as yourself